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finding the logic


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A personal story.....


As some of you know my sister committed suicide on 25th May, now the act of suicide viewed by myself is a selfish act but I can never judge anyone until I am in possession of all the facts


My sister had suffered depression most of her life and took wrong turns to block it out which in turn created more problems but she was a tough cookie, the toughest I have ever met and later in life she tried to correct those mistakes


She tried to commit suicide in December and as I was in ICU with her I remember sitting there thinking WHY nothing was as bad as what she had faced before?


I'm a logical person, if I understand things then I can accept things!


I understood in the end that, that time was a cry for help and she got the help, mental health got involved and things looked good she was happy, she moved to a new flat and got engaged to her rock of a boyfriend of 5 years..


So when I got the call that she had died I was in shock, total shock


I returned home, there was no note of explanation she was just gone!


Me being me there was no logic to this, no sense of it what so ever so I went in search of answers and I found them!


2 weeks prior to her death she was diagnosed with COPD I remember posting somewhere that my sister had a terrible bad chest, she was treated as asthmatic

For years, she was always scared of lung cancer as dad died at 49, she was 43


I know my sister inside out and that diagnoses was the final nail in the coffin (pun intended)


Her demise was going to be inevitable and quite quick....


So why does this story belong on a quit smoking site?


Because my friends she was a smoker a heavy smoker, she was a nicotine addict which led to her to make a choice in the end..


She was depressed and with copd would have to give up smoking which made her more depressed and then her health, mobility, quality of life and all those around her lives would have changed for the worse, it was going to be hellish


She knew it and now so do we and so I found the logic....


Addiction kills one way or another either directly or indirectly


This is a personal story behind the horrors of it and it's a ripple effect that the ones closet have to deal with for the rest of our lives


Smoking is good is it?


Eventually it will get you and you will be faced with a devastating life choice


This is the truth and I hope who ever reads this please take it on-board and decide to break free before it's too late, just for a few minutes please read the real truth behind nicotine addiction and smoking and just for a few minutes put denial aside.


My name is Tracey I am a nicotine addict but I see the truth behind it and I choose to beat it


So can you one step at a time


Please jump on the NOPE pledge xx

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I'm so sorry Tracey. But at least now you have some closure...


My name is Ross, and I too am a nicotine addict, but chose to take control. Thank you for the reminder.

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My darling Tracey....

What a honest ..strong ...straight from the heart post....

I hope sharing it here....will help you on your journey forward.....

And help folks find the strength to come on board....to kick this killer addiction for good...

My fondest love ....

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My heart breaks for you and your family Tracey. I didn't know what happened, but I knew you lost your sister not too long ago. I'm glad you were able to find some answers and get some closure though. Thank you for sharing, as this is a strong message. Big hugs. <3

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Oh my heart hurts to read this Tracey. :( i am sorry for pain and your sisters' pain............thanks for your honesty and the reminder that this is a matter of life and death.,


my friend and neighbor for 25 years died of copd last week. Her daughter said she was suffering and even morphine could not help with the pain of trying to breathe. She quit smoking a long time ago but still got emphysema later in life.

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There is no words which can make sense out of a suicide but yours give reasons why. I have concluded that some people are overwhelmed beyond what we comprehend. We will never understand.


My father in law is in such poor shape from smoking his treatment for lung cancer would kill him quicker. I can see where your sister might feel the same way.

Friend ended his existence year back. We held wake. Everyone was pissed at him. I told several people not to try and understand. His thoughts were his and no making sense out of it.

Stay strong and keep marching.

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Tracey, my heart just breaks as I read this...but I am so glad this information has made the awful tragedy easier to understand and accept.  All my love and I am so glad you are headed our way!  (((Tracey)))

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