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Sugar Detox

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Doing one.  





Corn Syrup

Cane Sugar


Agave Nectar


Maple Sugar





Trying to get this done for two full weeks.  Fruit and fruit juice is allowed.

Wish me luck!!!

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Good Luck!! I've recently had to cut all sweets, processed food, dairy, and carbs. I have only cheated slightly with salad dressing every now and again. What I wouldn't give for a huge bowl of parmesan garlic pasta, or a grilled cheese sandwich. I have to get creative with my meat, eggs, and veggies! :P :)

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The sugar thing was getting bananas!  At night just binge eating: donuts, ice cream, candy, cookies, chocolate, etc.  


Sgt.  - I don't know about the fructose...I'm just following my friend's recipe.  It's too confusing for me to figure out so he's making my decisions for me!!!  He sounds like he knows what he's talking about... :P Something about switching from glycosis to ketosis.  

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Fruits are high in natural sugars, so eating fruit seems counter to this plan. However, for you, the plan is wise, considering you are used to tons of refined sugar items in your diet. By going to fruits you are taking a step away from all the refined stuff which has really bad ingredients besides sugar, like hydrogenated palm oil etc.


There are also sugars in milk. Carrots have a very high sugar content.


I think maybe green smoothies would help...with spinach or kale, and maybe just a reduced amount of fruit like 1/2 banana and a chuck of pineapple or a couple strawberries and blueberries. Get a list of the fruits with the lowest sugar content and go with them.


Good luck on this.


Stay away from commercial fruit juice. Too concentrated. Stick with fruits in their natural state.


Also, thoughts of smoking might increase - because by taking away highly refined sugar you are taking away a "lift" you are used to  --  I'd say do fruit, but in limited amounts, and use almond milk instead of dairy.


Need it be said, drink lots of water? (For me in the form of tea, and maybe for you that could be good too, as herbal teas come in lots of fruit flavors. My cabinets are crowded with herbal tea boxes since I quit smoking.) Can also flavor water with chunks of frozen fruit...


Just wondering if carob chips are allowed.They come in trail mixes, which might be a good alternative snack. Carob is a good alternative to chocolate, which can never taste good without sugar added! (I had to give up chocolate early in my quit as I was consuming dangerous amounts...)


Hope all this helps. Your cleanse at this level is inspiring, TEW!!!

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That sounds very hard. I don't think I could do it to be honest, at least not a detox. I was just diagnosed with insulin resistance on Monday (non-diabetic) and I'm on a low carb/high protein diet. I still eat carbs... just not as much. For me, I can't just detox from something. That will make me want it more.


Good luck though. I commend you! I'm certainly not brave to even try it, lol.

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So what is insulin resistant? Is that like pre-diabetic? I think I might be in that condition right now (haha, I'm the health anxious nut) but truly I do think so. I shouldn't have gotten on this thread, maybe! What does a "little bit" of daily carb mean? I'm assuming something like 1/2 cup pasta. A couple of years ago I went on the Atkins diet which is low carb/hi-protein and although it was hard, especially the first week or two with NO FRUITS OR SUGARS OR ALCOHOL, NO CARBS...but I ended up feeling GREAT. After a month of low carb, hi protein I lost a substantial amount in pounds, and gained energy.

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So far, going into day 4, I feel excellent.  I think the natural sugars are necessary for me to sustain this plan.  It's pretty incredible how often I go for a sugary drink - it's also incredible how many added sugars exist in nearly everything we buy/eat. 


But I'm loving this.  I feel more stable: less emotional and actually more happy.  Weird...didn't expect that.


So far every change has felt positive/beneficial.  Good stuff.

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So what is insulin resistant? Is that like pre-diabetic? I think I might be in that condition right now (haha, I'm the health anxious nut) but truly I do think so. I shouldn't have gotten on this thread, maybe! What does a "little bit" of daily carb mean? I'm assuming something like 1/2 cup pasta. A couple of years ago I went on the Atkins diet which is low carb/hi-protein and although it was hard, especially the first week or two with NO FRUITS OR SUGARS OR ALCOHOL, NO CARBS...but I ended up feeling GREAT. After a month of low carb, hi protein I lost a substantial amount in pounds, and gained energy.

Yeah, insulin resistant often precedes Type 2 diabetes. My body basically hates me. It is very easy for me to gain weight, and very difficult for me to lose weight. 


As a result of me eating a low carb diet and being on Metformin, I have lost 9 pounds in about 7 day. I am pretty stoked at the weight loss so far!


And TEW, awesome job! I really commend you for your commitment to your sugar detox.

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Past couple days have me in a funk.  So tired...craving all the cracked out sugar stuff:


But still going - onto day 10.


Leanna - don't buy into that label as a death sentence!!!  I think maybe you can reverse the damage by doing what you're doing.  Believe in yourself!  Do a lot of research.  And congrats on your success so far.

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I did a sugar detox the headaches were a nightmare, no fruit juice unless juiced yourself eat whole fruits but I ate natural honey as body can process it better


Now I'm just on moderation and if i eat sugar I eat protein as well


I've the crap is out you do feel amazing, but it's hard to sustain in this modern world personally for me anyways x

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Yeah, insulin resistant often precedes Type 2 diabetes. My body basically hates me. It is very easy for me to gain weight, and very difficult for me to lose weight. 


As a result of me eating a low carb diet and being on Metformin, I have lost 9 pounds in about 7 day. I am pretty stoked at the weight loss so far!


And TEW, awesome job! I really commend you for your commitment to your sugar detox.

Congratulations on awesome weight loss!!! You are very inspiring, Leanna. Keep on keeping on improving your health. Loving watching your journey. :)

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Thanks CPK! I just stepped on the scale this morning and am down a total of 70 pounds since October 2014. :D

WOW! This is beautiful! You made my day. Maybe your body really doesn't hate you, Leanna. Some of us just have to wrestle with metabolism, and other issues due to genetics. If anything, our ancestors hated us, Haha! That's how I feel sometimes. I'm part Irish and my friend is 100% Irish, and we always complain about having lumpy potato eaters as ancestors. However, my friend lost about as much as you did, and in the same time frame. I am really happy for you, Leanna. Keep going. I'm also on the weight loss trail. (Really just beginning, at 5 months quit, as I now find the weight gained since quitting smoking unacceptable.)

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WOW! This is beautiful! You made my day. Maybe your body really doesn't hate you, Leanna. Some of us just have to wrestle with metabolism, and other issues due to genetics. If anything, our ancestors hated us, Haha! That's how I feel sometimes. I'm part Irish and my friend is 100% Irish, and we always complain about having lumpy potato eaters as ancestors. However, my friend lost about as much as you did, and in the same time frame. I am really happy for you, Leanna. Keep going. I'm also on the weight loss trail.


Thanks CPK! I'm a mix of Irish and Scottish, so I understand where you are coming from. I have had so many issues with my body, but it looks like I can control it! That's reassuring. I thought I was just doomed to be big for the rest of my life. 

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Thanks CPK! I'm a mix of Irish and Scottish, so I understand where you are coming from. I have had so many issues with my body, but it looks like I can control it! That's reassuring. I thought I was just doomed to be big for the rest of my life. 

I can get really slender and strong but I have to work at it like a dog. (Just reality!  :( ) When I do I am always amazed and think, "Wow, I really can do this,"  :) (just like you!) but invariably I bounce back to gaining weight. My Irish friend and I have been doing this since we were teenagers, and now we are older dogs still doing the gain/lose dance. Really, it's hard if your body wants a higher "set point" -----  Once you lose a lot of weight you can eat anything and not gain --- for awhile --- and it's crazy fun - haha. Then...BOOM...back to lumpy Irish potato body! I think quitting smoking can help us both because this time I just want to get thin and stay thin...and I have to pledge "nope" daily to refrain from eating like a pig. Haha. (I just finished a week of low carb and it was fine) I am going to be following your journey closely, Leanna, so keep posting, my dear Irish Scottish lass (owh! double whammy! Blame the ancestors!!!)

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I can get really slender and strong but I have to work at it like a dog. (Just reality!  :( ) When I do I am always amazed and think, "Wow, I really can do this,"  :) (just like you!) but invariably I bounce back to gaining weight. My Irish friend and I have been doing this since we were teenagers, and now we are older dogs still doing the gain/lose dance. Really, it's hard if your body wants a higher "set point" -----  Once you lose a lot of weight you can eat anything and not gain --- for awhile --- and it's crazy fun - haha. Then...BOOM...back to lumpy Irish potato body! I think quitting smoking can help us both because this time I just want to get thin and stay thin...and I have to pledge "nope" daily to refrain from eating like a pig. Haha. (I just finished a week of low carb and it was fine) I am going to be following your journey closely, Leanna, so keep posting, my dear Irish Scottish lass (owh! double whammy! Blame the ancestors!!!)

My weight fluctuates like crazy. I lose, gain, lose, gain. It's just a vicious circle. In October, I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea. That's when I decided I needed to really lose the weight. I changed my eating habits and have been working out a lot. Before, I was just exercising, which is useless if you're still eating crap. I have been thinking about making my own post so I can stop taking over someone else's thread, lol. Sorry TEW!

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My weight fluctuates like crazy. I lose, gain, lose, gain. It's just a vicious circle. In October, I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea. That's when I decided I needed to really lose the weight. I changed my eating habits and have been working out a lot. Before, I was just exercising, which is useless if you're still eating crap. I have been thinking about making my own post so I can stop taking over someone else's thread, lol. Sorry TEW!

I am sure TEW will understand. How about doing a QT blog??? I'd love that, then I could check in with you via your blog and get all inspired, too!!! The point is, Leanna, a few years ago I got serious, like you, and did diet and exercise, and it was like, "Hello, body!" and Leanna, it is amazing, because, yes, you can have a body you feel 100% comfortable in. But I "relapsed" and just like a smoking relapse it's a drag to have to start all over. I hope you consider doing a blog. Okay, TEW is going to be jumping in any minute!

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Hey Guys - stay put.  I like this thread.  I think sugar becomes a substitute for ex-smokers.  Important to explore the implications of this.


People always think I must be a healthy eater because I look slender & fit.  Truthfully I am just an exercise maniac.  At night I would eat multiple packages of candy, donuts, soda, chips, etc.  Sugar addict - HARDCORE.  "Fat on the inside" as they say.


I've been detoxing for 10 days.  Some days I'm really freaking tired but overall I feel more composed.  


Hard.  Worth it.

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Hey Guys - stay put. I like this thread. I think sugar becomes a substitute for ex-smokers. Important to explore the implications of this.


People always think I must be a healthy eater because I look slender & fit. Truthfully I am just an exercise maniac. At night I would eat multiple packages of candy, donuts, soda, chips, etc. Sugar addict - HARDCORE. "Fat on the inside" as they say.


I've been detoxing for 10 days. Some days I'm really freaking tired but overall I feel more composed.


Hard. Worth it.




This exactly!

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I am CALMER now...feels almost like I'm on a pain killer or something!  Remarkable.

 13 Days in.

I "slipped" and had 2 lifesavers last night and my headache was terrible!

My food sponsor told me that's from the dyes.

He wrote:

"You probably haven't been eating colors, huh? Cause it's only in food with sugar. So now your body isn't responding with the constant endorphin flow that used to mask the headaches. Ahh, you're screwed now! See, you can't go back"


I think he might be right...I feel too good these days, it'll be hard to give up this peace of mind.

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I am CALMER now...feels almost like I'm on a pain killer or something! Remarkable.

13 Days in.

I "slipped" and had 2 lifesavers last night and my headache was terrible!

My food sponsor told me that's from the dyes.

He wrote:

"You probably haven't been eating colors, huh? Cause it's only in food with sugar. So now your body isn't responding with the constant endorphin flow that used to mask the headaches. Ahh, you're screwed now! See, you can't go back"


I think he might be right...I feel too good these days, it'll be hard to give up this peace of mind.



I'm having the most trouble giving up dairy lately. It switches back and forth from dairy and sugar and if it's carbs than either sugary pastries (with dairy somehow) or salty savory carbs (again with dairy) I'm not sure I can cut out all three for very long. :( What's your biggest weakness or the most difficult for you to avoid?? I definitely feel better as well.

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