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Favorite Things to Relax


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Post a short (notice I didn't say three pages chicks) and easy relax or comfort item to help move the mind away from the struggle. Something that makes you appreciate what you got and smile while thinking about other things than troubles and struggles


I enjoy music. Songs I can understand the lyrics. Don't matter what they say but love songs are probably the best. The ones that make you think a little. Sit down and reminiscing about things and listen to a singer belt out "lying eyes" or "don't stop thinking about tomorrow " (even though I hated the Clintons for playing it cuz I voted for the chicken guy).

Not rap or country. A classic rock or blues. Anything with a message I can make fit some point in my life and realize I made it to here and it's not a bad place, kind of nice really and I got a lot to be thankful for. Plus things look like they were for the best no matter how bad they were at time. So my trick is to relax with some music, possibly a beer and a little self reflection. Kid rock has a few good ones. John Cash. Anything in between.


What's your tip?

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It helped me to remember to take breaks, even though they weren't smoke breaks.  Just to get up and move around, walk outside and take deep breaths...think about the next treat I would reward myself with...


(oh, and I used to bop people with an imaginary  tennis racket , steal likes, and  stalk Bakon..but we don't need to mention those...)

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I love to listen to songs I can sing to.  I like to pretend I am a rock star, like Katy Perry or Pink or Madonna or Linda Ronstadt (Spanish version)  or the lead singer of the Motels or Blondie or AC/DC or... or... or .....


Seriously - gives me great relaxation and pleasure even if anyone around me is putting in ear plugs.  :)

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Music, I had quit songs.


A mantra. Something quick but personal. Along with the NOPE from here I used "for Milly and I" which just reminded me that it wasn't just me I was quitting for.


Dancing like a loon, just jumping about ( I feel like exercise should have been here but I was lazy at that point lol).


Deep breaths. 


I also did a lot of self healing and practiced being kind to myself which is pretty much the same. Scented stuff and lots of it, long showers, long walks, days out etc. 


Quoted poetry to distract myself, Invictus is my favourite.


Sex, not in a smutty way but in a I didn't associate it with smoking so it was a good distraction. It is not romantic to say I need distracting, apparently it's one of those things you can think but not say out loud.

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I know it sounds weird but work really helped distract me in my tough days I guess anything that could distract me. Listening to music, dancing and I agree Marti..sex was a good distraction also :-)

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A long walk in nature.  Noticing things like tiny flowers growing in the cracks of a mountain side and things like that.  I guess getting out of my own head and focusing on life outside of the human realm.  It helps with perspective.  And I pray a lot..that brings me comfort.

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music, definitely....for many reasons

one of them is my ear buds.....when anyone at work or home pisses me off....I put them in..turn it up...and tune them out...


stopped me from killing someone and going to jail many many times


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Also... not judging or having so many opinions anymore.  I don't get upset... I just move on.


Life is so good...if you let it.


yep!!!  I found the more critical I am of other people...the more angry I would become..and then gossip..and bitch about people...YUK...I don't like that ugliness but being human and surrounded by people all day...the temptations are always there.  I'm back to meditating every day and that helps keep that at bay.  I love meditation...i'm so much more comfortable and relaxed when I do it regularly. 


Who am I to judge?  My opinions are only a perspective anyway -based on my experiences and judging without having all the facts...who really has all the facts anyway?  and further more...why am I even worried about other people and what they are doing wrong?  It's non of my business...being mindful of my own reactions, and my behavior and my thoughts..that's a full time job right there...no time to worry about things I can't control.


Live and let live


Life is good!

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yep!!!  I found the more critical I am of other people...the more angry I would become..and then gossip..and bitch about people...YUK...I don't like that ugliness but being human and surrounded by people all day...the temptations are always there.  I'm back to meditating every day and that helps keep that at bay.  I love meditation...i'm so much more comfortable and relaxed when I do it regularly. 



i can relate to this so much. I've been meditating a bit recently. I found that the hardest thing about not getting angry is the fact that there are so many crappy people in the world. Selfish, ignorant and mean people. Meditation is definitely helping me get more centred. I'm trying to focus on the good people in the world and let go of the actions of others because some people can never be changed. It's a daily struggle though, especially because i have a girl living two units down from me that seems to be on a daily mission to do inconsiderate things that annoy me. When i was meditating yesterday i heard her making a commotion outside and i refused to acknowledge it, i just kept focusing further inward.  

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The sanity of not smoking is relaxing. I haven't fully adjusted to the new normal and there are a lot of things I have yet to experience as a nonsmoker, but some days just breathing is sexy.


I saw a woman smoking yesterday and suddenly she just hauled off and spit a big glob on the sidewalk. Then she wiped her mouth with the back or her hand and kept smoking. That's insane and gross to the point of insanity. I remember that feeling of my whole head feeling clogged up with smoker's congestion.


I love breathing. It's a miracle my chest doesn't feel tight, I don't have allergies, or a cough, and can smell EVERYTHING. Breathing has become very relaxing.

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