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Our Action is 6 Months Quit!!!! Meow

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Of course its a cat picture


love you man - you take paying it forward to a whole new level cant wait to meet you in the summer when the UK reunion happens and I give you a big ole bear hug xxxx



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action you are someone who is instantly loved by everyone the moment they meet you.  Thanks for letting us share in this journey with you.  xoxo



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Action, 6 months quit???  Ok, *holds bic in air*


You have a wonderful quit and I always see you helping others.  I'm so happy for you today... a major groovylicious congrats from me to you!!!  Not sure what the"cat" thing means, but here ya go... lol



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Wwoooohooooo you are awesome action. You're a a little bit ahead of me so extra love your milestones since I'm always right behind ya! ((((Action)))) maybe we should wine party celebrate ? :)!

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Wow Action, that's fantastic! Congrats on 6 months. :D You always reach out and offer support to anyone who posts; I am very grateful to have you as a friend! :) Thank you for all you do and keep it up! :D 

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Wow congrats!!! I hope I can say the same thing in 6 months :)   I'm hopeful......you're in my prayers, you'll make it!

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You are an inspiration to all of us...you are a very sweet and special person... so happy to know you my English Friend.




:) :) :)

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Dear action, you are such a hero in your own quit and at paying it forward.  I am so proud of you at your 6 month celebration...I think we may need a wine party tomorrow night!  Sorry we did not get titles in place for your 6 months, but you said you like....and I declare you.., a Gladiator!!!!  All my love to you!!


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I am so incredibly happy you are here!  You are supportive AND fun AND you are one of those people who look like their cute pets!!!! 




Congrats on 6 Months!

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Action, Congratulations! Big 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You have made my quit a lot easier and I thank you for that!


You can have any job at the paper you want my friend!


Glad to be doing this with you!

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Action - 6 months is fantastic - and the way you pay it forwards is wonderful


Congratulations on an awesome quit .... Love you Ross 3daa4cc69413a4a4fda538b0ecb14120_zps9b10



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Action I am sooooo proud of you. You are a non smoker now of 6 glorious months. In that time you have been a ROCK to so many other people, your truly one of the most selfless and giving people I have ever met. I wish I could give you a hug and celebrate with a beer...to bad the big pons separates that :( Love you, love your heart, congratulations and boy am I ever proud of you!!! Young pharte looks good on you :)

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Wow action! Well done! You come across as such a nice guy and provide so much support to everyone. I'm glad you're here :) Congratulations :)

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