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I realize not everyone has children and that quits start for all sorts of reasons. I support each and every reason! However mine was prompted by a request from a child.


"I think every year, every month, every day, every hour, every minute that someone has quit smoking should be a celebration". 


That's the line my still very proud 9 year old Milly just delivered to me half hour ago. It kind of struck a chord with me. She's right of course and although the same child just accidently spanked herself round the head with a bamboo pole, (long story, not a ninja just yet), on quitting at least she has a point. She hated the smell. She hated how often I went missing to smoke and how little spare money we had to do things. 


We smoke our lives away, quite literally, not really accepting the impact on our children. The very people we say we would gladly give our life for...shouldn't we save our lives for them too?


Then there's the liklihood and statistics on children of smokers becoming smokers themselves! At my daughters age, I had already stolen my first cigarette, from my Mums packet. I'm not proud of it but that's how I started. I love that my daughters will not start via me. 


Whether your quit is 1 minute old or years old - it is inspiring and to be cherished and protected.  


Don't assume your children don't notice or care!! Also don't assume they need to be your child to worry, my girls worry terribly over their Nan smoking!  It's never too late and of course, educate yourself but don't assume it's alright to set this example. If you can't quit for you, it's ok to start off for a child and grow into it being for you.



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my kids are grown so it was too late for me when I quit....but my 2 year old granddaughter has not nor will she ever know her mom-mom as a smoker.  Of that...I am proud!

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So true Marti..those kiddos are something aren't they? I'm with babs hoping..knowing my grand babe's never know Gigi as a smoker! 7 months today!! Woot !Woot

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Awesome post Marti- and think of what a great role model you are now for your kids ...so happy for you and them :-).


And maybe next time you could include a potential to make people snort out loud at work spoiler ....BEFORE including the ninja comments ??

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No she's started martial arts classes and was pretending it was an escrima stick...(long stick thing ninja's whack each other with).


The kid thing is powerful for me. Of course it is us who controls our quit and our choice, but I do think a lot about the cruddy examples I have set and it makes me hold tighter to my quit, or did when I wobbled. It's also what prompted me to start quitting, it still took a while. Just thought maybe it would help someone else but if not, that's ok too, it already helped me :)

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I agree...and they are still my children no matter how old they are...

It was my daughter with tears running down her cheeks and begging me to stop smoking...that gave me the strength...

She was forty years old..

I promised her...and I intend to keep it....

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