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Take smoking off your table!


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    Everyone has a lot of stuff on their table and in their life. You might have job stress, lots of bills, some medical issues and a host of other things going on that makes the thought of quitting seem impossible but it's not! All those things have nothing to do with smoking. You might reach for a cigarette when your dealing with them but if you think about it, smoking doesn't help resolve any of your other problems. All it does is makes the bills more difficult to pay because your paying for your smokes with money you could be putting towards some of the bills, increases the medical issues in the long run and your job stress probably will always be there but you will be able to cope with it better! Only thing smoking does for your table is keep it cluttered with ash trays, stink and haze from the cigarettes!


  Once you take smoking off your table, all the other stuff will start to fall in to place and your life will be easier in the long run and you will have a clean organized table that's easier to deal with. You will smell better, have more energy, more money, no more smokers cough and look better with your pearly white teeth and that could be a factor in getting a raise or promotion at work that you were wanting and that will help with the bills! You can even save that cigarette money to help pay for that vacation you have been putting off. Everyone will see your new found pride and self confidence of what you have accomplished and people especially employer like that! You might not see some smoking friends as much anymore but that's probably because you will be hanging out with some new nonsmoking friends!


By taking smoking off your table your body will immediately start to heal itself physically and mentally. You will be more active again and have a brand new attitude towards life! You will want to do the things you used to do again like going to the gym, bike hikes, sled riding, swimming, playing a sport of some kind because your energy level be way up there. You will not be so out of breath and sweaty in the summer and in the winter, not as cold or get as many colds either! Your attitude towards anything will be "OK lets do it" instead of "OK we'll see, maybe tomorrow"!


How do you take smoking off the table? To be honest it's not that easy but I guess that where the pride and self confidence comes from once you quit smoking and not one way or size fit all of us either, just like everybody is a little different, every quit is a little different. The biggest thing I think is your mind set, you need to want to quit smoking more then you want to smoke! A wise man once said, Why would you put something in your mouth and light it on fire! Next you need a tool box to help build your quit, see:   http://www.quittrain.com/topic/2008-quit-tool-boxes/?hl=tool  Fill your tool box with what you will need to quit not necessarily what others put in there's but take a look at theirs anyway, you probably could use some of there tools and ideas. Armed with the right attitude and the right tools for the job, you can take smoking off your table or even build a whole new bigger and better one!







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smoking is not an option


that was mine...same concept..different words


once you start playing around with words like...just one, maybe this wasn't a good time to quit, maybe I am not strong enough, maybe I'm more addicted, I'm tempted to smoke, I want to smoke, I feel shaky....all this negative self talk leaves the option to smoke...take it off the table

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Great post! Cop an attitude about the quit, get your head right with it, get militant and step on that addiction.


When you become aware you will have to take it all off the table, just like the man said. You're in or you're out. Choose.

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  • 2 years later...

I enjoyed smoking all the cigarretes. I suffer from anxiety and used it as a crutch for 8 years so while quitting smoking i was climbing walls for the first 5 months. It was gangsta i tell you. But then it got better. Everyone that knows me were very surprised that i managed to puff it off. And i tell you, if i can quit smoking, anyone can. It doable so hop in and lets do it.

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