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Hey Michelle!


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I'm prone to making speeches. I'm trying not to now, and I am going to try to make this as brief as I can ..


You name it, I've made every mistake there is in quitting smoking.


I've also been around a while.


The *Single Biggest Thing* I have learned over the years on quitting is this.






At the beginning of a quit, I was doing it lots and sometimes MULTIPLE TIMES, before the thought left.


I have found this stops any *romancing/wishing* for one, in it's tracks.


Even at over a year of not smoking, I remember myself, by then instinctively doing it, when the *far and few* thoughts would come.


I don't give it a chance to enter my mind, I just *SCREAM* at it, until it is gone.


Try it. It works a treat!


Your doing *GREAT* by the way!


EDIT:  The screaming is in my head, when I am around others ... lol

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Awww thank you so much. Today I was actually thinking that I didn't really WANT to quit so no amount of self talk was helping....though I didn't actually go buy any so that says I must have really NOT wanted to smoke. But it was very, very close. The thing that saved me besides talking to you guys was recognizing that the things I was thinking were the same things I have though through every quit as well as when trying to get clean/sober before, and just believing that no matter how real the desire felt, it is not real...knowing that I'd kick myself if I gave in, especially when I woke up in the morning and couldnt say I had a week smoke free. Gosh you guys....I'm amazed I made it to bedtime. I really had my doubts.


I called my sponsor at one point and left her a crazy sounding voice mail LOL. She called back and talked me off the ledge. One of her suggestions was to buy myself something tomorrow with the money that I almost spent on a pack tonight then text her tomorrow and tell her what I bought. I may just go to the Dollar Tree and get 8 little things. I don't have a lot of money right now and no matter how much my ticker says I saved, I just don't seem to have it LOL funny how that works. So I have not been able to put my cig money in savings. But I DO have the money I would have spent tonight. So...tomorrow I go have fun. Another thing she suggested is a warm bath with a candle (til I pointed out the lighter would probably trigger me) I had a bath, used pretty smelling bath salts then gave myself a pedicure. Now I'm laying in bed with carrot sticks and bleu cheese dressing and an apple getting ready to watch a show, then I go to bed. Thank GOD.


I like the screaming in my head thing. I will definitely do a lot of screaming from now on!!


It means a lot to me that you'd reach out to me like that. thank you. Hugs!!!

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That was a great post.  Reminds me of a similar experience I didn't mention.


My roommate has no addiction issues. Not smoking, not drinking, drugs, nothing. Except Facebook. 


I found a baggie of a dried green leafy substance on the bookcase.


In roughly 2.5 seconds I had every emotion known to man....good and bad ones.


Stuck my nose in the bag and smelled but wasn't too sure...been a long time since I smelled that stuff. Starting thinking i should eat some, or ingest it somehow...I'm 4.5 months clean and sober so that was very, very bad.


Messaged my roommate asking what it is...................................catnip. LOL


Thats when I called my sponsor.

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Hey Michelle,


I actually agree with the yelling thing too....my version of it was NOPE but with switching foot to foot forward and backward, lol, I laugh now...at home I looked like a right old nut job :)  Didn't care, it worked. Sounds like you had a tough day at times there chick. Some days hey! However it may help to think along the lines of that day is done and as long as you simply don't smoke, you will never have to do it again!  When it grabs you like that try and head it off as quick as you can. However long that may be for you, just as soon as you're able to quiet it and distract yourself you will feel stronger for it. Whyquit is a brilliant site to read at when you're having a bad trigger too. Some of the stories are so severe and heartbreaking it can turn the craveon it's head straight away with the ARGH I will not ever smoke again after reading that horrific story (have tissues ready!!).


Cpk, pleased you got by a different way, all roads lead to rome don't they, however don't knock it till you tried it. They do scream therapy and there's reasons for it, different folks for different strokes :)  However your point about loving your quit is a strong one. You need to cherish a quit like a new born, give it room to grow and teach it, fill it full of love and like Michelle's sponser says, give it treats :)


TEW - sometimes it's good to be bad ;)  No such thing as a bad cookie!


Seriously Michelle, every time you pull yourself through those moments your quit grows stronger! You will wake this morning so delighted to have a safe and secure week old quit!! Fabulous sweetie. xx

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Mike and cpk you made me laugh sooooooooo hard. Marti, yeah it was the hardest day I have ever had on ANY quit. I'm amazed I made it through. Wouldnt have if it wasn't for you guys.


TEW.....THATS MY GIRL!!!! I ate a half a bag of blowpops and two lemon pudding cups. I have been known to go through a stick of butter in my sleep. So you're in good company.


11:41pm and I am going to try to get some sleep...grateful I made it through the day!!!

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Hey Michelle,


I actually agree with the yelling thing too....my version of it was NOPE but with switching foot to foot forward and backward, lol, I laugh now...at home I looked like a right old nut job :)  Didn't care, it worked. Sounds like you had a tough day at times there chick. Some days hey! However it may help to think along the lines of that day is done and as long as you simply don't smoke, you will never have to do it again!  When it grabs you like that try and head it off as quick as you can. However long that may be for you, just as soon as you're able to quiet it and distract yourself you will feel stronger for it. Whyquit is a brilliant site to read at when you're having a bad trigger too. Some of the stories are so severe and heartbreaking it can turn the craveon it's head straight away with the ARGH I will not ever smoke again after reading that horrific story (have tissues ready!!).


Cpk, pleased you got by a different way, all roads lead to rome don't they, however don't knock it till you tried it. They do scream therapy and there's reasons for it, different folks for different strokes :)  However your point about loving your quit is a strong one. You need to cherish a quit like a new born, give it room to grow and teach it, fill it full of love and like Michelle's sponser says, give it treats :)


TEW - sometimes it's good to be bad ;)  No such thing as a bad cookie!


Seriously Michelle, every time you pull yourself through those moments your quit grows stronger! You will wake this morning so delighted to have a safe and secure week old quit!! Fabulous sweetie. xx

I don't believe in "scream therapy" as an effective tool in building a strong foundation in any area of life. It's just antithetical to the way I view gaining personal freedom. I would not advise catering to cravings, urgers, and triggers with unrestrained violent emotions, no. If a person is already using "scream therapy" I guess it's their thing...however, I am saying I would never advise it as a quit smoking technique, ever, because smoking is a "hot" addition, and cooling methods (drinking ice water, breathing, talking with supportive friend or sponsor, walking) are more effective in the long run.

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Do we know what blowpops are, yet? :acute: Cuz seems like they work!


Michelle, don't listen to any of my advice. I am known as the person who sucked on a baby's pacifier (binky) the first week of my quit! :tender:


Cookies are great. My go to comfort food during this quit has been angel hair pasta. In fact, had it for breakfast today with artichoke hearts, and cottage cheese. Ah, but things get weird during a quit! :laugh1:


:huh:                         :wink:  Don't worry, little guy, Michele is gonna tell us what blowpops are...

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I don't believe in "scream therapy" as an effective tool in building a strong foundation in any area of life. It's just antithetical to the way I view gaining personal freedom. I would not advise catering to cravings, urgers, and triggers with unrestrained violent emotions, no. If a person is already using "scream therapy" I guess it's their thing...however, I am saying I would never advise it as a quit smoking technique, ever, because smoking is a "hot" addition, and cooling methods (drinking ice water, breathing, talking with supportive friend or sponsor, walking) are more effective in the long run.

I have no idea what you're saying lol.


However...because I have quit and I did use the "yell like a banshee" method and it did work I'm kinda happy to suggest it as an option. Not scream therapy, no idea on that, that was simply me saying this kind of thing exists.  But I yelled NOPE like a woman possessed on multiple occasions lol, and didn't smoke so maybe some validity in it for some....


Later I only needed the breathing and thinking or walking or something more "reasonable" I guess :) xx

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personally I don't care what you do...as long as you don't stick things in your mouth and light them on fire...scream, yell, laugh, cry, bittch, moan, complain, celebrate, masturbate, shop, eat, run, walk...as long as it's not harmful to you or others...go for it.

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I have thought about this topic all morning and thought about how i'm not much of a screamer...not sure why.  Mostly cause...it hurts for me to scream.   I don't believe i've ever screamed in my life.  My throat just doesn't work llke that.  Hard to explain. 


Every week...on Friday's to be exact...I do Cardio kickboxing and man oh man.....do i ever LOVE unloading on that bag....feels so good.  All my pain, anger, fear, disappointments....every person who ever pissed me off that week is getting punched in the face on Friday morning at 5 am!  Best therapy ever!

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I have thought about this topic all morning and thought about how i'm not much of a screamer...not sure why.  Mostly cause...it hurts for me to scream.   I don't believe i've ever screamed in my life.  My throat just doesn't work llke that.  Hard to explain. 


Every week...on Friday's to be exact...I do Cardio kickboxing and man oh man.....do i ever LOVE unloading on that bag....feels so good.  All my pain, anger, fear, disappointments....every person who ever pissed me off that week is getting punched in the face on Friday morning at 5 am!  Best therapy ever!


Well, I thought most people would see right away, that it was a metaphorical screaming. I do say "No" out loud but, only when I am alone.


What a stupid thing for Stephanie to jump all over with, in a thread to a Newbie.

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Not sure there was much screaming for me...


A little bit of "Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom" perhaps, when I channelled my inner Australian short arse Scottish accent.


I did do a fair amount of talking to my myself though...


Funnily enough, I still do.


Who said that?

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