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babs liked something of mine and I liked her back


Elton smooching mikes butt


islanders all fancy over a baby to thrown


sticks avoiding game because ginger cheating. cats in signature giving epileptic seizures when trying to post below her.

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michelle seems to have disappeared...not logged in for a few days now

Marie...where the heck are you?

Mike is out

cpk still around but pretty quiet these days


I don't get it...this is a quit smoking forum, no????

hope all 4 stay quit...and bring some friends back here...we need new people



also..where is starrynite??????


geez....where is everyone?

I don't know but they need to get back here right this minute!!

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sonic suspiciously quiet


no dd in game


ava spouting philosophy


babs sprouting wings


beacons cat looks like a bird peeking out with two long feathers on head


stripper at 6---- see pro tits ---- cprofits


ginger still blinding us with flash cats


jimmy popped by

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We need all newbies to check in asap.

We need Nancy to translate bakon talk.

We need MQ to speak up.

We need Evelyn to keep up the positivity.

We need Ginger to put bakon in his place.


I'm watching a show on Scientology ... Any Scientologists in the group?

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Checking in...

90 days quit, raw, No Man's land

anxiety like sizzling live wire

zapping new energy from

transmogrified lungs

PMing peeps

nice ones PM back

one is more interested

in stoopid talk on the forum and

complaining of nothing going on

while sincere newbies are

wrestling with new quits

all over the place

maybe PM a newbie would be nice

just say hi, hope you are okay

sorry if i sound like a $itch

but new and tweenie

newbies (in no man's land

and elsewhere) are working really hard

like TEW, Ricki, Tyme, Jackie, Ev,

Big Feet, Larks, Eriklambie...etc

im reading more and PMing

not posting much these days

'cept now to "check in" --- really

needing wisdom about getting

to 4 months, 7 months, a year

and forward

just not interested in sheenanigans and play

building a quit into one's life is not boring

but essential and pivotal, and if

these days the quit hurts don't want

to feel quilty about it

it is what it is, i don't smoke ---

but 90 days is new, Ava, you are right, and

apologies to Marti cuz

i've been employing a pretty

good silent scream these days

and special thanks to

Jackie, Tyme, and Lambieman,

Larks, congrats, speedy-leggings,

and hail to former Mayor Markus,

you're the (sha)MAN...


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Rocky Horror Picture Show, we could name it Quit Queen loves Shoes while Speeding and cracking her open!!  :o I am quite a naive person really, and pssssst all my perfume smells like cats p@@@....................xx

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Don't have to go far on Internet to read that

people give up quits at 3 months, 4 months,

7 months, 11 months...

the first year is a freaking mine field --


New expanding lungs whisper,

"Don't betray me again, please,

I'm starting to feel so good,"


Yes, lungs talk, say thank you.


But still, people everywhere are

giving up the quit.


So tweeners or whatever the heck

they are called

at 3 month to a year

need support just like

the 3 day quit...


cuz to lose a quit after so much hard

work is TRAGIC

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Don't have to go far on Internet to read that

people give up quits at 3 months, 4 months,

7 months, 11 months...

the first year is a freaking mine field --


New expanding lungs whisper,

"Don't betray me again, please,

I'm starting to feel so good,"


Yes, lungs talk, say thank you.


But still, people everywhere are

giving up the quit.


So tweeners or whatever the heck

they are called

at 3 month to a year

need support just like

the 3 day quit...


cuz to lose a quit after so much hard

work is TRAGIC

When I first quit, we had a Summer Quitters group.  It was super helpful as we supported each other and posted our milestones for each other and stuff.


Maybe you already have a group like that (not sure since I am not here as often), but if not, I would highly suggest it.


You could call yourself First Quarter Quitters or something. 

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Between ourselves I think there is a lot of support.


I'm saying that if old phartes are bored and looking

for newbies to support, there are plenty of people

already on the site who could be supported.


Old phartes have wisdom to share. Maybe would be

nice if some old phartes who don't post much take a

topic that's near and dear to them and do a

substantial post.

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Time for newbie spankimg......read first post of thread.....


Is it in line with what your posting.....


If not you need to post three selfies of you looking for the right answer.....

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Time for newbie spankimg......read first post of thread.....


Is it in line with what your posting.....


If not you need to post three selfies of you looking for the right answer....


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I think what bakon is referring to....is that this is the social section and totally meant for fun. If you want serious quitting business--that's on the quit smoking discussion forum. It's why we have separate areas.


Cpk--I noticed the fun and games seems to annoy you, but what kind of lonely person would hang around a quit site only waiting around for newbies needing assistance? Just sitting there waiting. Tic tic tic goes the clock. Not many sane people would do that. So....in the meantime...we have fun. That's why there is always someone here. Without to socialization and fun...it would be a ghost town. It's why it works. :)

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Halfway through this thread some people started asking where other people were, and that new quits needed to check in. Perhaps I lost the meaning of checking in. It is true I have little interest in the fun and games stuff. Maybe I hijacked this thread, but it happens all the time. I have posted sincere posts in appropriate sections, and others have hijacked the thread with smutty jokes and even personal insults from out of nowhere, which was pretty disheartening. Truth be told, sometimes I come on here and I don't know what is happening with me. It's only after I read my own posts I see I am not in the best place mentally, and all I am really managing is to put in another day of not smoking. It's discouraging. I feel like a ghost of my former self. I read EVERYTHING because I need constant reassurance that if I keep moving forward all the awful stuff will eventually fade. Boo Hoo. Crybaby stuff. I can take it somewhere else, off this site. I'm not angry because this insane disregulated person is NOT ME. It is someone trying to throw off a horrible addiction. I know the message here is to "lighten up" but I do have a lot of life stresses, too. I need to accept the reality, that, like Marti, my quit has coincided with a lot of other stuff in my life that suck. When I first quit I was really happy, even euphoric, and I thought the "quit" was done. Then the mental and emotional stuff came on, and it was like getting hit with a Mac truck. I simply didn't anticipate this part of the quit journey. In the future will be mindful to post in appropriate sections. PS I knew what Bakon was talking about.

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i hear ya.....I just was clarifying because you put a question mark under his quote...usually that indicates lack of understanding.


Truth be told cpk...earlier in your quit you jumped right in the social threads and said some kooky stuff...kooky meaning fun like you were trying to play along...so if people highjacked your serious posts...it was only because you acted like you were all in and being a good sport about it.  I don't think there is one member here who would purposefully insult you or harm you in any way.  If we knew you were seriously struggling...we never would have joked...but your demeanor at the time suggested otherwise.  If I was a participant in your thread hijacking..I do apologize and realize now you are struggling more than I knew and will not be making any jokes at your expense from here on out....now that I know it bothers you.

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Please see what what you are saying, Babs. Kooky replies on kooky threads...makes sense. So you are saying okay for kooky replies on serious threads? But not okay for serious comments on kooky threads? No. This is not straight. Come on. People have replied to my sincere comments in appropriate sections with off color jokes. Why are you validating that and blaming me? This isn't about personality profiles. We were talking about what is and is not appropriate in various threads. You started this discussion, not me. Then you made it personal.


But this is a great learning curve, right here, right now. Tracey gave me a very good tip in another thread on how to deal with this. This is EXACTLY when I would sign off and go have a smoke, if I smoked. Tracey suggested stepping back and taking space as a non smoker. I don't do this. I pound and pound away, trying to prove a point. Also, like Jenny says, pick your battles. This is not the battle I should be involved with at this time. Just sayin. I'm new but trying to learn the skills people suggest. Strength to strength.


I'm having a really hard week, and am jeopardizing my quit by pursuing this conversation. Please take this into PM if you have more you want to say to me. Please don't pursue this any more on this thread. What is happening here is I am not taking care of myself. I have no beef with you, Babs. Just...please...stop. I will, too.

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For the record, I am not talking about joking or light-heartedness. I'm all for that. The really hard-core sexual innuendos as not to my liking. You never did anything like this, okay? Never.

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not sure what the heck this is about...I thought what I was doing was apologizing. 


Believe me...I will stop and taking it to PM won't help you if what I have to say causes you anxiety and jeopardizes your quit. 


So..let it end here please.  Thank you

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