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Hi everyone.. first let me say congratulations to everyone that has beat the beast and has been living free of the nicotine habit.. so big congrats to you all. I am 55 and have quit numerous time in my life for a year at a time each quit. I started smoking at age 11 and its been my biggest challenge through my entire life, literally. I quit twice this year 4 months ago I went back and now I am in my third week of no more.  This is my last time of being held captive by something so crippling in so many ways.. I now have to have complicated oral surgery on all my teeth and gums.. Not looking forward to it.. so I compromised my oral health for the love/hate of this horrible addiction. I never join groups but this time is different..its going to work as my new life style. as I approaching my 3rd week of quit I plan on being pro active against this life change so with great hope of success through your great site with many like myself I can keep this train chugging down the track. Hi again to everyone and wishing you the best health.

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Hi Starry!


Congratulations on 3 weeks and hope this is your sticky quit! 


Everyone here has been in your shoes and eager to help you keep your quit going and kick that nicotine monsters butt!!


Pledge "NOPE" (Not One Puff Ever) every day and read all the good advice through out this forum.


Everyone's quit is a different and I'm sure you will find your correct shoe size here!


Post often especially if your are feeling weak (SOS) and the troops will come running to help talk you away from the crave!


Or just hang out on the social side and have some good laughs, a bunch of crazy people here so you will fit right in!


Its a whole new world to enjoy without the chains nicotine holding you back or controlling your life!


Remember: You have to want to quit smoking more then you want to smoke!  (This helped me)


Best of luck to you!

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Welcome, Starry! There is a lot of powerful information, here. There are also lots of wonderful people here anxious to cheer you on. Three weeks is fabulous!

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Welcome to the QT Star. Look forward to hearing more from you. Stay close to the boards and keep posting :)

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Welcome Starry!  Happy to have you here.  I have done the same in the past.....quit for a few months and then go back.  It wasn't until I reached out for support when needed that I was able to stick with it.  It's nice to have a place to go to where there are people who understand.  There's accountablility here....education about nicotine addiction and all it's tricks...and there's NOPE...Not One Puff Ever.  Stick to NOPE...and you will remain a non smoker for life.


Congrats to you on your quit! 

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Hi starry and welcome to the train :)


Education and support is the key, stick close!


3 weeks is amazing, congratulations

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You just got a warm welcome by some of the "Rock Stars" of the forum...


your off to a great start...


Read everything you can and accept the advice given....and you will go from starry to rock star also  ;p ;)


Welcome aboard!

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Hi Starry,


Good on you!!  I think the minute we start saying things like "I'm adding this site" and "I mean it now" etc that we have already moved to a different place mentally. Then with education as a place like this provides you can most definately beat this. Not only beat it but feel fantastic for it too!!


Welcome. x

  • Like 2

Oh my...what a great welcome..I am floored..thank you all very much. I already feel at home and feel this is def the right group to continue my success and or find strength in my time of need..I plan on taking the pledge n.o.p.e..thanks everyone awwe

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Welcome to the Quit Train Starry!  There is so much information here to support you as a non-smoker.  Congrats on 3 weeks already.  You've done some hard work before arriving so way to go.  You may want to consider grabbing a ticker for your signature line.  It's a nice affirmation of your efforts as you post your daily NOPE.  


Stay close, speak up and keep it simple :)

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Welcome to the QT Starry!  I think you will find your quit to be easier being part of a group committed to the same thing.  You will find tons of information on how to have a strong quit that lasts a lifetime.  It's also helpful to to your own quit to share what you've learned with the newbies that come after you.  Let us know if there is anything we can do.  :)

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Hi and welcome aboard....congrats on your great quit....

First class seats only....this journey takes you straight to freedom....

It's doable....all you need is the desire to quit....and stay quit....

All the support you will need is right here....

If I can do it....you can too....

Glad your here....

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Hi and welcome on board the QT, your journey sounds very much like mine, we need to be stronger than the addiction Star, you can and you will do this, looking forward to sharing your journey with you xx

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My succesfull and going quit happened here!!! When I feel like hanging on my fingernails I post an SOS BEFORE i smoke

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Howdy Starry and welcome to the board ... 3 weeks is a fantastic quit to date and now that you are here, i know that you will get great support ... So onwards and upwards from here :-)

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What is a stattrynite? What's the avatar?


I would say ditto to everyone above


Nope is most important thing you can plant in your head. Say it to yourself continually for first few months. You are over a hump but the roller coaster is not done with you


Second is read

Third is post. More you post the more you reinforce the right thoughts.


Gums- I think everyone can say how healthy their mouth became after a period of time. No more blood when brushing at all. Teeth turn back to whiteness. And breath doesn't smell like an anus.

Nope. Read. Post


Absolutely love this group..its funny cuz just this morning whilst drinking my coffee..thinking on what more can I do to replace this addiction..well I popped on meditation music..plopped a rocking chair in front of my window got the binoks and did some bird watching..besides watching my funny chickens I set up wild bird feed and I am seeing plenty nice song birds..so just meditation is helping so I decided well I am gonna post and try and keep up with all the great reading and advice right here and so next is a plan for exercise..thanks everyone your all awesome. Oh bakon my avatar is me sitting between 2 trunks of a tree back in the woods this past winter. Thanks you guys..so grateful

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Congrats on that choice!


Addiction is hard to understand. We had a long time to get this way.


But, the payoff comes to you in a much shorter time frame.


Stand by your choice, and never give up. Stay focused and committed.


The avatar, I wondered about that one...I thought you may have been a hunter in a tree stand...


My avatar is a bomb, the cigarettes are the dynamite stix, what bakon said goes for me as well do all of that stuff you'll be fine.


Welcome to the zoo! :)


I was addicted to the Board when I quit.  Spent so much time here and it really helped me stay quit for good.  Post as often as you like, get into some of the games.  It's such a great place and such wonderful people!!!


Welcome!!! :)

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Same as that, moved onto the board when I quit...haven't quite left :)  Do it!!  We allhonestly love to support you or we wouldn't bother staying. Plus it's so wonderful to see and hear all the new quits. 


Wonderful job my lovely. x

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Starry -


I feel the same way as you in the fact that I consider smoking to be my greatest life challenge.  For some people it's just pretty straight forward!!!  Some people put em down and walk away and never think about em again.  Say WhAAAAaaaAAt?  For me it's a BATTLE OF EPIC PROPORTIONS.  It's always simple: N.O.P.E.


But it's not always easy.  That's why we stick close on this board and save each other from jumping ship.





Love this place already. Hi everyone and love reading your posts. A place I can feel like the majority. Love the feeling of belonging..thanks everyone.

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  On 4/27/2015 at 11:37 AM, starrynite said:

Love this place already. Hi everyone and love reading your posts. A place I can feel like the majority. Love the feeling of belonging..thanks everyone.

So very glad you are here!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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