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How are you doing newbies and tweenies and new members?


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Way better than anticipated for 3 1/2 months.  Still dealing with a trigger here and there which is no surprise but the desire is completely gone...bleck, no way.  I'm onto the next "self-improvement" plan which can only be supported by a non-smoker.  Climbing the mountain one step at a time :).

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My quit is pretty exciting . It still ceases to amaze me how frightened I was in the beginning. How uncertain and unconfident I was. Taking 1 day at a time and keeping it totally smoke free really is the key . Life is pretty exciting without cigarettes and well worth the journey. I look back , and I see all the struggles, the tears , the fear, but I also see the adventure that it was. I was discovering a new me behind that cloud of smoke .


Quitting is possible and it is doable! Imagine that!


We who doubt , doubt no more!!!


We are all going to be smokers who have turned to non smoking - x smokers :) YIPEE!!! WTG! How awesome is that !!! :) 



As always: :)  a day at a time .


Ooooo! I found the smileys :) 





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working on week 10 --- experiencing tons of free floating anxiety

it really sucks and am going to get into bed and pull the

covers up over my head


as virtual town's tattoo artist don't trust my shaking hands so

this week approach at your own risk!


that's all...just marching...


(just waiting for one of those gems of days when sun is

 shining and everything is groovy...just gritting my teeth

 and waiting cuz the good days do show up...)

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Way better than anticipated for 3 1/2 months.  Still dealing with a trigger here and there which is no surprise but the desire is completely gone...bleck, no way.  I'm onto the next "self-improvement" plan which can only be supported by a non-smoker.  Climbing the mountain one step at a time :).

Did you have anxiety a month ago in your quit...around 10 weeks?

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Did you have anxiety a month ago in your quit...around 10 weeks?


I'm always a bit anxious but I think the source of that is being unemployed, rather than the smoking factor.  A month ago things were rolling along fairly well (it was my sister's birthday and I was able to remain pleasant in her company, unlike before ha).  The last time I felt it was rough going and directly related to quitting was around 7/8 weeks into the quit.  But remember, everyone's experience is different.  

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I will be honest here CPK. I too am having problems going into week 11. Insomnia, anxiety, depression. I actually have stayed away from the board just to try & think about anything other than not smoking. I am seeing my Doctor tomorrow. This has gone on long enough. I need some medical help just as Joel recommends in his videos & literature. I want to enjoy my Quit....not be miserable. I am still smoke free & NRT free. Hoping to report I am feeling well soon....and not just for a couple of days!!!! Thinking of you CPK. And anyone else who may be going through this. Not what I expected.

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Tymie, I'm glad to hear you are going to see your physician. I agree, that getting your situation evaluated is a smart move, and I hope to hear the results. I, for one, think the sleep disturbance, although it may calm down later, is debilitating in the early quit. It has been my experience. It settled down for a few weeks then went wild again.The melatonin my doctor said I should try has had minimal effect. Now I'm taking out the "big guns" of exercise...however, it's really hard to put this into place when someone is already feeling depleted. It requires an almost superhuman effort. Please let us know how you are doing! Everyone cares, and like they tell me here, keep checking in!

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Will let you know CPK. I am on Melatonin as well.....worked at first but not so well now. BUT something will work! I sure understand not having energy to exercise....but today I walked briskly outdoors. Hope you are ok?

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Will let you know CPK. I am on Melatonin as well.....worked at first but not so well now. BUT something will work! I sure understand not having energy to exercise....but today I walked briskly outdoors. Hope you are ok?

Joining you in doing a brisk walk today! :)

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Superhuman effort = yup, sometimes.  But the rewards come with the minimal-to-no effort days.  Love dem days!!!


Just celebrated 5 months.  I experience periods of rage now and again - apparently I had been smoking over a cache of anger all those years.  So purging that is an interesting experience.  My boyfriend and I are evolving in this together - he just accomplished 1.5 months.  He keeps warning me of an impending relapse but it hasn't happened yet and I have high hopes.  It's pretty amazing to experience this growth with another human being.  I feel lucky for this!  I will be disappointed if he relapses but the only thing I have control over is my own quit.  


Things that have helped me thus far:


~ this forum (and another one)

~ exercise to points of exhaustion

~ ice cream and fruit bars

~ education

~ new therapist

~ eating out 

~ saving my cigarette money in a separate acct. in order to watch it grow

~ prayer & meditation

~ crying (as always) & screaming

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its a great thing to see you all supporting each other in the trenches, people that are close to your quit or going through similar things at the same time





your posts will inspire others who are coming up behind you  x






its important to post about the good and bad times and how you managed your own difficult times, you already have so much to give someone who is still on the platform or just stepped on the train

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Superhuman effort = yup, sometimes.  But the rewards come with the minimal-to-no effort days.  Love dem days!!!


Just celebrated 5 months.  I experience periods of rage now and again - apparently I had been smoking over a cache of anger all those years.  So purging that is an interesting experience.  My boyfriend and I are evolving in this together - he just accomplished 1.5 months.  He keeps warning me of an impending relapse but it hasn't happened yet and I have high hopes.  It's pretty amazing to experience this growth with another human being.  I feel lucky for this!  I will be disappointed if he relapses but the only thing I have control over is my own quit.  


Things that have helped me thus far:


~ this forum (and another one)

~ exercise to points of exhaustion

~ ice cream and fruit bars

~ education

~ new therapist

~ eating out 

~ saving my cigarette money in a separate acct. in order to watch it grow

~ prayer & meditation

~ crying (as always) & screaming

This is a great list. Thanks for sharing, TEW!

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Saw my Physician today. She has prescribed a sleep aid. Nothing too heavy. She supports my Quit & was happy to help. Once I get some sleep she plans to change my antidepressant as it is not doing the job it should be doing & there are better ones out there today. Looking forward to sleep! Still a NOPE despite the struggle :)

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Saw my Physician today. She has prescribed a sleep aid. Nothing too heavy. She supports my Quit & was happy to help. Once I get some sleep she plans to change my antidepressant as it is not doing the job it should be doing & there are better ones out there today. Looking forward to sleep! Still a NOPE despite the struggle :)

It's great you have a physician who is committed to walking through this with you. Altogether, you are not alone on this journey. :)

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