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Living with emphysema....

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If you havnt thought about this...or you bury your head in the sand...it won't happen to me...bla bla...

I will give you something to ponder on....

It's a very slow progressive disease...it's been in our lives 14 years ....

Started with a cough,which grew worse....loss of breath,chest pain...slowly worsening....

End stage....oxygen machines,ct scans,pheumonia never far away.....

Needing help with bathroom and bathing...getting dressed.....and it still worsens...

Might have to lose top half of right lung....as it gone completely.....

Now...if your sitting there on that fence....shall i quit...i would love too....

Newbies who are finding it hard....oldies who just need a reminder of why ....

Never take another puff.....its the only way....this won't be you in the future....

Hugs to all xxx

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My heart breaks for you at times, sending love and strength.


Not at all what we intended just because we're led to believe FALSELY that quitting is tough - that's a lie - it's tougher to live the alternative. 



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Thank you so much for sharing your Tony's pain...hopefully it will prevent someone else from going down that path.


 Also, to those of you reading this who haven't quit and won't quit for yourself...quit for your loved ones, so that they don't have to be your full time care giver, as Doreen is for her Tony.  She gives of herself so much at home, and still has the grace and strength to give of herself here.  Love you, Doreen!

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Thank you for sharing your story Doreen, it's so sad and I wish it wasn't so, I hope others will heed the warning, this is real life!


It affects the whole family, love and hugs to you Doreen xxx

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I hope your post resonates with those on the fence.....everyone says "tomorrow I will quit" 


Tomorrow needs to be TODAY


Quit NOW


don't wait.....you don't know which cigarette you smoke that will trigger disease...is it the next one?  Will the next cigarette you smoke be the one that triggers that tumor, or COPD, or stroke....


Quit playing Russian Roulette




Thank you for sharing your very personal and painful story Doreen....  Hugs to you dear woman..and prayers for Tony

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my dad died from emphysema at the age of 56  . babs we think alike   smoking is like playing russian roulette

 wish i hadnt waited 20 years after my dad died to quit   but i wont ever go back to smoking ever  hope we all never have to learn the hard way what smoking does    love goofy jimmy

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I  indeed didn't think of the consequences , or maybe  some of you were like me and didn't want to hear or see the consequences  .



Here in Canada there were warning signs printed on every cigarette box. Emphysema warnings and pictures of the damage that smoking would do . I pushed those pictures aside every time I bought a package  and smoked . As long as symptoms were not appearing I considered myself in the "safe zone" so I could continue  . Yes with the guilt , but ignoring the warnings   to satisfy my addictions need.  



My father as well had emphysema , and as Doreen has said  the progression was slow and difficult  ;  its process hard on everyone .  Doreen my thoughts are with you . ((hugs))


Tobacco companies I am angry with you ..why would you continue to lure people to this pain. Please think of your families and quit .


To those who know in their gut and their head that they need to quit , or have been told by your doctor : Do IT ! Quit . Its notimpossible .. Let the fear be your drive to quit .


You can do it . 


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Doreen much love to you lovely lady, and thank for for reminding us of the stark truth of what can happen.......


Went to work today to help out, met my work colleague on the stairs,  asked him if he was ok............No lost his gran last night, pneumonia,  had been on oxygen for months, heavy smoker........................lost his grandad just before Christmas, heart gave out, heavy smoker.............heartbreaking.............xx

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Aww thanks everyone...somedays are better than others...

Ok DF you ask how long he carried on smoking....he's been quit now for just over a year.....

The only reason he doesn't smoke now is ...it would be impossible to suck on a cig....

All the warnings and all the begging from his family....he just couldn't stop.....he was addicted..... I remember times he would tell us he had quit...and was sneaking them....junkie thinking.....

He carnt sneak now....he needs a wheel chair to get about.....

I love my little non smoke family peeps xxxx

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Aw sweetie, I'm so sorry you and your Tony have to deal with this because of this awful addiction ...


somewhere by you sharing it here, someone will read it and say to themselves and say, "I need to stop, before this becomes my life"


love you hun {{hug}}

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Doreen, my heart breaks for you. I know how much you and Tony have been through. Hugs.


I am thankful that you share your stories with us, as they always pack a powerful punch. I witnessed the suffering my uncle endured with COPD and emphysema. it is a terrible way to live.

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I've been doing some 'light' bedtime reading of this http://www.emphysema.net/my.asp since this topic has sparked my interest. The page is about 15 years old, but still relevant.


After reading Doreen's post this morning, and the stories of all these people, it's really like a 'eurika' moment has happened for me today - like a light switch in my head has been turned on. This is the true face of smoking!

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Hi Doreen.


I logged back in, just to speak to you. You haven't been far from my concious thoughts, this last day. There is so much I should/could/would like to say but, it's your thread so, I want to keep this brief.


Your message is "huge to me". For others, I am guessing also. We all can look up and read and watch videos about emphysema resulting from smoking but, when I hear it from one of "our dear ones" here, it means so much more.


Prayers offered, for the both of you.




edit: "emphysema"

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