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If we begin to battle with our decision and waver in our goal our addictive mind will grab that opportunity to steal our confidence and give us doubt. Keep your eye on the prize .Keep the prize at the finish line your goal; for today that goal is that at the end of the day, you will have not smoked . Its not a race , its just taking one step at a time and reaching your goal . Take your power back and take the power away from cigarettes . You deserve to be smoke free . .



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I am trying to figure out what goes where on this club .I think I will most likely post in the blog area . This seems to be topics for dicussion , however I should hope all topics are open for discussion .  A question ? Can posts /blogs be deleted and if so how?

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Hi raya


Yes all topics are open for discussions depending on their content they could go in the social section or quit smoking section


The blog is good for your own thoughts or journey journal but they can be deleted there is a delete button also you can put the blog to private or publish less people read these though than a posted topic

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  • 2 years later...

Never doubt yourselves Newbies !!!!

So...it's been a while since your last smoke...you may be wondering if your doing the right thing, one won't hurt !!!

Your one puff away from 1 pack...100 pks ..in other words right back were you started,and wishing you are where you are today..

Your absolutely doing the right thing...this is the best experience  and fulfilling achievement you can do for yourself...

I still feel that proud high five feeling...

After all ...what we have done is nothing short of amazing....ridding ourselves of a killer addiction...

Give yourselves a big pat on the back...

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Amen to what Doreen said.  I can remember not too long ago, the intermittent panic feelings that would rise up,when I would suddenly remember that I had quit smoking and I'd think, "WHAT?!?  What did I do THAT for?!?"  The idea that I would never smoke again was almost enough to send me right back into the arms of the addiction.  I started to catch myself when I'd have thoughts like that and force myself to think of something else.  Anything!  Locating all the red objects in the room, then the brown ones, then the yellow ones, then the green ones,... You get the idea- Just break that cycle of thought.  Eventually, I've noticed over the last few months that the thought of never smoking again feels just fine.  What I've been saying to myself lately is, "I'm just done with it,". What this means to me is, yes, it was something I used to do and now I don't want to do it anymore and I'm more than fine with that. 

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Keep on keepin on. It’s easy.

Thoughts always(ALWAYS) pass and you can control them. It’s a myth to think that one cannot control one’s thoughts. 

I can smoke, I simply do not want to. Not even one puff. I have zero desire…I’m convinced… I feel too doggone good. I love life and I love feeling good in it.  And my wife(my best friend) can tell you, I feel damned good. I love to make people smile with my quirky little jokes, especially her. She’s been smiling a lot more…

Quitting is easy,  I should have done it years ago.


It makes me cringe to think how much this drug has taken away from me over the years. It’s taken my health, my money and my time. 

It’s my turn, bitches… 

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23 hours ago, Octain said:

Keep on keepin on. It’s easy.

Thoughts always(ALWAYS) pass and you can control them. It’s a myth to think that one cannot control one’s thoughts. 

I can smoke, I simply do not want to. Not even one puff. I have zero desire…I’m convinced… I feel too doggone good. I love life and I love feeling good in it.  And my wife(my best friend) can tell you, I feel damned good. I love to make people smile with my quirky little jokes, especially her. She’s been smiling a lot more…

Quitting is easy,  I should have done it years ago.


It makes me cringe to think how much this drug has taken away from me over the years. It’s taken my health, my money and my time. 

It’s my turn, bitches… 

Love this !!!!!.....made me smile.... Positive thinking !!!!!...Gud on  Ya !!!!

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