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Ok.....So, Here I Go!.............:)


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Hi Everyone :)

I was invited here by a friend, ChristaC.....I'm sure she'll be along soon!! Lol!  I may have made a mistake by putting my quit date down as today.  In a way I have quit...and for me this is a big step, but I am using an e-cig right now.  But, I haven't actually smoked a cig since yesterday and that's a big YAY for me!  I've smoked for y e a r s.....I've tried everything out there to quit (except being hypnotized...that freaks me out!).  I'm a VERY addictive person and I realize this, so it's been a huge struggle for me.  I found the e-cig right now has what I need to break away from real cigs.  I also realize that nobody knows what kind of side effects there may be with ecigs, and I don't plan to stay with them.  But for this moment, it's helping me.  I'm hoping I can meet some great people here and that we can all support eachother.  I think with your help I may be able to break free of nicotine all together :).   So...................Hello new friends!! :D


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Good to have you aboard the Quit Train Carol.


There are many members here with far more experience than me with your method of quitting but either way, it's good to see you trying to quit that nasty habit.

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Welcome, Caroljo!  Please do some reading in all the wonderful resources here (and that is just the beginning.)  Whatever tool you use to quit is wonderful...as long as it leads to success.  Please think about making a plan for when you will become nicotine free.  There are wonderful people here who will help you every step of the way.

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Thank you everyone! 

I think I've already found part of the problem is not just the habit of smoking, it's what you do when you smoke :).  I've for YEARS gone outside to smoke.  I noticed this morning how odd I felt not going outside to have that first cig.  Then when I was driving to work....and when break time came around at work I was sweating it! Lol!  If I can get past these old habits, maybe I won't have to depend on the e-cig for very long.  I told my husband my BIG test will be when he takes me to the Casino, and I order a beer!  Lol! 

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Welcome Caroljo!  You are in the right place to quit smoking!


It takes time to get used to all the free time you have when you quit.  Most of us struggle with that in the beginning.  When you smoke it becomes your whole world.  You are either smoking or thinking about smoking.  I promise that in time you will find a new normal and the idea of a cigarette won't even occur to you.  Does your Ecig have nicotine in it?  If it does then when you go off it you'll need to plan for the withdrawl from the nicotine.  Most folks step down slowly.  We have at least one member here that quit using an Ecig so I will tell her about you.  It's helpful to talk with people who had the same experiences.


I'm so glad you're here.  Please reach out when you need to and congratulations on your decision to quit smoking.

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Welcome Caroljo!  You are in the right place to quit smoking!


It takes time to get used to all the free time you have when you quit.  Most of us struggle with that in the beginning.  When you smoke it becomes your whole world.  You are either smoking or thinking about smoking.  I promise that in time you will find a new normal and the idea of a cigarette won't even occur to you.  Does your Ecig have nicotine in it?  If it does then when you go off it you'll need to plan for the withdrawl from the nicotine.  Most folks step down slowly.  We have at least one member here that quit using an Ecig so I will tell her about you.  It's helpful to talk with people who had the same experiences.


I'm so glad you're here.  Please reach out when you need to and congratulations on your decision to quit smoking.


Yes, my e-cig has nicotine in it.  I started out with a moderate strength, but plan to change to the weaker one as soon as possible.  I'd be glad to talk to someone that has quit this way.  Like I said, I've tried soooo many ways of quiting, I'm the first to admit I need the help to do this.  I'm not too proud to admit I'm a whimp :)

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Yes, my e-cig has nicotine in it.  I started out with a moderate strength, but plan to change to the weaker one as soon as possible.  I'd be glad to talk to someone that has quit this way.  Like I said, I've tried soooo many ways of quiting, I'm the first to admit I need the help to do this.  I'm not too proud to admit I'm a whimp :)

You are far from a wimp!  You quit smoking!!!  You're a warrior girl!!

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See that little guy in my Avatar?  He's a main reason I need to do this....along with his brother & sister.  I don't get to see them very often, we live in Michigan, they live in North Carolina (My son is Army Psy Ops at Ft Bragg).  I want to be around for a while :)

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Hiya, Caroljo! Good to see you took the leap! Here's some reading material....LOL...as promised. http://www.quittrain.com/topic/11-where-do-i-start-the-newbie-database/


The first couple of days of my quit, I spent A LOT of time on the board. Reading, and posting, took my mind off smoking, and I learned so much it changed my whole outlook. Instead of losing something, I realized I GAINED....my freedom. Freedom from addiction.


You'll see that, after the first few days, it's mostly a mind game....especially once you've given up the e cigs, and all the nicotine has left your body. I couldn't imagine driving, or talking on the phone, or sitting on the deck, or doing a hundred other things, without a cigarette.


Now...I can't imagine doing those things WITH a cigarette. I smoked for 50+ years, and I haven't a clue as to why. I gained NOTHING from smoking, but lost so much....time, money, self respect, health....


Welcome to freedom. :)

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Nice to meet you Carol...Welcome to the Quittrain!


Well, you made the first and most important step, you set a quit date :-) Congratulations!  This forum is a wonderful place, you will meet a lot of inspiring people..I can promise you that! My advice would be....read a lot and get involved, get to know people and let us know you! We all are here because we quit smoking!


I smoked for 35 years and quit ....if I can do...so can you! It is a bit of a roller coaster....so fasten your seat belt and enjoy the ride



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Hey Caroljo! Congrats on your decision to quit. That's the first and most important step. Once you're ready, you'll toss the e-cig aside. :) Doesn't matter what you do to get there, just as long as you succeed! Don't beat yourself help for needing the e-cig. You do what you feel is necessary!


Welcome. Stay close to the board, read often, and post as much as you'd like! We're here to help every step of the way. 

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Set a date - now, today, as you read this: set a date to be off the e-cigs and stick to it.


The Sarge knows individuals still 5+ years later sucking on the damned things waiting for "when I'm ready ..." .


Take quitting them every bit as seriously as you are taking quitting cigarettes.





Easy Peasy

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Hi and welcome....congrats on your quit...

Read all you can ,when you understand why we have been hooked for so long....it makes it easier ....

Believe in yourself.....if you think you can.....you will....

You will find tonnes of support here...

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Hi carol and welcome to the board - its a great choice you are making for your life - we are all addicts here helping each other be free of nicotine once and for all - jump right in and interact with us


we are all unique (crazy as bats sometimes) but we are all here for each other, so keep reading here and post as much as you want or need there will be someone to help and support you :)

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Hello Carol, and welcome. Congratulations on giving up that nasty cigarette smoke...yuck eh? I have every confidence your find giving up the e cig a breeze, so don't worry to much about that.


I am an ex vaper myself (first switched as a permanent replacement, then decided don't need it) so if I can help in anyway just shout.


Set yourself a date....gives you something to commit to, and a deadline.

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