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Avatars names nicknames and General nonsense


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What the heck...


some people scrape the icing off the cupcake cuz it's too rich...


just plain quit talk works for me...GTQ...nope...and so on...


(I think I have been having a bad week. Sorry.)


Thumbs up, not in the mouth, Jackie66. You rocked it today!


Nicknames:  Not necessary to rock the quit CindySuckHerThumb. Or should I say LittleJackieSatintheCorner?...sometimes reading all this stuff gets me irritated, but I'm often already irritable, anyway. Like who is Elton? How could Smarty get drunk with egg manager? Why do females except Marti put up with egg reference thing? Why is Bakon such a guy egghead? What's his real life job anyway? I am completely in the dark about Rez and Tracey. Don't understand the Trevor thing. Don't understand Rez or where those two live or are they a couple but on different continents? I get headaches reading it all... When I was a duckling (for about two days) I got called FuzzyHead, and I liked that because that's exactly how this quit feels. I can't wait until 3 to 6 months when I am clear-headed and having normal feelings, and maybe understanding what all this is about ~ Jackie66, good one you for showing your true face and for facing down demon today all on your own. Bakon will someday show his true face when done with being a marble head, maybe. Right now showing the face he had before he was born, I guess...

For crying out loud, chill out!!  Deep breaths...you cannot understand the history here...give it time and quit attacking!

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And I apparently push post twice often..sorry. I also will hit not smoking 3000 cigs by morning...On that note Go Badgers let's get to the Elite 8 Bucky!!

3,000 cigs by morning  ....sounds like a country song  lol


congrats Jess!  

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For crying out loud, chill out!!  Deep breaths...you cannot understand the history here...give it time and quit attacking!

 Geez Louise...touchy bunch...   Where's bakon with referee


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For the record, wasn't attacking. No need to go all mean. "You cannot understand the history here"? Hmmm.

Whatever. Maybe not. Once again, on the wrong thread. GTQ. Clarification is always good. Maybe long time

quitters might see that I am struggling, and "Quit attacking" might be replaced with, hugs? I'm not doing so

well. I'm crying now, even. I need to review my quit plan and start fresh. Think I need to just come on to pledge

nope daily, cuz think for now that's all I can manage, and it's the best plan. Don't need to be part of any

insider group. Just need to pledge nope. Really can't party now. Just need to keep marching... Apologies

to anyone who thought I was attacking them. Geez Louise...touchy bunch...   Where's bakon with referee


Keep marching...and that is the first time in the history of  of this board or in my life that I have been accused of going "all mean".  Something for me to think about.  I would not hurt you or your quit for anything...but I do have to call them like I see them.  

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I think that my nickname is only (self proclaimed) is Ava.

Reese Witherspoon's daughter is named Ava.


I am floating in a sea of Jens.  It's a nice name and all, but we are everywhere!


I think it's nice when people call MQ 'MDQ.'  That is nice.  He also likes to be called Granddad.  Or Cuz. Or Album.  Really, he'll answer to anything.

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I think that my nickname is only (self proclaimed) is Ava.

Reese Witherspoon's daughter is named Ava.


I am floating in a sea of Jens. It's a nice name and all, but we are everywhere!


I think it's nice when people call MQ 'MDQ.' That is nice. He also likes to be called Granddad. Or Cuz. Or Album. Really, he'll answer to anything.

You'll always be jengirl to me.

It's funny how a name starts to stick because I am used to calling you Ava now.

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lol.   This is awesome.  :) 


New and old - our goal is the same - to quit smoking. and we all love each other for that.  :)


Some of us have some history and belonged to another board (Quittrain is better for sure) so we have known each other for a while.  Oldies try to connect with the newbies, but all of us may have that special bond - for example, we had a group of Summer Quitters 2013.  (Was it really 2013 - how time flies - anyway, I think that group bonded - as did some of the people who helped us that first day/week/month we signed on.) 


so ya, i'm rambling.....


Newbies will create their own new bonds - some with oldies and some with newbies on the same track.  Am I not making sense???  Sorry.  it's hard to explain.  We are just happy you are here and that you quit smoking. 

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I know about the site's history...someone filled me in awhile back. I know why this

site was formed. I know why this differs from other site. I didn't know about

the 2013 summer quitters, so that's new information.


Everyone is different. Every quit is different. I've learned a lot about what I need to do

to guard my quit.


Big heartfelt thank you to those who came forward to help.

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Ok. so I digress. 


I am Petra. 


AKA - Agent 13 -  Cuz Sonic is Max, Jenny is Agent 99 and Mike is The Chief.  I was missing one night from chat, but Max, The Chief and Agent 99 were there:  99-86 = 13.  Agent 13 (me) wears pouka shells and a hip gun :)


Colleen is an Agent too.  Dammit that I can't remember her number.  Just remember that she is the HOT one, and don't tell her I forgot her number!


Bakon doesn't refer to this cuz he wasnt' there that night(s). :)  Bakon knows German Petra and my pool flip flops.


Sgt was title given to me by The Sarge when I made it to a year. :)


DeLa Petra (was after Pepe Le Pew - he's my mascot).


Or DiP (same Pepe LePew thing from Colleen)


I think that covers all my nicknames. :)


I'm an Independent, not an egg. :)

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Well, clearly I am a duck. That is also a bee.


I rarely understand why I do the things I do.


Apparently there's been a lot of confusion about who is or is not a duck - I'd like to take this opportunity to draw attention to my avatar, as it is subtle and easy to miss.


So far my only nickname is "bubmble butt" or somesuch. I probably don't need to tell you who came up with that hamfisted moniker. 

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My first name is Maryland, middle name is Bernard and my last name is Quitter.  I also happen to live in Maryland but was born in Ohio.  I was named after my great, great, great uncle.  People call me MQ for short.  Since I was a kid people thought I had a cool name but it's even cooler now since I quit smoking.  :)

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Ok I'm next....otherwise Bakon will call me something else to remember...l.ol....

My name is Doreen....go figure....and I'm free ...after smoking 52 years....

I'm sometimes called mammy by the youngens....this is because I'm a old git....

I have a fairy godmother.... a golden egg....nancy....who helps me with all the pic,s and stuff I carnt do...

I also go by the name of doorbell....but as we agreed ..it has a nice ring to it.....

Then there's horney toad.....not sure about this one....except I have been known to oogle the nice young men pictures that get posted some times....plus we have some nice gentlemen here...sooo....

I can see why all this must confuse the newbies.....some of us have travelled our long journey,s together....

But maybe this thread will enlighten everyone as to whom and why.....

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Alrighty me up !!


Name is Philippa .. Aka PIp or Pippa ( oh and I quite like catgaroo)!.... Despite occasional claims to the contrary I am not an egg although the odd interaction with the Bakon did both annoy me and keep me so occupied that in the end I stayed quit ...so I guess end game was achieved !


Oh and for what it's worth - my philosophy ( can I rename that "philippalosophy" ) ... the board is here for your support - take what you need and ignore what you don't ! Yep - I mean you bakon - the cat avatar stays - if ya don't like it ya just have to put on ya big pig pants and ignore it ... Just say'n ! :-)


Hugs to all xx

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I answer to Agent99 and Dory.  I quit the eggs a while back because I couldn't be top egg and that was not acceptable.    I call myself Jenny on this board but in real life no one has called me Jenny since I was a kid.  I also answer to hey you.


My role here is to start polls, create jibjab videos and change up the cat pics in Colleens sig. 

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My name is JustSomeGuy.  It's pretty complicated why I picked it...really put a lot of thought into the process.  There were other candidates that didn't make the cut.  I thought about "JustAnotherGuy" for like a millisecond.  But then I realized that's 3 extra letters I have to type, so I said "screw" that.  Plus, that's 2 extra syllables you all would have to say in your heads every time you read my name.  I couldn't do that to you people.  You have enough on your plates quitting smoking as it is.  Then there was "JustSomeIdiot".  I liked it...a lot.  But then I realized that, while the name is very fitting, if you have trouble reading and just recognize shapes like I do, that it might look a bit like Just-Somel-diot, which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.  So I stuck with my first option. 


One nickname is JSG (self-explanatory, I hope).  Another is CreepySmileyDude...because bakon got creeped out seeing my smile on my avatar.  He thought I was smiling at him through his screen.  In reality though...I really actually was!!!  (Still freaks me out that he knew that). 

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Colleen and Petra ARE eggs. They just deny it.

Catgaroo is steams over boxshitters comments


Jacki gets no nickname because mrs has same perfect name.


My real pic is out there somewhere and only hint I will give is I have only been drunk with one egg


Somebody that got superpowers of moderating can please go back and remove the squabble.

Jen is always one of my favorites for messing with people's signatures

El Bandito got most names. Queen of England/Scotland/ Island. Elton, porky ( original fat guy here but turned it on me) buritto stu lover boy crossdresser ) he was like sonic and bat post like now with some Pimp thrown in. Who's Pimp? We will wait for that sweet talker

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