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Withdrawl Problem


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Not feeling as bad as I was. From what I have read it's withdrawal. It WILL go away. One day at a time. Have not smoked or used NRT. Sleep is my good friend right now. I'll be fine

It affects all of us so differently. BUT for sure none of us settled to a "new normal" for us for a while. Our dispositions add to this, as in who we already are so those super positive people fare better than over thinkers like me...where you fit in only you know, but I would re-assure you that this "fog" did lift for me and others and the only way to it was through. I also want to say it was the tough times of the journey that made me more determined to keep this quit safe and secure and built up a real belief in my inner strength to overcome things. It was a very welcome and unexpected quit benefit. x

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Not feeling as bad as I was. From what I have read it's withdrawal. It WILL go away. One day at a time. Have not smoked or used NRT. Sleep is my good friend right now. I'll be fine

So glad to hear you are feeling better, Tyme.  It will keep getting better and better.

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Hey Tyme, sorry to be along late, but I did have a very similar experience, right around month 3 or so I think. So, the bad news first - it was really awful, and it didn't clear up immediately. In fact it was so intense that it made me realize that these weren't MY emotions - they were't "real". I quickly thought of those crushing depressive episodes as "synthetic", the by-product of a junkie brain renormalizing and finding dopamine equilibrium. That seemed to help me depersonalize the experience, and sort of watch myself from a distance.


The good news is, a month or two later, all of a sudden it just lifted! It's never been back, and my new normal is much better than the old one. Remember, you don't need to spend every moment of your quit in a state of grace - it's ok to stay in bed sometimes, or eat ice cream, or yell at inanimate objects. Trust that if you just keep going, the rest will take care of itself.


And FWIW I'm extremely glad to hear you're not considering going back on NRT. I do favour cold turkey, but I'm not ideological about it, and whatever it takes to start your quit is fine by me. BUT once you're off, that stuff is poison, and I think it would quickly undo all your great work. Anyway, keep it up!

Thanks BumBle....it helps to know that others have experienced this too. Not that I would wish it on anyone. But the best part is that it WILL lift! That is such good news! I can hang in there. Lots of good ideas from people to try....and I AM trying

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Not feeling as bad as I was. From what I have read it's withdrawal. It WILL go away. One day at a time. Have not smoked or used NRT. Sleep is my good friend right now. I'll be fine


Nice to hear good news from you!


My best to you, my friend.



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Insomnia has returned. Did not get to sleep till 6 am today. Having trouble getting up every morning doesn't help any. Likely too much sleep is contributing to insomnia. I need a schedule....get up & get moving. Read lots of info & watched videos. Some people go through smoking withdrawl longer than others. Some have shared their experience here so I know I'm not alone. It WILL go away. I'm going to try an OTC sleep medication to get myself back on track. A walk is on my list today. I have to get over this withdrawl.

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Hey tyme. I'm sorry the insomnia is bad right now. How are things generally? Is everything else "ok" and it's just the quit you feel?  I don't mean it rudely, but a lot of times I assumed it was the quit but it was normal other life stuff... I blamed the quit for everything, but it transpired I had a lot of less than great people around me and I had to deal with that stuff too. Just me thinking out loud. xx

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Hey tyme. I'm sorry the insomnia is bad right now. How are things generally? Is everything else "ok" and it's just the quit you feel? I don't mean it rudely, but a lot of times I assumed it was the quit but it was normal other life stuff... I blamed the quit for everything, but it transpired I had a lot of less than great people around me and I had to deal with that stuff too. Just me thinking out loud. xx

You are right Marti...there is "other stuff" totally out of my control contributing to the insomnia. However, I would normally be able to cope....back in my smoking days....I just have to learn new ways to cope as this other issue is not going to go away anytime soon. And I am trying to do that....learn to cope differently. I only thought smoking helped. With the new big girl pants CPK introduced me to I WILL learn. You are very perceptive Marti. Thanks!


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I did buy a sleep aid after talking to my Pharmacist today. I am allergic to Melatonin so the rest are all much the same. I went for a walk, cleared some pressing issues off my desk & plan a relaxing evening. Insomnia....go away!

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You are right Marti...there is "other stuff" totally out of my control contributing to the insomnia. However, I would normally be able to cope....back in my smoking days....I just have to learn new ways to cope as this other issue is not going to go away anytime soon. And I am trying to do that....learn to cope differently. I only thought smoking helped. With the new big girl pants CPK introduced me to I WILL learn. You are very perceptive Marti. Thanks!


Marti so rocks!!!

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You are right Marti...there is "other stuff" totally out of my control contributing to the insomnia. However, I would normally be able to cope....back in my smoking days....I just have to learn new ways to cope as this other issue is not going to go away anytime soon. And I am trying to do that....learn to cope differently. I only thought smoking helped. With the new big girl pants CPK introduced me to I WILL learn. You are very perceptive Marti. Thanks!


Hey, girl, you picked out your own pants and put them on! And the pants I got are getting so tight they're riding up my butt. lol. Pasta and ice cream are not the way to rock a quit! I just can't believe how good food tastes now. Everything, even junk food, tastes so good! Thank goodness the weather's in our favor, tyme, to just start MOVING. That can only but help even out mood swings, which, for me, has been the bane of this quit. Keep rocking on!

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I'm not doing well. I have such severe insomnia I am not sleeping....or barely at all. I need to see my Doc next week. I can't sleep for more than 2 hrs. I need sleep. My hubby is exhausted with my restless legs & inability to sleep. I am so tired. Yes I have tried everything.....nothing works more than a day. Life sucks.

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I'm not doing well. I have such severe insomnia I am not sleeping....or barely at all. I need to see my Doc next week. I can't sleep for more than 2 hrs. I need sleep. My hubby is exhausted with my restless legs & inability to sleep. I am so tired. Yes I have tried everything.....nothing works more than a day. Life suck


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Hey Tyme


Sorry to hear sleep is not coming. For me, quitting smoking messed with my sleep for a while, but many other things messed with my sleep too.


See your Doc. For me, I found more fresh air, more exercise (my poor dog) and a little meditation soon get me heading in the right direction.


Fingers crossed you get a good nights sleep soon.

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Slept past 2 nights by taking Gravol (2) an hour before bed. Also forced myself to get up earlier & move....It worked. I need a schedule. I need to keep busy. Getting caught in a vicious circle is difficult to break but suggestions from friends here have been helpful. Thank you all!

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Not sure how old you are but have you considered hormones. When I quit smoking I also had started going through the change but I did not know it. Looking back I now realize some of my symptoms were not smoking related but the lack of estrogen. I could not sleep at all. I finally got on some estrogel and progestorone and now I sleep again

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Not sure how old you are but have you considered hormones. When I quit smoking I also had started going through the change but I did not know it. Looking back I now realize some of my symptoms were not smoking related but the lack of estrogen. I could not sleep at all. I finally got on some estrogel and progestorone and now I sleep again

You have been through this B! I am so glad to hear you were able to get help. No it is not hormonal with me as I am beyond that age group, but thanks so much for suggesting the possibility. It is entirely possible this is not just totally smoking related....it could be coincidental. I will definitely see my Physician if this continues....I Rejected her last suggestion of using NRT but I know she will understand my reluctance to go that route. Thanks for caring. At least this week is better than last.

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hi tyme


insomnia sucks!


have you tried listening to sleep music or hypnosis videos on youtube, I found these very affective to quieten the mind and drift off


something like these




Just looking at these great suggestions now Tracey....deffs worth a try! Thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quick update. I saw my physician. She thinks my insomnia of 8 weeks now is related to my Quit. I just don't know....there is other personal stuff going on in my life that I can't control so I just have to ride it out. I was prescribed medication for sleep...it didn't work so she doubled it. It still doesn't work. Talked to a Pharmacist friend who is very knowledgeable about insomnia & meds. He suggested I increase the med I am on for Restless Leg Syndrome (another type of insomnia....I did not know that) I did as he suggested and I slept for 2 nights. It is highly addictive so I stopped the increased dosage & again did not sleep till 4 am. I'm not feeling well....too long without proper sleep my internal clock is screwed up. My joints are swelled & sore from the medication my Doc ordered for sleep....it is a side effect. I am not even able to drive when I have not slept. I'm in Lala Land..... I have an appointment in a week with my Physician. I don't want to go on the big gun meds. I am getting quite depressed with all this crap going on but I WILL NOT SMOKE. Trying new methods of sleep therapy to convince my natural Melatonin to resume normalcy in my brain. I can't tolerate Melatonin medication which just sucks.

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Hi T.


I'll leave the meds to you. That's the easy part, right?  :wink3:


I was going to provide you my recommendations via PM. Alas, I am not able to provide substantive (evidenced based studies), on what I propose. I am not well enough to do this. But, I did want to share what I know and remember, from past studies/readings.


I want you to see a Naturopathic Physician. Have a full physical exam. I am going to start seeing mine again, in the next month.


1) Ask her/him about Rhodiola. It is derived from Golden Root/Arctic Root, grown in northern climates. Extracts from these northern species (Canada being one), are of the most beneficial kind.


Rhodiola benefits include dealing with symptoms during the healing stage of Nicotine Cessation. It promotes the natural functions of neurotransmitters we struggle with up to the 12 weeks of healing in Cessation. Natural Anti-depressants. It also promotes sleep. It is very beneficial for adrenal overload, due to an exhausted endocrine system, creating High levels of cortisol. This creates fatigue, lethargy and auto-immune problems. *Be sure to get this from a supplier of Rhodiola that provides capsules that are similar to what is found in the natural state, of the northern roots. Stay away from Chinese combinations, as they have too much Salidrosides in them and produce a stimulative effect. You don't want that. The one that I was prescribed by Doc is: Thorne's  It is a combination I suggest too. Now, it is important to state again, that you must see a Naturopatic Physician for advice on the correct one to buy. Just going to a health food store and asking an unqualified person, can get you the wrong combination of Rhodiola (Rosavins) and (Salidrosides). It should be standardized to be 3% of Salidrosides, and not any higher. Chinese can have as high as 10% standardization, which causes too much stimulant effect, for you.


2) Ask for the best Stress vitamin combinations.


3) Ask for natural sleep-aids, excluding the melatonin, due to your intolerance.


4) Follow-up with other needs found to be needed to be attended to, from initial examination.


5) Thank me, later. lol.


The best I can do T. I could look for substantive studies I have read extensively before, for you to learn about some of the supplements, I know about but, I'm not up to it and cannot remember them well enough to document for you now.



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In U.S. pharmacists have warned against herbs since they say they aren't properly regulated. It's a toss up...between herbs, and medications, which for me often have the worse side effects.


Maybe drinking a lot of water and exercising, and everything else others have used and suggested here in various combination, along with a lot of patience, will help.


Going back to smoking will not help. That has to be taken off the table as an option, and not even thought about. All thinking has to be forward thinking, especially the knowledge that many who have put in over a year have seen a drastic change in their well-being, for the better.


Whatever needs to be done to help can be tried. But time will be the greatest healer, I believe.

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