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Dont go Batship Crazy


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newbies and chickie doo-s take your time here


been here a while and you will see not everyone quits and starts an exercise regiment which makes me tired just reading


take your time, move along slow if you want, no need to do planks or colonostimies


pimp hasn't been around much to smooze up and tell you its ok to cry whine and carry on like babies, and I not so good at saying the sweety things so take a hint- it is ok....


sometimes people feel so good quiting they loose their mind to movement- exercise in particular


its not a requirement- in fact it should be avoided at first so the changes in habits don't make the quit too hard. do move, but dancing, or camping, or cooking count as movement


to run to gym two times a day is a sickness, don't fall for any trap asking you to do this...


and anything more than two hours to complete is not exercise, its self torture, running, sit upping and especially golfing. two hours of golf will bore you to death if not used to that. stick to the country club bar for two hours for even more boredom...talking about golf.


but chickie doo-s know curves are good and seeing bones sticking out is gross


also diets without meat are for farm animals


so take your time in quit, don't sweat the dum stuff, let it roll off you and be happy just playing in the dirt (dirtdigger) or being a horney toad like doorbell. no need to sweat just cuz you quit.


all the moderators are sick- they are nice, but have exercise /diet sickness....


last thought- cats and flip flops are not things to collect....

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newbies and chickie doo-s take your time here


been here a while and you will see not everyone quits and starts an exercise regiment which makes me tired just reading


take your time, move along slow if you want, no need to do planks or colonostimies


pimp hasn't been around much to smooze up and tell you its ok to cry whine and carry on like babies, and I not so good at saying the sweety things so take a hint- it is ok....


sometimes people feel so good quiting they loose their mind to movement- exercise in particular


its not a requirement- in fact it should be avoided at first so the changes in habits don't make the quit too hard. do move, but dancing, or camping, or cooking count as movement


to run to gym two times a day is a sickness, don't fall for any trap asking you to do this...


and anything more than two hours to complete is not exercise, its self torture, running, sit upping and especially golfing. two hours of golf will bore you to death if not used to that. stick to the country club bar for two hours for even more boredom...talking about golf.


but chickie doo-s know curves are good and seeing bones sticking out is gross


also diets without meat are for farm animals


so take your time in quit, don't sweat the dum stuff, let it roll off you and be happy just playing in the dirt (dirtdigger) or being a horney toad like doorbell. no need to sweat just cuz you quit.


all the moderators are sick- they are nice, but have exercise /diet sickness....


last thought- cats and flip flops are not things to collect....

Does laughing and crying count as exercise?

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also don't let bigfoot in Alaska freak you out posting till the islanders wake up


and pipa in the bottom half of the world got weird hours too


24 hour posts with dead time right before Islanders wake, then noisy till dinner west coast time,


tracey only one to travel to all time zones, and she aint so scarey, in fact not really nuts like exercistemists

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Don't care what you say, women all more deathly

afraid of being fat slobs than dying from smoking.

Don't blame - exercistimists?? -  blame

air brushing and porno sites. That said,

your advice was nice, but steely goddesses

do it all, and do it well, and they have nice

big healthy hearts along with tight buns.

Go, Goddesses!

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You have to realise Bakon that some women when they put on weight don't go sexy curvy and just get lumpy and squishy in all the wrong places, therefore are kinda forced to stay slim or end up looking horrible

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Is this the longest Bakon post ever? Thank you for your effort.

This must be something you think is important.

For women the weight gain after quitting is like punishment,

not a reward, it sucks, and many women relapse because

they can't stand the weight gain.


If more men were like you and said, oh darling, sit down

next to me on the couch, you smell so good, and you

are so healthy since you quit smoking --- that would

be heaven on earth.


Star to you for starting up your small corner of heaven.


Talk to other menfolk and help them to see healthy

women are women who don't smoke.


Meanwhile, the steely Goddesses will do what

they want, and they are awesome.

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blinded by the light....


say it enough and you believe it....


brain worshin'


call it what you want, I call BS


I didn't make no corner- guys care less about what you look like than you think....we don't even notice flip flop most of the time



women are harder on each other than men know your even in the room

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I could never become a vegetarian and am not nor will I ever be bony.  Going to the gym can be fun sometimes Bakon, try it.  Not all chicks are cardio bunnies, some of us lift weights and stuff.  Tonight, I'm going to Boxing and Cardio Conditioning :)

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listen mister....I work out for my health...i don't give a rat's ass about being skinny..I never want to be skinny.  My cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar are now perfect and I don't take medicine.  I never want to take medicine.  I hate doctors...that's why I became a nurse...so I can cure myself of ailments and so far, I have dodged the bullets thanks to eating healthy and exercising...


and before I get the lecture from those of you who run to the doctor every 5 minutes....stuff it....


I find it hypocritical to stick cheeseburgers in your mouth...sit on the couch and be sedentary..and then go to the doctor and get blood pressure medicine, blood sugar medicine, cholesterol medicine...go to the pharmacy...fill it out...pop the pills...and eat the cheeseburger and sit on the couch again...that's insane.


I understand even slim people have these illnesses and they can't help it...but I"m guessing 90 percent of them can



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listen mister....I work out for my health...i don't give a rat's ass about being skinny..I never want to be skinny.  My cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar are now perfect and I don't take medicine.  I never want to take medicine.  I hate doctors...that's why I became a nurse...so I can cure myself of ailments and so far, I have dodged the bullets thanks to eating healthy and exercising...


and before I get the lecture from those of you who run to the doctor every 5 minutes....stuff it....


I find it hypocritical to stick cheeseburgers in your mouth...sit on the couch and be sedentary..and then go to the doctor and get blood pressure medicine, blood sugar medicine, cholesterol medicine...go to the pharmacy...fill it out...pop the pills...and eat the cheeseburger and sit on the couch again...that's insane.


I understand even slim people have these illnesses and they can't help it...but I"m guessing 90 percent of them can



I do agree we are what we eat...

I do try to eat healthy stuff....

I've never suffered from high blood pressure...high cholesterol ect....

I mess about with the excersize....nothing too strenuous....my old bones...l.ol....

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guess babs is going batship crazy cause I got more...lol


I have 25 years experience as a nurse...so I've seen a lot of patients....in and out of our rehab.  People who are obese have just as many medical problems as smokers.  As someone who had both...I was always trying to work on the weight first...finally i figured out I had to quit the smoking first.  Then work on the exercise and diet.  Smoking has got to go.


Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the United States. Over two-thirds of adults are overweight or obese, and one in three Americans is obese. The prevalence of obesity in children has increased markedly. Obesity has also been increasing rapidly throughout the world, and the incidence of obesity nearly doubled from 1991 to 1998.

Obesity is not just a cosmetic consideration; it is a dire dilemma directly harmful to one's health. In the United States, roughly 112,000 deaths per year are directly related to obesity, and most of these deaths are in patients with a BMI over 30. For patients with a BMI over 40, life expectancy is reduced significantly. Obesity also increases the risk of developing a number of chronic diseases, including the following:


  • Insulin resistanceInsulin is necessary for the transport of bloodglucose (sugar) into the cells of muscle and fat (which is then used for energy). By transporting glucose into cells, insulin keeps the blood glucose levels in the normal range. Insulin resistance (IR) is the condition whereby the effectiveness of insulin in transporting glucose (sugar) into cells is diminished. Fat cells are more insulin resistant than muscle cells; therefore, one important cause of insulin resistance is obesity. The pancreas initially responds to insulin resistance by producing more insulin. As long as the pancreas can produce enough insulin to overcome this resistance, blood glucose levels remain normal. This insulin resistance state (characterized by normal blood glucose levels and high insulin levels) can last for years. Once the pancreas can no longer keep up with producing high levels of insulin, blood glucose levels begin to rise, resulting in type 2 diabetes, thus insulin resistance is a pre-diabetes condition.
  • Type 2 (adult-onset) diabetes. The risk of type 2 diabetes increases with the degree and duration of obesity. Type 2 diabetes is associated with central obesity; a person with central obesity has excess fat around his/her waist, so that the body is shaped like an apple.
  • High blood pressure (hypertension). Hypertension is common among obese adults. A Norwegian study showed that weight gaintended to increase blood pressure in women more significantly than in men. The risk of developing high blood pressure is also higher in obese people who are apple shaped (central obesity) than in people who are pear shaped (fat distribution mainly in hips and thighs).
  • High cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia)
  • Stroke (cerebrovascular accident or CVA)
  • Heart attack. A prospective study found that the risk of developing coronary artery disease increased three to four times in women who had a BMI greater than 29. A Finnish study showed that for every 1 kilogram (2.2 pounds) increase in body weight, the risk of death from coronary artery disease increased by 1%. In patients who have already had a heart attack, obesity is associated with an increased likelihood of a second heart attack.
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Cancer. Obesity has been linked to cancer of the colon in men and women, cancer of the rectum and prostate in men, and cancer of the gallbladder and uterus in women. Obesity may also be associated withbreast cancer, particularly in postmenopausal women. Fat tissue is important in the production of estrogen, and prolonged exposure to high levels of estrogen increases the risk of breast cancer.
  • Gallstones
  • Gout and gouty arthritis
  • Osteoarthritis (degenerative arthritis) of the knees, hips, and the lower back
  • Sleep apnea 
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If I put on weight I get fat thighs and a belly and end up looking pregnant. I don't even get big boobs. I look really weird with weight on.


So I exercise to stay in shape, and as Babs says, its nice being in shape! I don't go crazy, got a couple of DVDs I put on, can't afford the gym.

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its all exercise, don't do anything too much, some is ok, but hours of anything is no good.


lol....i agree there!  


That's ava....she's the one who goes back 2-3 times to the gym...lol  once is enough for me  

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speaking of workout...I slept in this morning because I fell asleep last night playing words with friends on my phone and my battery died and didn;t wake me up


I hate missing my workout so I'm gonna do 75 burpees before I jump in the shower


luckily i have the day off from the babs abs



hows that for some hump day babbles babbling??




love ya bakon

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Gone are my days in being fanatical about exercising the recovery these days for me are longer so I listen if my body says speed up or slow down, I also cannot be a couch potato but I allow myself this in the evenings it's called fat panz and chill time :)


I do enough to keep the juices flowing and my mind focused and if I enjoy it, walking is my passion but I like to up the pace now and again but not to burn myself out, those days are definitely over.


I do however go on silly faddy diets, not soup or cabbage etc, I guess I just get bored easily but lately been normal lol


Talking of time zones I cross over on Saturday and Bakon I have it in writing you said I was not nuts going to print this off and use it as a sanity certificate :)

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one of his points was directed toward the Newbies advising them to focus on one thing at a time.  Quitting is a enough of an intense process.  Don't jeopardize your success by adding more "shoulds".  


It goes without saying that eating well and exercise will support a quit but succumbing to the fanatic pressures, be it appearance or ideal health, is simply too much during the early stages of a quit.  We are all in different places here on the QT.  Let's try and remember our lane and stay focused.  It will all come in time if you're dedicated.

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one of his points was directed toward the Newbies advising them to focus on one thing at a time.  Quitting is a enough of an intense process.  Don't jeopardize your success by adding more "shoulds".  


It goes without saying that eating well and exercise will support a quit but succumbing to the fanatic pressures, be it appearance or ideal health, is simply too much during the early stages of a quit.  We are all in different places here on the QT.  Let's try and remember our lane and stay focused.  It will all come in time if you're dedicated.


not really....he said I was sick...I was clarifying


runfree...bakon and I go at it like this all the time...nothing serious


go ahead and as Bakon if he thinks he's a junkie....that will start a 20 page thread..lol

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anyway...I am sorry if I yammered on and on...but I do feel passionately about the subject...


The average weight gain when quitting smoking is 10 lbs...because the first 2 weeks or so...people eat...they binge a little..metabolism changes and the body regulates again and most people lose the weight...it's normal...it's acceptable..and it's sometimes necessary.


I on the other hand gained about 50 lbs....that's beyond the normal amount.  That takes you into serious health risks...so yes...I do think it's important mentioning.  I also think such a weight gain is unneccesary and many times..exercising helps with the cravings...it helps the mood...it helps a lot with quitting smoking...and helps a person feel good about themselves.  I am far from a fanatic.  I exercise 45 min a day and eat heathy.  It's not a fad..it's now a way of life for me 


Many people who quit smoking and gained as much weight as I did...they end up going back to smoking because they are depressed....due to not feeling good about themselves.  So now..here they are...50 lbs heavier and once again..smoking.


That is why I felt I needed to address it. 


Carry on..and I will try to stay in my own lane from now on...wherever that is :o

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truth, 100%

Not so in my world. Women of all ages pay it forward, with compliments.

What men think (about our bodies: pro/con) is mostly over there, not here,

as we are the goddesses. Haha. truth, 100%


The culprit related to body issues...


is media world and its warped messages...promoting

smoking, anorexia, excess, eternal youth, porn, violence...

and objectification. Our bodies are not cars or buses or

motorcycles...to wreck, or pimp up, or to park and forget

about...or whatever....(I digress)....sorry.

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