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Am I in the wrong place

Ricki M

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All I have read so far is everyone going cold turkey.  I'm on the nicotine lozenges.  I have had three today as I cut them in half.  But I don't hear anyone mentioning taking anything like the gum or lozenges.  I'm feeling a bit quilty..like  I'm cheating or something. 

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No. You are NOT cheating. You quit the way you need to quit. There is no one way or any right way. This is YOUR quit and you do what you need to do to accomplish it.


People may tell you your only torturing yourself....blah, blah, blah. It doesnt' matter what anyone thinks or says. What does matter is that you quit smoking and if the lozenges help you, then by all means.....I SUPPORT YOU 100% !!!


Many people succeed with NRT's. Many people succeed without them. Many people don't with or without them. It's all up to you how you do it.

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Don't worry, some people CAN go without quit aides,BUT as long as you get cig free it doesn't matter how you achieve it, I used Wellburtin. :)  Plus some people think they deserve a gold star or whatever for going cold turkey, to me using an quit aide builds a more solid foundation & will give you a solid quit.

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Thank you...I was beginning to think I wasn't do something right or something.  That's how I quit before so that is how I'm going to do it this time.  Tiff you just crack me up....we can do this.  We just have to learn from the ones that have been there.  ;)

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Ricki, it's all about the result not the method. If lozenges are the best way for you, then brilliant. Crack on!


I don't think that one is better than another. I do notice that successful quits are the ones where people learn about their addiction and begin to understand it.


You are in the right place!

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Always operate on the "whatever works" and "all roads lead to rome" principle.


We are all vastly different people and what works for one, will not for another, so if you feel it's right then it's right. Of course you are where you need to be :)  We have a lot of cold turkey'ers, but only because it's still the most popular quitting method.


I agree with Bandito, the key is in educating yourself and understanding how you were on a treadmill of addiction, you get to a point you don't want that crazy merry go round and understand that's exactly what you had. Trapped, like a hamster on a wheel where you wanted to do something, but had to stop to have a cig. Get on a plane, best chain smoke first. Day out with the family, hope there's a place to smoke. And so on, it ended up that life revolved around where we could and couldn't smoke next...so stopping that with a support network - this is the place! xx

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Totally cheating! 


Of course, I couldn't really read what you wrote, because I didn't want to cheat and wear my glasses. And now my keyboard is full of spaghetti sauce because I didn't want to cheat at dinner and use a fork and napkin.


Man, I really am a smartass.

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Hey Ricki - as the others have said - you do what works for you - there is no "right way" to quit - it is all about the destination not the means of travel:-). Stay close - we will support you regardless :-)

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All I have read so far is everyone going cold turkey.  I'm on the nicotine lozenges.  I have had three today as I cut them in half.  But I don't hear anyone mentioning taking anything like the gum or lozenges.  I'm feeling a bit quilty..like  I'm cheating or something. 


There's no doubt that quitting cold turkey is the method most used, but it's not the method that I used.  My doctor put me on Wellbutrin XL to see if it would work and trust me, it did.  After about a week on the stuff I couldn't get past 2 or 3 puffs without feeling nauseous and so I quit.  After about 3 weeks on the meds I stopped taking them because they were really screwing with my moods.  I couldn't stand to be around myself!  I got a glimpse into what others felt around me all these years. :)


Anyway, the goal with any NRT is to use it as a tool to quit nicotine completely.  That should be the goal because this is the drug that we're addicted to and must rid ourselves of it.  But yes, of course you're in the right place.


Some videos regarding this issue.  Just some food for thought.


The Law Of Addiction

"Administration of a drug to an addict will cause re-establishment of chemical dependence upon the addictive substance."




Nicotine Is Nicotine Is Nicotine

Video discusses how nicotine delivered by any source via any route of administration has the full potential of causing relapse to any former smoker or user of any nicotine product.



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you are not cheating and you are most definately in the right place please post anything you want to about your NRT there will be someone here who used it also.


The only thing with NRT is eventually you will be going cold turkey, some people like to just rip the plaster(band aid) off and others need to take their time


its what ever works for you

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Ricki, please don't feel guilty!  I used the patches for 2 weeks and I feel that got me over the "hump".   To me it doesn't matter how we quit, just that we accomplish the goal of no smoking!

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Ricki... I chewed Nico Gum for several months to aid in my quit... and I quit successfully on my first try.  This after 20+ years of smoking like a chimney.


Different Strokes for different folks.


Just make sure you are following the directions and ween yourself off when it is time.


FYI... my Aunt quit 10 years ago with the gum... she still chews it today.  Be careful.

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Thanks again everyone...I will follow the directions as I did get addicted to the lozenges before but I did eventually quit.  What lead me to smoking again was drinking so I have quit that too.  I don't need it anymore at my age(60)  Lots of new changes for me but I have been down this route before so I have learned my lesson.  And this time I will be using all you guys and gals for my support.  Thank you

Ricki :)

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Don't worry, some people CAN go without quit aides,BUT as long as you get cig free it doesn't matter how you achieve it, I used Wellburtin. :)  Plus some people think they deserve a gold star or whatever for going cold turkey, to me using an quit aide builds a more solid foundation & will give you a solid quit.


Nicotine free is nicotine free. I don't agree that a more "solid foundation" is achieved by using aides. Or, by cold turkey. Seems  subjective, to me. I liked what Marti mentioned today about vigilance. If there were one word to describe a "solid" quit, it would be that one.

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Ricki you are so in the right place, Quit Train does what it says on the tin, however you approach it, it's a quit smoking forum, I got to where I am using Champix, all our journeys are different but we all have the same goal, quitting, we are all in this together, and you are doing fantastic xx

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In the past I tried: nicotine gum (cut my mouth up), the patch (gave me hives), e-cigg (made me feel like I had emphysema), hypnosis (cost me lots of money and only lasted 2 weeks), Zyban (made me suicidal), and cold turkey.  Cold Turkey is the only way for me but BELIEVE ME I was open to anything that might bring me success.  I firmly believe that support groups and education are the most effective means towards success...the rest is up to you.

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