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ughhhh !!!!!!!


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Just wanted to "bump" this and see how you're doing, Tiffany! xox


SO much of what you posted are in my thoughts now! and I'm into the 4th week of my quit!!????


Not often, but when they come, they come with a vengeance! ???


Not sure, but IMO, it's worse for those who have experienced 'long quits' and started again... or even lots of smaller quits..?

Sort of like "how long will I last this time?".... that NAUGHTY evil little monster at it again! LOL!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Those are some pretty sucky triggers.  At least you push yourself through them every day - pretty soon it will be that easy to say nope in any situation.  Some of the videos posted in this thread though... :lol2:

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It does get better, trust me.  When I first quit and felt like SMOKING ALL THE TIME I just believed that many many people had quit before me and seemed to be having a normal live now. I knew if I just held on and kept not smoking it would get a little bit better each week.  I am telling you now that I do not want to smoke and I do not care about it at all

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Struggling, hence on here....liking this post because it's exactly how I feel, almost 3 weeks in, can't give in now, but so easy, the cigs are just out there, by the back door (husband smokes)......Disappointed with myself with how much I want one, been fine all week. Bed time!!!!

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For a lot of people, there's a "rule of 3s" - days, weeks, months, where out of the blue there's a rough patch. No idea why, but there it is. I think it's too bad you're disappointed, even though I understand it. Me, I'm proud of you - three weeks of being more of a badass than a lot of people have in them.


You were right though - can't give in now!!


Go to bed.

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So Tiffany not back here, yet? :((


Donotwanna! WOOHOO!! and that 3's thing... think that was moi?!!!


Not that I don't have the occasional thought... but mostly "have I REALLY quit smoking?"  or "I can't beLIEVE I'm smoke FREE!"

Yesterday, I wanted my friend to pop over, (she smokes) for a 'puff'... can you believe that???


That DARN 'puff' thing! sheesh! it IS like 'maybe this time it will be different'.... I know the 'traps' so will keep clear... bulldust!!!


But thank God, that was yesterday, and only for a few minutes... I didn't ask her to come, and whenever she does, I KNOW I won't take that puff!!! NOT ONE PUFF, EVER!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Tiff...sometimes that nico monster is just screaming down your ear...

Tryin to wear you down....you are stronger and more smarter than he is....

The only way to get the better of it...is stay strong....fight it head on....you know this...

Don't let it win...no matter what....keep busy...do,something nice and rewarding....


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Weak is fine. You don't have to fight it, you know. You don't have to do anything. You just have to not do something - and you won't, not this time. Go ahead, be weak as a kitten, soft as a baby, lay on the floor and meow and cry if you want to, none of it matters. Just don't smoke. Imagine, for a moment, that it wasn't a monkey but a bear! (I just got back from camping, so bears are on the brain). If you were being mauled by a monster grizzly, you wouldn't define "success" by whether you beat up the bear or not, you'd be happy just to make it out alive. Roll in a ball, play dead, whatever it took wouldn't matter, just so it leaves you alone.


And so it is.

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Sorry to read this Tiffany, I use to say to myself when the hard day's hit that I must be doing something right, if that little bugger was shouting at me that much, he must be getting worried. Which to me meant I must be the stronger one, even if I didn't feel like that.


Everyone has a certain amount of bad days they have to get through, for each person it is different. Once you get through them it does become better.


I will cross everything that tomorrow is better for you. But you doing brilliantly, be proud of yourself x

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