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I am the opposite of a natural runner. However - as my quit grew - I decided that I wanted to enjoy the health benefits, create a distraction and offset some of the weight gain. So - I am in week 2 of a "Couch to 5 kilometres" programme.


I have a free app on my phone, a very swish armband thing to hold the the phone - and a pair of running shoes with more colours in them than are in my entire wardrobe (they cost an arm and a leg, have go faster stripes and everything :lol: )


The program starts off with 60 seconds running and 2 minutes walking - repeated 8 times..gradually it increases the running time. The plan being that in 9 weeks I will be running 5k.


So - any advice from experienced runners appreciated - and any other learners- join in.


If you are thinking about it - my advice would be GO FOR IT....I feel great! :D

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I had a quit last year that lasted 9 lovely months, in that time I started exercising and then after I'd been quit for about 4 months thought I would give running a go ... I was amazed at how well I did, it took me about 3 months to get up to a 10k run, I wasn't breaking any speed records but I was certainly breaking personal records. After my relapse the running fell by the wayside. This week I gave it another go and was amazed that I could still run over 4 k's comfortably. So I'm now going to run just that little bit further everytime until I get back up to the 10 k mark.


I agree Bandito, go for it ... it makes you feel amazing  :)

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I started running on the treadmill about 6 weeks ago. I built up slowly and am now at about 2.25 to 2.50 miles. My short term goal is a 5k so I am close. I never thought that I could do it, but I am and I like the feeling of it.

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OK,, I cant run because of my back,,, that is why I bike ride.


As far as the couch to 5k goes, it is excellent program if you do it the way it is intended.  Do not push it and listen to your body.  We have had multiple members start to run and push to fast and end up hurt in one way or another, so just be smart and careful.... Most of all, enjoy it!!!


Congrats ElB!

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Scott's right. If you've been running less than 18 months or so - SLOW THE FARK DOWN. You're probably going too fast, too hard, and maybe too far (stay under 10 miles until at least a year)




Cheesy Squeezy

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OK,, I cant run because of my back,,, that is why I bike ride.


As far as the couch to 5k goes, it is excellent program if you do it the way it is intended.  Do not push it and listen to your body.  We have had multiple members start to run and push to fast and end up hurt in one way or another, so just be smart and careful.... Most of all, enjoy it!!!


Congrats ElB!


I hear you - just backed off for a week. Been playing lots of golf, but last run, felt a little twinge in the knee - so decided to take 10 days off - and will start again next week...

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I have been running for a little while now and am very surprised at my usual 5k run I am doing these days and the distance is increasing gradually. I started off running 1.2k's and was stuffed afterwards. But now its getting much easier, the chest (lungs) still hurt sometimes but I am sure thats normal for an ex smoker. I joined a fitness program to help me with my running, called Run For Life. They are helping me big time and I even got a really cool certificate the other day.

I got the expensive rainbow colored running shoes too, apparently good shoes are an essential part of running.....


Go for it! It feels awesome being able to run!

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I have been running for a little while now and am very surprised at my usual 5k run I am doing these days and the distance is increasing gradually. I started off running 1.2k's and was stuffed afterwards. But now its getting much easier, the chest (lungs) still hurt sometimes but I am sure thats normal for an ex smoker. I joined a fitness program to help me with my running, called Run For Life. They are helping me big time and I even got a really cool certificate the other day.

I got the expensive rainbow colored running shoes too, apparently good shoes are an essential part of running.....


Go for it! It feels awesome being able to run!



I'm still doing the intervals - run, walk, run etc...but building up.


Is Run for Life an internet thing - or local to you?


Shoes - I get they need to be good - but why do they need to glow in the dark? :wacko:

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I run now every morning....without timing, just trying to find the right rhythm. 


I have the dogs with me and they love it! I slowed down and two round in the park are not a problem, I have no idea how long it took and I have no idea if it's 1 or 3 miles. I decided to just jog for a while without any pressure. My timing depends on the dogs as well, yesterday they started playing and I had to stop for a few minutes. It's good for them and good for me as well!


It feels good, it's like the years fall off my shoulders!

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Was out for an hour today.  It's so nice out!!!  I walked, I jogged, I took a picture of a turkey (tried to catch the great big Tom with all his feathers a-ruffled, but he was being camera shy), I tried to get my stupid Nike app to work .  I generally putzed around.


I also took a picture of this:(will insert pic in a few)


which is the my goal.  Today I only got half way up doing a slow walk/jog and slow jog back down.  


I need to clock the distance.  

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We live in a small community and we have a very small park between two streets.....you really have to slow down with the car or you miss the entry. It's hard to find and I assume it was built for get together's and neighborhood meetings. Everybody has an own yard, so nobody uses it. It's my private park...so it seems. There are only a few people who walk their dogs and I am mostly alone so it is officially "my park".


I run now every morning with the dogs and it's hard to say who has more fun. I found out that one round in our gigantic park is exactly 1.2 miles.....so I run either 2.4 or 3.6 miles not bad for an older Ladybug :-)


However I have 2 or 3 breaks in my run (poop breaks for the dogs).

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We live in a small community and we have a very small park between two streets.....you really have to slow down with the car or you miss the entry. It's hard to find and I assume it was built for get together's and neighborhood meetings. Everybody has an own yard, so nobody uses it. It's my private park...so it seems. There are only a few people who walk their dogs and I am mostly alone so it is officially "my park".


I run now every morning with the dogs and it's hard to say who has more fun. I found out that one round in our gigantic park is exactly 1.2 miles.....so I run either 2.4 or 3.6 miles not bad for an older Ladybug :-)


However I have 2 or 3 breaks in my run (poop breaks for the dogs).


Wow, this is fabulous Ladybug- So proud of you!!

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Decided to give running ago.


Our Megz has said to start at 3 minutes in time and not to worry about distance and just build my time. So 3 minutes start time was her advice then each day to add 30 seconds.


I am actually looking forward to it as I need something to re divert my compulsive, addictive nature. At least this way two birds with one stone....health and a sense of well being/purpose.


How's everyone else getting on with their running?

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Decided to give running ago.


Our Megz has said to start at 3 minutes in time and not to worry about distance and just build my time. So 3 minutes start time was her advice then each day to add 30 seconds.


I am actually looking forward to it as I need something to re divert my compulsive, addictive nature. At least this way two birds with one stone....health and a sense of well being/purpose.


How's everyone else getting on with their running?


I was a jogger/runner when I was young and I know it's addictive. It's like a daily "rush" you  just need...I can't wait to see if it will happen again. Right now I just want to be overall healthy.


I think it's a wonderful way to exercise.....no gym needed....just open the door and off you go :-)

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I was a jogger/runner when I was young and I know it's addictive. It's like a daily "rush" you  just need...I can't wait to see if it will happen again. Right now I just want to be overall healthy.


I think it's a wonderful way to exercise.....no gym needed....just open the door and off you go :-)

That's exactly it LB, for me, no gym needed. Just so easy to open my door and go.


I never ran in my spare time as a child (although was in the school athletic team) but I know what you mean about that 'rush'. I played out all the time, running around playing 'hares and hounds' like you say what a rush, what a high. I forgot all about that and am looking forward to that feeling. Will be like being young again ;)

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Decided to give running ago.


Our Megz has said to start at 3 minutes in time and not to worry about distance and just build my time. So 3 minutes start time was her advice then each day to add 30 seconds.


I am actually looking forward to it as I need something to re divert my compulsive, addictive nature. At least this way two birds with one stone....health and a sense of well being/purpose.


The Sarge loves you!


Start here: Couch to 5k forums - it's a program designed to take couch potatoes (non runners) from 0 to 5k (3.1 miles) in a comfortable, easy, anyone-can-do-it manner.




Easy Peasy

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The Sarge is avoiding again today. Training schedule says "moderate, mid-distance".   Specifically, The Sarge decided in a sub-49 minute 10k (6.2 miles) (7:55-ish pace) ... but has been putting it off all day.  There's only 3 hours left in the day. How long can he avoid?



Easy Peasy





Update: Here's your failure DevilDoll - the Sarge's daily failure x 2. Failure The First: Didn't run on Monday. The run finished at 12:08 - Tuesday morning.  Failure The Second: Finished in 49:18 - didn't make the required sub-49.



10k (6.2 miles) Treadmill: 1% grade @ 49:18 (7:57/mile)

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