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I am new to this site & stopped smoking 8 days ago. I am experiencing what feels like a pulled muscle in my right lower rib area & a sore, tight right neck like a swollen gland. Also have insomnia which I have read about on this site as being very common. I am committed to not smoking again but man I feel crummy with these weird symptoms cropping up. Has anyone else experienced this type of reaction to quitting? Is it withdrawl? It's like there is a new something every day....and of course one thinks the worst!


Our bodies go through a lot when we quit smoking, our brains go through the most though. We all have had similar yet different symptoms when our quits were new. Upset stomachs, insomnia, headaches, acne, pains, aches, colds. You are 8 days in and your system is in havoc. You are in withdrawal from a drug and your brain is going to associate every little ache and pain on the fact that you quit smoking. If the pain is really severe and bothersome and persists then you should see a doctor regarding it. 

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HI and welcome on Board, you will go through a great deal of changes in your body over the next few weeks, you are healing inside and out, I remember suffering from a terrible sore throat for weeks and a shortness of breath right at the beginning of my quit last year, your blood flow is improving to your body and you will feel and sense things you don't normally do as your body re-adjusts, you will be unable to sleep and have weird dreams!!! You are claiming your body back and the long term is going to amazing, everything you feel is normally, but as our lovely DD says if it persists and you are unhappy consult your GP, xx

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Welcome to the board, Tyme!  Congratulations on your decision to quit.  I agree with DD and Jackie that it is probably just your body adjusting to the poisons leaving your system.  I also agree that it couldn't hurt to be checked by a doctor.  


Eight days is fantastic...Hell week is over and you never have to go through it, again (as long as you stay smoke-free!)

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Each of us who have quit smoking went though withdrawal as you are now. Although withdrawal may seem to be very difficult, it really does not last very long. Have faith that you will soon begin to feel better. Believe it or not, you will reach a point very soon when you will wonder what all the fuss was about. Remain 100 percent committed to your decision to quit. Trust in what those of us who have not smoked for a long time are telling you  -- freedom from nicotine is totally worth any temporary discomfort associated with withdrawal.

Hang in there.
Best wishes.

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Thank Heavens for this site! I do not want to go through this again believe me and I am committed to quitting for good. You can't know how much I appreciate your input. I am feeling like a total suck right now.....but after 40 years of smoking, I know I am going to go through some withdrawal.....I just didn't expect this! The cravings for a smoke are not so bad now but I'm beginning to feel like a hypochondriac with all these aches & pains. Thank you for replying to me....ALL of you! You are very considerate & caring. I am going to ride it out before seeing a Doctor....all of this has only happened since I quit smoking just over a week ago. I am proud that I am doing this & I have no intention of ever going back. I know I can do it. I just need reassurance. I am planning to watch videos Joel has put on the site too....suggested by Sonic.



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Hey Tyme, It's pretty crazy what the chemical bits of a cig did to us. I don't know as if we totally accept it until we do this really real quit and see how many things in us go a bit crazy!  Nuts ey!  However I think it will help to think on it as your body trying to heal itself from the inside to out. How wonderful is that, even after years that our bodies try and fix things :)


Agree with if anything persists past 2/3 weeks, or feels truly painful to follow up with medical advice. But I wanted to share a number of us had so many crazy and not always seemingly related symptoms! Use it to stay quit, if you don't smoke today you will never have to do this day again.



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