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Greetings everyone.  At the kind suggestion of another poster, I am writing to introduce myself. 


My name is Brenndy and I will be free of cigarettes for 3 days at 11:00 pm this evening.  I am kinda worried about today because the past two times I tried, on the third day I caved and smoked.  I DO NOT want this to happen again.  I need a little motivation, help, guidance. So if you can thnk of anything to be of assistance to me, please chime in.


Thanks again and good luck to all of you.

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Brenndy TODAY - after 3 days the nicotine has left your body and your withdrawal symptomes should easy or be over in day 4!!! Hand tuff and don't puff (sorry stole an original signature from someone here)

Read as many articles as you can or watch the whole video library.... educate yourself!!!


You will succeed!!!

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Welcome Brenndy :)  Whenever you feel weak, stay close to this board as often as possible.  Familiarize yourself with the SOS forum and use it if need be.  There is always somebody here and we will talk you through a rough time.  Have you tried exercise or a new hobby?  Sometimes that can make a big difference.  For many, hanging out in the social part of the forum is a big distraction there is lots to do there.  Have you had a chance to read up on the addiction or watch any of the videos posted?  

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Good Morning and welcome Brenndy.  Congrats on an awesome decision.  


Don't be scared to get to the end of day 3... be excited.  You are in the fight of your life...and who likes to lose.


Get your badass on and get to tomorrow.  Stay busy.


One day at a time... keep on keepin on.

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I am using the nicotine patch, so it's not like I went cold turkey and everything has left my body. I wish I could have done it that way, but no one knows me better than me.

If this method does not work, I may try Chantix.  Has anyone had good results with either?  I am very irritable and shaky because its day 3.  I think if I can make it thru today, I will be okay. Just going on past experience. 


Thanks and best regards.


ps: I have Allen Carr's book, I just have to find time to read it. I've viewed many videos. I liked the one about Chantix. This guy is doing it thru Chantix and he stopped completely on day 4.. I am following his progress just in case I need a back-up plan.

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I think i will need to do the entire course with the patch. I was a heavy smoker (2 pks daily) for many years.  If it takes me 7 weeks, then so be it.  The main thing is I quit.  My son is also in a quit stage, but he is way ahead of me at 21 days.  Wish I were him.  He never complains or talks about it. I, on the otherhand, need to vent.  He skipped the second 2 boxes of Step 1 and went to Step 2 and told me that there was a significant difference in how many cravings he had, which were more. So I think, like I stated before, am going to go the entire course.  It is my hope that together we can both succeed and be smoke free FOREVER.

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Hi Brenny, nice to meet you!


3 days is great :D


And the good news is that, after 11pm, you will have beaten your previous, and will have a great foundation to build this lovely new quit of yours!


Welcome to the train :)

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Hi!  First, this time is different for you because you are here now with us! :D That three day thing may have taken a larger place in your mind than it should. Just because that happened, does not mean it will happen now.  


I used to read the statistics regarding quitting smoking, how most people need several times before their "sticky quit."  I used to think , well that's not me.  I will be in the percentile of persons who will succeed. .... So far, so good for me .  The same it will be for you.   :)


I did the whole course of the patches, all three levels, for about three + months.  I had smoked for 30 isn years.  I also read Allen Carr, read articles at other  places, such as Whyquit,com, chatted on the boards, meditated and ate a lot of candy.  Whatever it took! 


See you here later and tomorrow, smoke free. 

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Welcome Brenddy please take each day as it comes, I found the more I feared something the worse it was, take it step by step, hour by hour, day by day, read and post as much as you can the board will support you


Each day will be a huge achievement, so shout it from the hills you are doing an amazing thing and should be proud that you QUIT, we are of you :)

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Hey Brenndy.


Welcome to the QT - congratulations on a brilliant decision. Every quit is individual. Lots of methods work. 


This gig is all about the destination - 


There are times when you might feel irritable, shakey etc etc...but here's the thing. A crave never killed anyone. 


Keep posting, keep reading - just don't put anything in your mouth and set fire to it.


You will be OK Brenndy.


Welcome Again.

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Brilliant to hear you're already on day 3, have seen you in the background and how lovely you are following your sons lead :)  You will be re inforcing his quit with yours, quite apart from the benefit to yourself...wonderful!!


Day 3, you say you wobbled previously but this is "the quit", "the new quit"...don't give your brain any room to manouvre in this is my advice. You absolutely can and will do this, all we need is a how to...so post more here, social, games, here, quit smoking, write a blog?. Get a bottle of water and take sips. When you feel on edge breath in for 4 and out for 4 until it calms. Write a list of why you don't like being a smoker, keep it with you, read it often. Exercise, in fact any movement is good...releases happy endorphins that lift our spirits.


The difference is you are here and you really want this!!



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I think i will need to do the entire course with the patch. I was a heavy smoker (2 pks daily) for many years.  If it takes me 7 weeks, then so be it.  The main thing is I quit.  My son is also in a quit stage, but he is way ahead of me at 21 days.  Wish I were him.  He never complains or talks about it. I, on the otherhand, need to vent.  He skipped the second 2 boxes of Step 1 and went to Step 2 and told me that there was a significant difference in how many cravings he had, which were more. So I think, like I stated before, am going to go the entire course.  It is my hope that together we can both succeed and be smoke free FOREVER.

Congratulations on stopping smoking, and welcome.


You vent all you like, and need, here with us ;)


As you say if it does take you 7 weeks so be it, it's not a race and you are already tobacco free.. Well done xx

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Brenndy, welcome to the Quit Train and good for you on quitting!  I used the patches to quit.  I didn't like the way they made me feel at night so I just wore them in the day time.  Just do whatever works for you.

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Hi Brenddy


Congratulations on your decision to quit. I'm right at the start of the journey with you. I stopped a few days ago. Therefore any advice below is probably not as valuable as some of the more experienced quitters!


About your worry about starting after a few days, the best advice I can give is that you prepare yourself mentally. If your head, make a firm commitment to not cave in. Clear any traces of cigarettes related things like lighters to reinforce that this is a firm and final decision. Imagine your life 5 years from now and how proud you and happy you are with your smoke free life, and how it feels quite foreign and strange that you used to smoke. When you get a crave, dismiss it ir let it take its course. They come less and less and become quite easy to manage.


Like you I've relapsed in the past. I'm glad I did. Why? Because this ultimately helped me get to a stage in my life where I know I'm done with it for good.


Best of luck, and congratulations again!

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