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First Non SAD Winter


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Do any of you suffer from SAD syndrome?


I have had my very first Winter and been able to stop it in it's tracks this year, which has been fabulous as I'm sure you can imagine.


I have learnt now, when I notice the very low mood, to accept it and then do something about it. I say do something about it, what I mean is I completely focus on something positive and realistic. I see now in the past I just accepted it was part of the course for me, would dread Winter, and not really know what to do other than get on with it and wait for the very low moods to lift. I used to read that the power of the mind is a great tool, and blah, blah, blah... But I never really believed it to be honest as the SAD feeling was so strong. So although I can't stop the chemicals bringing on a low mood at least now I accept it happens but now know how to manage it.


At least now I won't ever have to dread the Winter months again.. It's a very liberating feeling.

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as soon as September rolled around...I would start.  Dreading the upcoming winter.  Hating that it will be getting dark early and soon be chilly and Fall sets in and everyone is celebrating Halloween...then thanksgiving..and xmas.  I would just make it through but not enjoy.  I laid around a lot...gained weight....watched TV all the time.  I was anticipating winter before it was even here which made me more miserable.  Usually after the new year I finally accepted it was winter and started looking forward to Spring.  

One day 3 years ago..I realized that all that was in my head. (except for the physical symptoms due to lack of sunlight)  So I started decorating for Fall...and making myself enjoy it and focus on the positive.....after December 21st we gain a minute of sunlight each day.  Knowing that helps...I also love doing my spring countdown....that helps (62 days till Spring)

Changing my attitude helped, making myself go outside every day even when it's cold (bundle up), exercise every single day (even when i dont want to), eating healthy...meditation...all these contribute to a much more pleasant winter.


...I still hate the cold...still want to move down south where it's warmer...but...I am learning to embrace it.  One thing we have that warmer climates don't have is that wonderful feeling of Spring Fever....so grateful for the warmth and growth of new green grass and flowers and birds chirping, windows open....it's a feeling I know I would miss.

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I know exactly what you mean Babs!


I would dread September, and the kids going back to school in the UK, as I knew what faced me..in my mind!


This September was different as , as you might remember, Del Boy died. It was during all of that, that made me dig deep..real deep! And find something, anything! To focus on that was positive. From that it just snowballed into the next happy thing, and like you mentioned December the 21st was one that I would smile about, and focus on.


At the moment I am so happy as it will soon be February and the promise of Spring. Only yesterday I was in the supermarket and saw Hot Cross Buns. Now the old Winter me would have got the right hump, and thought why on earth are they selling Easter foods already! Yesterday I stopped that thought in it's tracks and instead thought.. Omg it will be Spring soon! How fabulous.


I wouldn't care Babs, in the past, spring to Autumn I was a little ray of sunshine! Always a positive take on stuff, first one to smile or laugh. It always felt as though someone had taken my batteries out from Sept to February.


I feel very free of all that now Barb, as I can see you do. It's actually priceless really isn't it?

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I suffer from it bad, but I am going to heed your advices and inspirations and hope it makes a difference to me as i have tried, the extra vitamins and light boxes etc, however i have to say that im not suffering so bad this year i think it is because im here in ohio with all the snow and all the white makes it light and bright?


plus im busy and have lots to look forward to, so yes i can see how mind set plays a part but i will work harder to incorporate it more


cool thread keeping it coming thanks xx

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I suffer from it bad, but I am going to heed your advices and inspirations and hope it makes a difference to me as i have tried, the extra vitamins and light boxes etc, however i have to say that im not suffering so bad this year i think it is because im here in ohio with all the snow and all the white makes it light and bright?


plus im busy and have lots to look forward to, so yes i can see how mind set plays a part but i will work harder to incorporate it more


cool thread keeping it coming thanks xx

Tracey you know what my break through has been, that helps me manage it and stop it in it's track? Is I am now able to recognise that it's a very low mood. In the past it was just normal, put up with it and just mentally hibernated till Spring. It wouldn't be that anything had actually happened, just the fact is was a Tuesday would be enough.


So when I can feel it, when I wake up and know it's not right, I get to and sort out what I have to do mentally. For me it involves quickly looking at a picture of the hotel I will be going to, writing down my daily tasks then adding a look forward to task. It might be something like research such and such (could be a recipe or make up related) I can then, for the rest of my day look forward to that free time researching whatever the heck it was on my list.


I know that might not sound ground breaking to many but I can't tell you how much it lifts that dark cloud feeling... Gives me something positive to look forward to.


So although I can't stop the dark clouds coming, I can now accept that (helps enormously!) I am at least able to manage them very well and blow them away.


You're not alone Tracey xx

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I too have had a problem with the winter months.  This year I started taking an additional 1000 IU of Vitamin D3 and it seems to have worked.  I don't care if it is really helping or if it is all in my mind!  We are having several warm days this week (after 0 degree days) and that helps also.  I was outside washing some windows this morning!  In January no less!

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I have had this for years (I think) havent celebrated christmas in over 10 years cause everything bad that has happened to me has happened in the fall/winter. Both my miscarriages  have happened in the fall(cant have kids these were my only pregnancies) I have had several family members die in the fall over the years. Overall I have always struggled with the fall/winter and the fact that it is dark and cold doesnt help. This year I tried something different, I decorated for christmas had people over for christmas eve. I am trying to keep up with working out and I am taking cody for walks outside (dressing warmly of course) I am trying to change my outlook on my life. It is hard though because occasionally the dark moods come out. I try to stifle them and focus on something else.

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