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Good Morning Amy and IamDoingIt :)


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Welcome to your first day of Freedom - Dont be scared be happy this is you making positive steps in your own lives you are breaking the chains that have been holding you back and keeping you a slave for all these years


remember to keep posting, keep busy, keep reading 


You are both doing it yee haa





The board is here for you remember we have all walked the path you are just stepping onto


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Don't look back only forward, forget the past and embrace your wonderful new lives smoke free, healthier and the best one RICHER.


We will all be here for you in your times of need, so NEVER feel like you are alone.


Xox :)

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Good Morning Amy & Iamdoingit!  


Remember people are here 24 hours a day, so post away...Tell us how you are feeling, we are here to help you navigate any speed bumps you may encounter.  Now go breathe some fresh air!

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Day 1 felt daunting and exhilarating at the same time - a very surreal feeling. What I wish for you is the excited feeling that hour by hour and then at the end, a whole day, of not smoking is under your belt. The self pride is amazing...that's my wish for you today. x

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Oh good, I was just thinking about these to on their first day of freedom. You guys are officially in the Spring quitters support group. WooHoo. I could not be more happy to welcome you to the group, I am so excited for our new members. Day 1 is pretty tough, drink lots of water and cranberry juice to push out the toxins. After day 3 all nicotine is out of your system. I ate a lot of hard candies, and made a new habit of gum after meals oh and stong mints are awesome for strong cravings. Remember if you get a craving post an SOS, we are here for you. You can do this, do not let smoking be an option. I will be on all day if you guy need any help ;)

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Morning guys!


Woo, first day of your quits! I know it can be daunting, but you've got this. :) We're all here for you two, so if you need anything, please don't hesitate to post. 


We WANT more than anything for you guys to be successful. 


Let's start that journey and kick some serious butt. :D

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Okay- it is 9:22 would have had 5-6 cigarettes by now.  I don't have any so I can't smoke them.  Need to stay determined

and make it through the day. 


Thanks for all of the support ! -

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You've got this Amy. We believe in you! :) Make sure to read all the info here, keep yourself distracted, and drink lots of water.


Go for a walk, exercise, watch a movie/TV show, read a book, chew gum... whatever. Just keep your mind busy. It will help. :)

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I can't believe  I am hungry for breakfast- Chicken Ramen noodles it is

Amy, One thing that changed for me was I ate breakfast every morning.  Instead of smoking cigs in the morning, I was hungry.  Good, that's what a non-smoker does, right?

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