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I made it through the day without stopping at the smoke shop. I handed off my grocery shopping to my mom so I didn't have to go in the shopping center with the smoke shop. I think that helped. I also tried to time my drive so there was very little waiting before my appointment time...waiting was always smoke time.


Anyway, I'm feeling better, I have no errands coming up so hopefully this craving will go away altogether before I leave the house again.


Thanks,guys, for all the support.

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You are doing good. Yes it is a struggle but you are gaining strength. I used to picture the craving as a little nicotine monster inside and while it was disappearing it fought and screamed to get me to feed it. Each time I did not give in it faded just abit. I promise that younwill not feel like this forever.

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Hey JC - so happy you made it through and will add you are now so much stronger. Keep taking it one step at a time - it will get better and in the interim I am sure you know we are all here to support you xx

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Every time you face down these larger triggers they carry less power the next time. So great job facing that down!! Next time you will know you can do that and it won't be such a big deal unless you choose to give it the head space. Way to go!!

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Every time you face down these larger triggers they carry less power the next time. So great job facing that down!! Next time you will know you can do that and it won't be such a big deal unless you choose to give it the head space. Way to go!!

JC this is so true!


Your thoughts came from your limbic ( your emotional Center/ the I need area) so by not making the purchase you have put a nugget in the logic and truth bank of your mind and then next time your limbic kicks off, temptation, you can then hand over the though to your truth, logic and reason side of thinking. It works... I do it all the time when my emotional thinking is loud in my day to day trails and tribulations.


It will be normal to have temptation anyway JC, and at times the temptation outbursts will feel very strong and can make you feel you are not going to manage them well. I think NEAT when this happens in my day to day life

You can't control your thoughts but we can learn to manage then.

N= Normal

E= Expected

A= Accepted (very important!)

T= Taken Care Of... Which you did by deciding not to make a purchase.


You are doing grand... A very classy quit :)

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Totally normal for your mind to play tricks on you like this.

That junkie is trying to flail his arms and say 'hey what about me? if you try this you can appease me and still not be doing anything wrong.'  Trying to lure you back in.  That nasty SOB


But it wouldn't do anything for you without the nic - that is why cigs have nic and all that crap in them.  You may as well suck on a straw.

I would, at times, hold and imaginary cig in my fingers and inhale oxygen in the same way I used to smoking.  (Stole that move from the woman in the movie "Looper.")

It ended up having the same calming effect as deep breathing, so that would be the way to go that I personally know works.


But don't worry!  A lot of us went back and forth, it's a realllly confusing time - addiction SUCKS.   Best to break away now and be done with it.  It's not always easy Jen, but just remember it's so worth it and you deserve to be happy and healthy.

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Please keep in mind that big tobacco is behind much of this; trying with all they have to not only keep you hooked on their drug but also create new drug addicts who foolishly think they are getting the best of both worlds.  Look at what PM did to cover up their deadly product, the gunk science, paid off politicians and the list goes on and on and on.  All of this, including the depositions can be found at the QT Blog.


Nicotine-Free E-Cigs Still Deliver The Juice


The amount of nicotine in e-cigarette refill solutions doesn't always match what it says on the label, particularly if the label says nicotine-free, a study showed.


A quarter of refill liquids tested (eight of 32) differed by at least 20% from the labeled nicotine content, with discrepancies that ranged from 92% less to 103% more than stated.


All three solutions labeled as "nicotine-free" contained traceable amounts of the addictive substance, Skyler Reinhardt and Maciej Goniewicz, PhD, PharmD, both of the Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, N.Y., reported at the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco meeting in Seattle.


Two "nicotine-free" products contained 0.9 mg/ml, while a third tested at 0.8 mg/ml nicotine. Labeled nicotine content in other tested brands ranged from 5 to 36 mg/ml.


"E-cigarettes have enormous potential to hook all types of users," the researchers noted in a poster presentation. "Nonsmokers that try e-cigarettes, even with nicotine-free refill solutions, may develop an addiction because of faulty manufacturing."


For conventional cigarette smokers, the battery-powered vaporizer devices are considered a safer route of nicotine delivery than burning tobacco and as a possible aid to smoking cessation.


But the findings suggested that "for users that are trying to quit tobacco cigarettes by switching to e-cigarettes, there is a possibility that they are actually inhaling more nicotine than is labeled," possibly counteracting their attempts to cut back, Reinhardt and Goniewicz explained.


Their study involved a random sample of 32 e-cigarette refill solutions from 16 brands purchased via online vendors in the U.S. that were tested with gas chromatography for nicotine content.


The findings should have implications for regulation by the FDA, they argued.


"This science can inform health policy organizations as they determine e-cigarette regulations, which can and should include ... standards for accurate labeling," Andrew Hyland, PhD, also of Roswell Park, commented in a statement.


Nothing about e-cigarettes, including labeling, is yet under FDA regulation. The agency's long-delayed proposed rules are currently with the federal Office of Budget and Management awaiting release for public comment.


Use by youth has been a concern, especially given flavorings likely to appeal to kids. Products included in the study had flavors like Gummy Bear, Root Beer, and Caramel Kona Milkshake.


The researchers noted that while most of the refill solutions tested had fairly accurate nicotine content labeling, those levels were commonly high enough to be fatal to children.


They recommended that a broader range of refill solutions be tested in the future.



The study was supported by Roswell Park Cancer Institute, a National Cancer Institute grant, and JP Morgan Chase.

Goniewicz reported research support from Pfizer, which makes smoking cessation medications.


Reviewed by Robert Jasmer, MD Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco and Dorothy Caputo, MA, BSN, RN, Nurse Planner

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  • 2 weeks later...

You're doing great JC. Every craving is an opportunity to reprogram our brains to our new lives. You have to retag those triggers as non-smoking moments vs. the old way. In this way every challenge makes the next ones easier. A drastic change will be harder, but re-write more quickly than the incremental one of the value which still reinforces certain moments and triggers as smoke time.


You'll get there, it isn't about a month from now, or a year or a day, the only thing you have to conquer is this moment. And you can do it

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