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I'm having a problem with wanting to vape. I feel like I can justify it because you can get the liquid without nicotine but I know better. I know that vaping is also bad, mostly because it will most likely lead to smoking cigarettes. 


It started last night with a conversation with my mom where I was telling her what a hard time I was having and that I'm always thinking about smoking...even with a vapor pen. She said, "If there's no nicotine, why not? You're depressed and miserable and if vaping would help then why not?" Immediately I felt relieved because I had approval to start smoking with a vapor pen and even though it's not a cigarette, it's something. I asked her if I could smoke the pen at home and she said no. (There's a rule that I can no longer smoke on the property and since I live in the country, the street is pretty far away) so it will still not be convenient. But I tell myself, "Since there's no nicotine you won't be craving it every twenty minutes. You'll be more in control and only smoke once or twice a day." But I know better. I'll probably end up having to walk to road in the pouring rain or 104 degree summer heat many times a day. I would start wheezing again which I would hate too.


Anyway, if I were to start vaping I would end up being miserable but the temptation is so strong! I mean, there's no nicotine so it's not as bad, right?


UGH! I hate this! 

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my opinion??..If you are quitting smoking, why start something else that may or may not be any good for you...


substituting vaping for a cigarette at this point will only hold you back. You are at the point in your quit to move forward..


You have quit smoking...some times its tougher than others...when you get to those times, break the quit down to small pieces...just quit smoking for the next hour...occupy your time with something..it doesnt have to be physical, but that worked better for me than say..reading or watching tv...physical activity also gave me time to think why I quit and why I was glad I quit..and...i even surprised myself at the amount of projects I finished once I "quit" smoking...lol...the time i spent smoking was now being used to 'wrap up some loose ends" on projects that wasn't real important before...back then I didn't have time..I was smoking.


Its amazing how much time passes..and what you get accomplished, when you can rid your mind of sticking things in your mouth and instead occupy your time with something constructive...


Like I said, thats just my opinion...I quit cold turkey, and on that day, made the commitment, that no matter how much it hurt, or how "bad" it was, I would not give in...13+ months later, I am still keeping that commitment I made to myself..I am afraid if i told myself a substitute would be ok, it would only be a matter of time before I told myself "just 1" was ok too...

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Negative.. You didn't get approval. You got one person's opinion... I hear vapor is just as bad or worse in some aspects as smoking. That's of course another persons opinion.


Your doing great! Almost 19 days!! Why back step now?? I will be soooo excited to get where you are now! Hang in there. Just the motion of smoking a vapor after not doing anything of the sort for 19 days just sounds like something bad waiting to happen. You may not crave the nicotine but you'll crave the habit. Get through today. Maybe tomorrow will be easier. If not then get through tomorrow.


Rooting for you!

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JC don't!


I'm an ex vaper so can speak from personal experience. I switched from cigs to vaping purely through hubby nagging, over me smoking.


Look, if you have a no nicotine Vape you will still be going through withdrawal, hell you still go through withdrawal with nicotine in the juice...trust me!


All you would be doing is literally using the pen to act out the in hale, hand to mouth then deep breath out. That's all....


You can do this without a vape pen, get a straw and use that if you feel it would help.


I know of people who do vape nicotine free liquid, their choice of course, but you have already stopped the cigs, what's the point in going backwards now? The worst is over, yes some days it will feel Shyte, but, you have to trust us when we say that it does with time and patience start to get much, much easier.


So bottom line... If you vape or not your body is still going to have to detox and readjust to not having those damm chemicals from cigs in you, just get it over with... You would be silly if you did, get a straw and deep breath, I mean REALLY deep breath...it works xx

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Just to add... I spent the last 2 weeks of my 7 months Vaping as nicotine free so trust me when I say just a very good old deep breath really does feel as good, you can feel the happy hormones flushing through your brain... Especially if you hold in for up to 10 seconds and release every so slowly.. Just beautiful really.

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Well done! Take it one day at a time...or... One hour, if that's what it takes. Each victory strengthens your quit...


We were all where you are today...approaching 3weeks... And I think you can agree that it DOES get better every day.


Hang in there and don't be afraid to give a shout if you feel the need... We are here to help. :)

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you guacamolie clifornia people would lick windows on the bus if the vw had any....vaping for what reason? cause you want to suck on something? I can name everything else in the world as better than putting a smoke in your mouth. only 1 thing worse than vaping, putting the smoke in. anything else would be better.


go read joes again out loud.  NO MATTER HOW HARD IT GOT...he used nope.  not one ....nothing....guess what? it freakin worked....if he is from Ohio, with all their brain damage and can figure it out, you progressive tards on the west coast are supposed to be smarter....even the islanders think the west coast is where all the good parts are (not true but tracey wont ever know either living in BORHIO...


But don't vap. Go suck a ...... first. Put what ever you want there. There is no going back. Nothing left there for you. Keep marching forward and tell your mom to go watch Dr Phil, at least his advise is funny, hers was dangerous.....


If you still feel like vaping on Friday, ride down to the hospital, go find the chemo center, just sit in the waiting room for five minutes and watch the people, then report back.....watched a woman get her first dose today....I wanted to cry for her.

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This addiction is BatSh_t Insane ain't it?


You're free now - no fraternizing with the enemy, and from where you are now the vape is an agent of the enemy. Very good at what he does - lure you back.


Cut down a drinking straw to cigarette size and suck on it if you need something to suck on.

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Thanks for everyone's feedback. I was able to get through today and hopefully tomorrow will be the same although I do have an appointment and leaving the house is when I'm most weak.

Fingers crossed.

How's things JC?


I was thinking of this thread as I was drifting off to sleep and you know what hit me (takes me a while these days ;) ) that in your post not once did you think of reaching for an actual cigs, plus you didn't even want nicotine. That sounds like progress to me :)


Well done for not going getting a Vape pen, you've proved you can get through the day even with tremendous temptation, whizzing round in your mind.


Classy... Very classy.

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Quitting is hard and it sucks... your mind will make up some crazy stuff to try to get you back to Nicoville.


Don't know much about vaping...so can't offer my opinion on that.


I just think you should break free of it all.... break free.  The feeling of freedom in empowering.


Get empowered.

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I don't get the whole Vape thing - either put something in your mouth or don't - but don't replace one bad habit with another one - I have to agree with Bakon and Chrispy on this - plain and simple - if you want to risk your quit with some electronic thing you might as well just buy a pack of cigarettes and carry them around for a week just in case.  OK, good since that is not an option because it would be way to tempting, treat the vape just the same -it's not worth it. - Stay strong and close to the board - NOPE is NOPE is NOPE - no matter what you are puffing on. 

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I'm still struggling today...I have to go out today and the grocery store is right next to my old smoke shop so the temptation is stronger than ever. I'm just taking it one minute at a time.

I hear you JC.


Ok so you're struggling? No matter what your mind tells you, as you approach the shop, the only reason you are struggling is because you once smoked, not because you now aren't, but because you did once smoke.


Try and drum this logic in your mind... It saved me many a time.


What would you have spent today on cigs? Maybe treat yourself to some self care and spend that on an actual treat for yourself?


You deserve a treat JC as you have stopped putting that crap in your body that is now making you feel like this.


So logical thinking... ;)

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I'm not tempted by cigarettes as much as I am a vapour pen. It's just so much easier to justify because there's no nicotine but I don't want to vape either. I'm sure it'll lead to cigarettes eventually.


Minute by minute. I'll go excersise now.

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I'm still struggling today...I have to go out today and the grocery store is right next to my old smoke shop so the temptation is stronger than ever. I'm just taking it one minute at a time.


Be a badass today.... and keep on keepin on.

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I'm not tempted by cigarettes as much as I am a vapour pen. It's just so much easier to justify because there's no nicotine but I don't want to vape either. I'm sure it'll lead to cigarettes eventually.

Minute by minute. I'll go excersise now.

Remember JC all you'll get is that hand to mouth and routine out of it. It will cost you money as well, cut up a straw.


As you say it might lead you going to cigs as it honestly doesn't have in it what your body is used to having, even the nicotine ones don't...trust me.


You would be wasting both your time and money.

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Aww sweetie, so sorry I missed all this, no idea how!


You don't smoke Jen. I get you think you want something, that's the addiction trying to shout you back in...that addiction is not your friend!! I AM your friend, walk away from anything that no longer serves you, that takes from you with no return...you are worth more!!



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