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This is my first time on this website. I started using nicoderm cq patches on Jan 7. Jan 9 I slipped up and smoked a cig close to around bedtime. The first night I had so much trouble sleeping and I was so tired and the second night was a tad better but still difficult. The third I'm not sure what was running through my head I seen the pack and I just grabbed it and smoked it.

Things started to seem to be going much better. I had small cravings, they didn't last long and I moved on with my day. I've been very very tired. Seems all I want to do is sleep the day and night away :(

Today I woke up and I had a strong urge to smoke. I changed my patch and I feel jittery and noticed I keep clinching my jaws, I'm getting a headache. I want to sit and cry! We are in the process of moving, I'm trying to pack, take care of the kids, and fight this urge to smoke at the same time. I ran across an ash tray with a rather small butt in it. I knew it was one from my husband (which he is quitting but in his own way. I think he's down to a piece of one a day) I hate menthol with a passion and I lit it and smoked it anyway! Now the urge to cry is even stronger! I have to start all over again right?!

I thought by day 5 things would be getting easier and the patch would keep me from the jitters? I CAN'T go back to smoking! We have plans! We signed a new lease and will be buying a new home in the next year. I can't and I won't someone please help me get over this hump! Is it normal to get jitters and headaches after 5 days on patch?? I feel very anxious :(


I didn't use patches, but to be emotional, anxious is completely normal for


1. People quitting

2. People moving

3. Parents


Let alone people doing all three!


Crying is a safety valve, cry away!


I am a big hairy-arsed Scot, and I wept like a baby. Let it all out.

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Jeni. There are a lot of great threads here that you should read.


I am guessing that right now it feels like quitting is impossible.


It is not. You can do this. Many many people here have smoked more than you and longer than you and have quit.


Tell us a little about yourself? Where are you?


Jeni, everything you are experiencing is normal.  Take a few minutes, lock yourself in the bathroom, and cry your heart out if it will help.  You don't say how much you smoked, or what level of the patch you are on...is it possible that you are getting too much nicotine?


As El Bandito mentioned, the first week is called Hell Week.  You just have to take it one day, one minute, if necessary, at a time. And yes, every time you take a puff, you are reinforcing the addiction...especially since you are already putting nicotine in your body with the patch.  Just tell yourself Not One Puff Ever (NOPE)!  If you will do some reading about the addiction, you will learn that a true physical crave only lasts 3-5 minutes....you can stand anything for that long!


So glad you have joined us and Congratulations on your decision to quit!


Hi Jeni, I tried to use the patch once to quit, I thought it was going to be a wonder tool and make everything so easy, I was wrong and because I was relying on the patch so much it just made things worse, the withdrawal is still there somewhat, others here have quit successfully though on the patches so maybe I just made the mistake of relying on it too much or my mind set was not right?


The symptoms you describe above are very much withdrawal and added to the stress of moving etc, is all very normal


You can quit, with or without the patch, read all you can here about nicotine addiction, it can help knowing how you are feeling etc is normal, give yourself little time outs and breath, get your stress levels down by concentrating on breathing


Drink sips of cold water and fruit juice as your sugar levels will be haywire for a bit yet


Post and vent here as much as you need to help let the steam out of the situation


I would make sure all cigs and butts are out of site, reach and house as too easy to reach out until you got a handle in this


Welcome to the quit train, you are no longer alone x


Hi and welcome jeni....

Your body is going through some big changes....it's cleansing all the toxins out....

Emotions being all over the place is normal....crying is good....I did plenty...

Read all you can here.....Allen Carr is a great read too...it made me look at smoking in a total different way...

Stay close to us....glad your here...


ah yes I'm here I had to take myself a good weep in the bathroom. I hate for my kids to see me cry! Got a glass of cold water and I'm starting to feel less over the edge. I have noooo idea what triggered me but I think I started completely freaking out for a few minutes!! Thank you all for your super fast replies!! I think I have just found my support line I can't think you all enough! That's the worst urge I've had yet and I absolutely did not love the feeling :(

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Welcome aboard, don't beat yourself up - that is just added stress to everything else you have going on. Hell week is no joke -but you can get through it - 

I remember mine - I told my friends (not family too much pressure) , I downloaded the app to my phone to track my progress and I was glued to the board - this is a great group someone is always here to walk you through any crave you think you are having - it can be the easiest thing if you let it be - it's 90 % psychological  - just wake up in the morning and say I am a non-smoker or I don't smoke if anyone else asks etc.. saying I quit is not nearly as effective as saying I don't smoke. Plede NOPE everyday and ask for help  - the games help too - they provide a great distraction and it's a way to get to know some others on here too.


Anyway, welcome aboard and good luck on your journey - we are here to support you but you have to do all the work - breath and just take each moment as they come, soon enough it won't even be a thought.


Now that I've pulled myself together and started my 2nd glass of water. Whoever suggested that Thanks. I've been a regular smoker for almost 16 yrs. I'm 31. Have a 4 yr old son and a 12 yr old step daughter who lives with us. Married to a wonderful man. This is my first REAL attempt to quit smoking. We are wanting to have another child in the future and want to be healthier for us and our kids. I smoked about a pack and a half a day and I've started on the 21mg patch.

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Welcome Jeni. You are quitting young. That makes you smarter than me.


Each morning, check in to the NOPE pledge. There, pledge to take "not one puff ever; just for today"


We all quit one day at a time. Commit to quitting for a day. Then getup next morning and do it again.




Thank you! I will be reading that post after I check laundry. Sounds like I have a lot of reading to do :)


We are wanting to have another child in the future and want to be healthier for us and our kids.



What a wonderful motivator, it doesn't get more precious than that :)


There is also a section here called respond to your own SOS, it's a thread where when you are calm you can put in your own words the reason you quit and write in your own language your talk to self when a crave may hit you hard


It has been successful in the past at stopping people lighting up as there is nothing more powerful than hearing yourself tell yourself when you were rational


Can be found at the top of the SOS board x


First of all Jeni, welcome to the QT :)  Second, get rid of the rest of those cigarettes right now.  Not having them around will make this much easier.



Tracy I went straight away and did the SOS to myself Thank you!


I tossed the ash trays out the door on my way to get laundry lol I know he tried to keep it hidden. But we are moving so I'm going to be having my hands in every little space. So that didn't really pan out for him or me. Another reason I don't get in his car. I cleaned everything out of mine before my quit date.

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Ok I want a little ticker thing! A how do I get one? and B when do I start from? Today when I smoked that butt??

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Ticker queen is Nancy!


Your quit Jeni, but yes, I would say from that last one. the Allen Carr book is worth looking out. It really helped me. It's called the EasyWay.


Keep reading (when you get a sec) and keep posting. There is a lot of knowledge around here.

  On 1/12/2015 at 8:00 PM, jeni284 said:

Ok I want a little ticker thing! A how do I get one? and B when do I start from? Today when I smoked that butt??

Hi, again, Jeni!  Instructions are here, and yes, I would start from the last time you smoked.

  On 1/12/2015 at 7:59 PM, jeni284 said:

Tracy I went straight away and did the SOS to myself Thank you!


I tossed the ash trays out the door on my way to get laundry lol I know he tried to keep it hidden. But we are moving so I'm going to be having my hands in every little space. So that didn't really pan out for him or me. Another reason I don't get in his car. I cleaned everything out of mine before my quit date.

Great job hun x


Welcome Jen!   Love the name  :P


Take it easy on yourself right now.  There is no shame in crying!  I cried myself silly in the beginning weeks.  The important thing is to keep marching forward no matter what.  I promise if you put the work in you will get to a place where you hardly even remember what it was like to smoke.  All you have to do is not smoke and your body and mind will begin to heal.


Glad you are here!  Post as often as you like or need.   Everyone here has been or is where you are and wants to help.  

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Sorry I missed this but wanted to say welcome.


Some great tips, water and breathing are great and who knew it could be such a help :)


Look forward to getting to know you.



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