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Waving weakly from the Sidelines


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Hello to all you guys, never once over the last few weeks have I forgotten about you, I have yet again stumbled and fallen from the train, wedding stress, money stress, too many boozy nights, call it what you like, Me I call it weakness, weakness in myself, I started taking the champix again at the weekend and then stopped.  WTF, my first port of call was here, calling in some re-inforcements, why do I keep falling off.  Reading all your lovely messages of celebration for my wedding made me cry.  I think of Evelyn and how brave she is she keeps getting up and keeps trying, looking at all your lovely quits, friends and I am proud to call you friends who have been with me over the past year, who have stayed strong and are such an inspiration all at such major milestones.  The nicotine addiction calls and when it calls, boy its lure to me is strong.  I really want to quit cold turkey, as I feel that the Champix is cheating, so please all you cold turkey quitters, fling me a line words I will read and listen to.  My brain told me I missed smoking, told me how much I enjoyed smoking so I listened to that, few drinks later bammm staggering around, mmmm cigarette would be nice.  How easy it is to fall off and just pick up the smoking habit again, its only 3 or 4 but its that damn 3 or 4 that I can't seem to let go off yet again, I can go a whole day, not even think about a cigarette and then the thought comes back in again.  Will I ever reach past the 7 month stage every fibre in my being wants to, apart from that niggle in my head,  I know I wont miss it, I know its not my friend.  Even sitting here writing these words is helping, what an amazing place this is.  Natalie I notice after all your troubles you are back here onboard, well Done my lovely, so proud of you.  So many new names here as well, Hi to you all and welcome to the Quit Train you will find no other board that will offer you so much help and assistance as here, I have become so close to many of you.  I promise some wedding pics in the next few days along with an affirmation of a new quit date and a new mind set xxxx

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Jackie, I am very, very offended by your post! How dare you say that using Chantix is "cheating"??!! Are you telling me that because I used Chantix to quit that my quit doesn't count? That my 9 months smoke free is meaningless? Are you telling me that I am not experiencing (or at least don't deserve to experience) my better health, saved money, improved social relationships and reduced stress? 


I can't believe that you sneer at and disdain those of us who used Chantix to help us quit smoking. Or that you think our quits are "less good" than other people's quits! Do your rules apply to all the people who used nicotine patches or gum, too?!! Please explain.

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Hi jackie... so happy to see you


The law of addiction can "seem" so strong but only if you let it be... once you make your mind up that you are done with smoking... you are done


It doesn't matter what method you use to quit or if you decide to go cold turkey... as long as you have a plan and stick to that plan


Also... what ever method you decide to use... at the very end it may still be similar cold turkey withdrawal symptoms... you see when nicotine delivery stops no matter the method withdrawal "may" still occur


It is a personal choice that is best suited for you... not what everyone else tells you to do... we are all equal no matter the road we take :)

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Jackie, Jackie, Jackie... How sad I am to read this :(


You know I love you, but I just want to be serious for a second and ask you a question - were any of your stresses reduced when you smoked? Did anything positive come of putting those cigarettes to your mouth, lighting them and inhaling those poisons? What you should do is write down now EXACTLY how you feel on a bit of paper, and keep it in your purse - and take it out in emergencies.


And please, Jackie, will you promise to stay close to the board with us? If you stay, and participate here everyday, then you will have a really improved chance of beating this once and for all.



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Jackie you need a slap and a hug ;) of course you will make it past seven months, you need to believe in yourself want to quit more than smoke and truly believe as smoking will just add to money troubles not ease them and so the circle will continue


I'm skint, I'm stressed, I will smoke, now I'm more skint and more stressed so will smoke more and the snowball effect begins


Any methods are not cheating, just prolonging the eventual cold turkey everyone is different and you have to find what works for you to find your sticking quit, but from experience mind set is your best tool, regardless of anything else you use


Stick close to the board hun, this will help xx

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I know sweetheart...deep down you are beating yourself up...

Those who still romance the cig....believe it is a friend...a crutch....helps in certain situations..is up for relapse....

Education ...jackie....learn all you can.....know your enemy.....

You can do this.....you just have to want it bad enough to grab with both hands and don't let go....no matter what....

Just think....if I relapse.....I will lose my feet...that's how serious this is....

Don't let this be you one day....or copd.....

Quit now ....

Ps...I would love to see your wedding....

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Bad breath bride.


After all that time and back to eating paste? If we put the windows down would you keep licking?


But there are two secrets maybe you haven't caught on to yet.....you have to want to quit more than want to smoke. ..... And NOPE

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You are stronger than you think... you just have to believe.


Get your mind right and you will win.


Get back up and keep on keepin on.

Chrispy said it for me.


Jackie please don't let lifes projects, challenges and celebrations give you the excuse to smoke. Been there done that! You must believe that you will get past the 7 month mark because by simply sticking to NOPE, no matter what, you will.


I wish I had a magic wand that could magic away the romancing the cigs feelings you get, I have no answer other than read, hang tough and just trust that equal amounts of time and patience do remove the romancing the cig feeling... Along with not confusing a trigger with an actual crave.


Hope you had a lovely wedding and I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures xx

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Awh Jack I'm in shock reading this, remember how shit you felt the last time and how shite the smoke tasted, why do this to yourself, come on don't waste anymore time, get stuck back in,do it for yourself, your hubby and your boys,

You are not a smoker ; (

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Hey Jackie. Sorry to hear that you are struggling.


I don't think there is a 'right' way to quit. This is a results business. 


I am a simpleton - so I keep it very simple. Listen up.


1. Commit that for one day only you will not put a cigarette in your mouth and set fire to it.

2. Repeat


That's it.


You have carved out a new life together.


Now quit.


You can absolutely do it Jackie. I know that all your boys believe that you can. 


Let me leave you with a thought.


If you smoke Jackie, your kids will smoke too.


You will kill them.






It's all about choices Jackie.

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Thank you for coming back to post.  It took courage and grace and I appreciate you doing this.


Yea, in those trigger/crave moments, knowing the nicotine fix won't solve a problem but will for certain create multiple problems seems to help.  Cuz it won't fix anything....it just won't....ever.

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Hey Jackie - so sorry to read you are doing I hard - you know we are all here for you ! So post away any time you are struggling - you can do this and we can help ... but only if you let us know when you need help ... stay.strong sweetie xx

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