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Cosmetic Chit Chat


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I usually never leave the house on this day but I had to go out on the day after Christmas to pick something up so I ended up in the clearance aisle. I bought a Hard Candy gift box that had some concealers, eye shadows, a liquid liner, and a few other things. I will blog and post pictures tomorrow but I was really impressed with the liquid liner. The lines were fantastic and lasted all day without looking like mud after half of the day. Anyone who likes liquid liner I recommend this because I believe that it is half of the price of the brand that I normally use. 

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I usually never leave the house on this day but I had to go out on the day after Christmas to pick something up so I ended up in the clearance aisle. I bought a Hard Candy gift box that had some concealers, eye shadows, a liquid liner, and a few other things. I will blog and post pictures tomorrow but I was really impressed with the liquid liner. The lines were fantastic and lasted all day without looking like mud after half of the day. Anyone who likes liquid liner I recommend this because I believe that it is half of the price of the brand that I normally use.


I am looking forward to your blog on this Jen, haven't heard of Hard Candy over here so will get my Lucy onto checking this out.


She ordered some ELF cosmetics the other day, due by Saturday I think, so am looking forward to seeing how she gets on with them.



I am still undecided about this months purchase tbh. I have found an interesting page http://www.charlottetilbury.com/uk/ and am thoroughly enjoying watching all the videos for her products. So far, in my wish list, I have the beach stick bronzer, Wonderglow (although am sure that the St Tropez highlighter at £10 is the same sort of thing) and the Magic cream, at £70 a pop! But... I know it seems a lot but if it means it does morning and night, and no need for serum, then I am no worse of financially. My wish list is getting bigger by the day! Am going to see if she has a retail outlet in London, as I fancy a mooch and to touch the products first I think.

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I am looking forward to your blog on this Jen, haven't heard of Hard Candy over here so will get my Lucy onto checking this out.


She ordered some ELF cosmetics the other day, due by Saturday I think, so am looking forward to seeing how she gets on with them.



I am still undecided about this months purchase tbh. I have found an interesting page http://www.charlottetilbury.com/uk/ and am thoroughly enjoying watching all the videos for her products. So far, in my wish list, I have the beach stick bronzer, Wonderglow (although am sure that the St Tropez highlighter at £10 is the same sort of thing) and the Magic cream, at £70 a pop! But... I know it seems a lot but if it means it does morning and night, and no need for serum, then I am no worse of financially. My wish list is getting bigger by the day! Am going to see if she has a retail outlet in London, as I fancy a mooch and to touch the products first I think.

The videos for the products and the little how-to's on that page are great. Unless we strike the lottery at some point there is no way that I could ever justify a $30 eye liner. lmao! I agree that if the magic cream does what it says and works both morning and night then you are spending no more than usual but for their regular make up (liners shadows, etc) unless it is made with unicorn hair and dragon heartstrings they are out of their minds with the prices, lol! 

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The videos for the products and the little how-to's on that page are great. Unless we strike the lottery at some point there is no way that I could ever justify a $30 eye liner. lmao! I agree that if the magic cream does what it says and works both morning and night then you are spending no more than usual but for their regular make up (liners shadows, etc) unless it is made with unicorn hair and dragon heartstrings they are out of their minds with the prices, lol!


Rofl! I creased up reading that Jen!


The prices are a bit high aren't they? I think that's why I want to check out the products in the flesh before parting with my money. The girls are off February half term so will look into nipping to London, if my research shows up a stockists as I haven't looked yet.


I am already using her technique when I apply my night/morning cream... Not looking ten years younger yet though..lol... Always tomorrow ;) although after doing it my skin does feel good and look plump. I pay £25 a pot for each of my day and night cream so am very tempted Jen. My serum, Clarin's one, is nearly out and that is nearly £50 a pot (normally get as a Christmas gift, don't part with that amount myself)


I also liked her powder blushes too Jen, I love the middle colour that is the 'pop' on the apple... Omg Jen my wish list is getting out of control. and breath Sharon...breath....


I wish we lived near each other Jen, can you imagine the fun and laughs we'd have going cosmetic shopping? If you can out with the line, you used above, when they told us the price of very high end items I would literally be crying laughing!

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Rofl! I creased up reading that Jen!


The prices are a bit high aren't they? I think that's why I want to check out the products in the flesh before parting with my money. The girls are off February half term so will look into nipping to London, if my research shows up a stockists as I haven't looked yet.


I am already using her technique when I apply my night/morning cream... Not looking ten years younger yet though..lol... Always tomorrow ;) although after doing it my skin does feel good and look plump. I pay £25 a pot for each of my day and night cream so am very tempted Jen. My serum, Clarin's one, is nearly out and that is nearly £50 a pot (normally get as a Christmas gift, don't part with that amount myself)


I also liked her powder blushes too Jen, I love the middle colour that is the 'pop' on the apple... Omg Jen my wish list is getting out of control. and breath Sharon...breath....


I wish we lived near each other Jen, can you imagine the fun and laughs we'd have going cosmetic shopping? If you can out with the line, you used above, when they told us the price of very high end items I would literally be crying laughing!


I do the up and out technique but I am definitely going to try the meat tenderizing looking method just because that looks like it feels amazing! I have to switch it up with different creams and regimens because my skin decides that if I use the same thing for too long it will revolt. 

I love some of her blush colors too but again the price... eek! 

I wish that there were a bunch of you guys that I lived near! I am glad to make you laugh. :) :) 

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Jen... The technique is certainly giving my skin a much needed work out, it really does look plump and flushed now.


Did I tell you Lucy said that the Bloggers go mad for her mascara, I will have to ask our Lucy which bloggers she means. Her ELF package has just arrived so am excited to see what she makes of her products.


Was chatting to my customer today, she is very well off and only buys Chanel... Can you imagine! .. Lol... Anyway she is not interested in the brands after watching the videos so I will look forward to her feedback, if she does make a purchase. She seems to think the price is likely due to such good quality products that don't damage the skin, and that the products are likely to last longer on our face. Ever February Lee get a bonus, due to meeting work targets, so I am going to throw caution to the wind and have a spend off my wish list...not everything though..lol... Be no bonus left ;)

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I love this thread!


You all can help me because I am so new to make-up. 


I bought the Naked 2 palette the other day. For those who own it, what are your thoughts and what eyeshadows out of the palette do you typically use?

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I love this thread!


You all can help me because I am so new to make-up. 


I bought the Naked 2 palette the other day. For those who own it, what are your thoughts and what eyeshadows out of the palette do you typically use?

So glad you've joined us ;)


Oh what a fabulous purchase! My Lucy uses that pallet and creates some fabulous day time and posh shopping looks (she doesn't go out at night, too young..lol) I will ask her what colours she uses. I have the naked basic pallet as the 2 and 3 have shimmer and my eye skin does not look great with shimmer...but you, you lucky thing! You can shimmer away.


There are some fabulous you tube videos on looks from the palette Leanna, do you want me to post some here? Or if you do want to find your own please post them here.. I love watching make up videos.

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I have found the store that sells the products I'm interested in! It's in a store called Fenwick, in Bond Street. Oh I love Bond Street, never made a purchase in Bond Street as smoking meant that I could never afford to. Well I'm heading to Bond Street, for a mooch, during February half term...that's for sure! I have never understood why men get so excited going to check out new cars... I get it now ;)


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Leanne... You know how a link can lead to a link? Well I ended up with this link and once I run out of my current eye primer am going to try this and thought seeing you now have your fabulous palette it might interest you, and our Jen of course.


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Leanne... You know how a link can lead to a link? Well I ended up with this link and once I run out of my current eye primer am going to try this and thought seeing you now have your fabulous palette it might interest you, and our Jen of course.


Oooooh I am going to try this! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

My Youngique 3D mascara arrived and I've given it a go. Gosh... What a transformation! I didn't tell my daughters I was wearing the product to see if they noticed. They did and our Lucy has just treated herself to an on line purchase too!

Guys if you want that full lash look without the faff of false eyelashes give this product a whirl... I am over the moon.

My friend started selling this line. I ordered the 3D mascara and it should be here Tuesday! I can not wait! :) She is trying to get me to sell it too, lol I am not good at selling things and would end up buying, buying, buying.
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My friend started selling this line. I ordered the 3D mascara and it should be here Tuesday! I can not wait! :) She is trying to get me to sell it too, lol I am not good at selling things and would end up buying, buying, buying.

How did you get on?


I found mine much better by not first putting a coat of normal mascara on, although, my mascara is waterproof so a hard finish so I think that was the problem.


Looking forward to your review xx

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I then tried this and just goes to show how little, if any, powder my face needed after this tip. Seemingly both tips came from Scott, the man behind the J Lo look and Body Bling. Wayne, who has done the videos, picked then up from Scott's seminar and shared with us, bless him.


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Sorry forgot to say!... Head full of Jolly Robins at times! That from research I found that the Bare Minerals liquid foundation contains Jojoba oil so for folk on more of a budget it can mean we can turn our drug store foundation into more of a high end finish? I purchased a Bourjios Healthy Mix foundation today as it promises long stay, like my Mac Pro Wear so am going to add a drop of jojoba tomorrow and see if what I think. It's half the price of my Mac (have loads left still mind you) so am interested to see the results.


If you try it too let me know your thoughts...I love a good cosmetic chit chat ;)

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And another purchase I'm making over the weekend, for days I use the steam iron and get a 'glow/sweat' on during my cleaning job...a girl still wants to look her best!


In the UK you can get sample sizes for 75p...placing my order tonight


The Dior he rates as the best spray...and this the best liquid, that he has used in his career anyway.


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Been chatting to a make up artist this afternoon (Katie from Beauty and the boutique) and she strongly recommended I consider using a Retinol product...will help to reduce my open pores and fine lines. She said Roc offer a great inexpensive range but for noticeable results she recommended http://www.beautybay.com/_/N-?Ntk=All&Ntt=Verso&Ntx=mode%2bmatchallpartial


I am purchasing the £40 trail size later..well I don't smoke so why not I say. Makes sense to get the skin sorted as no point putting on all this fabulous new make up if it's not got the best prepared canvas base...


I can NOT tell you how much I love not smoking! Had I still been doing that I would probably still be using a foundation from the £1 shop...if I was lucky ;) hubby said get whatever you want..you don't smoke, you work hard to get all three products you have found. I don't need telling twice...

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Purchased so much today...don't really know where to start. the ex ciggaretes money is giving me so much joy, priceless really.


Purchased the Dior Air Flash and I've finally found a foundation that has stopped my search, at last! Mac Pro wear is fab, don't get me wrong, but because it's long wearing it is a heavy texture and I can see now, after using this,that it was setting in all my fine lines and wrinkles. The Dior is just super light, I can't actually feel it on my face, and gives super coverage. The finish is like an almost velvet finish and I know might sound crazy but it has knocked years off me. The fine lines and large pores are no longer the first thing I see.


I understand it's high end, at £33, but I'd gladly pay that each month if I had to, to have finally found a product that makes it look like I have amazing skin...cause trust me, I ain't!


Picked up the Seventeen Falsifeye HD mascara (available in the USA) for £7. This is just like my Benefits They're Real at £25. Seriously, I can't tell the difference and my purse will thank me too. It's obviously not like the Youngique 3D mascara, but a damm good match for Benefits.


Oh and managed to get a half price beautiful pink coat in the sale, half price.

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this is all great stuff!


I was never really interested in make-up application.  I always wore minimal...even recently.

But..now I am getting older and noticing changes in my skin....ugghhh.....especially with the weight loss. So now...I have to really pay attention.  

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this is all great stuff!


I was never really interested in make-up application.  I always wore minimal...even recently.

But..now I am getting older and noticing changes in my skin....ugghhh.....especially with the weight loss. So now...I have to really pay attention.


My skin has seriously changed too Babs, sadly. I've been on a mission all weekend, called operation sort out skin care. I can see I was covering the problems with Cosemtics. My problems are the self inflicted through smoking and years of sun damage. I am going to post lots of basic information that I have learned and I post because already (since Friday evening) I can physically see a HUGE difference. A combination of following the complete cleansing plan, lots of water and my new Retinol product (Verso travel pack at £40) and I've not even brought my AHA to the table yet...this really is it, I've cracked it now I know what to do...over the moon doesn't even cover it.


Lots of posts with links coming now and I urge anyone who has got 35 plus ex smokers skin to read on....

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