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Cosmetic Chit Chat


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Well I have had a fabulous 72 hours!


On Thursday I got a feed on my FB page about 3D mascara...mmm.. Watched the video, loved the look, researched and made a purchase. They turn up on Thursday, fingers crossed, so am looking forward to practicing and perfecting the look... My eyelashes are like me, short!


Anyone else use them? Any tips? I obviously won't use it as an everyday as it looks far to glamorous for that, plus the steam iron will have it sliding down to my cheek. Be great for fancy occasions and my holiday...oh yes, will look glamorous on my holiday if I learn how to use the product correctly....and I will as I have 8 months practice.


Then yesterday my Lucy and I spent the day cosmetic shopping. I still hadn't spent my birthday cash from earlier in the month so was excited! In past years my money was honestly just used to fund my cigs, seriously! Not anymore.... ;)


Checked out Bare Minerals, from your recommendation DD but waited for nearly 10 mins and still no consultant so left. Headed to Lucy's favourite shop, the one she spends her spending money in.. MAC.


Loved it, truly loved it. The presentation of the stock, the black theme, the consultants uniforms...everything (you can tell I don't get out much) I asked about foundation and was given a make over. Wow!


So I purchased their pro wear foundation in NW20. I have to say it's nothing short of a miracle in both second skin colour match and staying power. It's double the price of my old No7 lift and luminate but I can clearly see it's worth it on my skin. The colour just is perfect and I am over the moon...


Purchased their prep and prime natural radiance base. What a fabulous primer this is on my skin. It brings by foundation to life and it gives me a very natural glow. So money well spent again.


Also purchased their mineralise concelear and it worked it's Magic on my under eye area and a brown age spot I have on my cheek.


She talked me through the moisturiser she used but I only purchased my No7 one in November and at £25 a jar I will wait till I run out and then purchase the Mac one, although she did give me a generous sample.


She used a lovely blusher and although I am happy with my current blusher I made a purchase, well a girl can treat herself.


She finished off with a fixing spray and that it when the magic really happened...omg! The glow was amazing, Lee mentioned it when I got home and said I looked fabulous. I didn't purchase the fixing spray as I remembered I impulse bought a Bodyshop vitamin C spray in Summer...and forgot about it. So popped some on over my makeup this morning and it looks exactly like the Mac finishing spray...and it's £5 a bottle cheaper so will stick with this one.


My makeup looks lovely, natural and like a second skin. I am over the moon not to have wasted my Birthday money on crappy cigs and instead have used it to treat myself to something that gives me a lot of pleasure.


Sorry that this seems to have turned into a blog but I'm not half enjoying my little self and if you were all round mine, having a brew, I would be able to share my excitement. Can't unfortunately do that so this is my cyber version of a brew and and a chit chat.


On the 21st of Jan I will have my next £30 to spend. Lucy let me have a go of her Mac 217 blending eyeshadow brush and that is deffo my next purchase. Just wow! I wonder if the makers of Mac products are magicians as they seem to make products that preform magic on my face... Which is grand as I need all the magic I can get after 30 years of smoking abuse.

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My Youngique 3D mascara arrived and I've given it a go. Gosh... What a transformation! I didn't tell my daughters I was wearing the product to see if they noticed. They did and our Lucy has just treated herself to an on line purchase too!


Guys if you want that full lash look without the faff of false eyelashes give this product a whirl... I am over the moon.

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I just love this thread!!  We don't have MAC, here, has anyone tried the Sephora products?

I haven't Nancy but checked out Mac V Sephora on Google and Sephora sounds as good as Mac. We don't have that brand over here.


Evelyn a haircut, nail varnish.. Fancy bubble bath anything! Just nice we can share info on products that we now enjoy spending our money on xx

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Well, having a complete rethink over the Mac 217 brush after watching this video. Our Lucy told me lots of bloggers where raving about Zoeva brushes so I investigated... And after watching this video I'm glad I did! This video I found extremely helpful in not only making me aware of what brushes I would be best to purchase but that this brand is a quarter of the price. If you are interested in brushes this really is worth the 11 minutes of your time guys...



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Mmmm am now torn between new brushes or the Alpha H liquid gold product.


I currently use the No7 Overnight Beauty Boost that claims to have fruit acids. I do find this product helps my skin as I went two months of not using it and noticed is began to look a little less glowing, drab even. So the mentioned product sounds like the fillet steak version compaired to a T bone steak, that I am currently using.


The reviews are very good, it's within my monthly budget so has anyone tried this?

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Wow that such a difference Sharon!   Have you seen the new 'Miss Manga Mascara' by L'oreal?? Available in black, turquoise and violet!  




I quite like the violet one!

Oh I hadn't Wendy but it looks fab! Will likely make a purchase so I can compare ;)

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Wendy I checked out the reviews for the mascara, and they do a waterproof version- which I need using a steam iron most days.


Sadly I read it made someone's eyes itch. That put me off as I had to bin my Bourjios one due to the very same problem, felt burning and itchy... Gutted.

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Oh that's a shame ... I hadn't made it as far as reviews ... I might still get one if they have the lilac one in my local Boots ... only £5 at the moment.


At that price Wendy it would be rude not to ;)


Funnily enough I noticed an advert for it on TV, last night. For a fiver I might take a chance... Can give to our Lucy if I get itchy eyes.

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I just love this thread!!  We don't have MAC, here, has anyone tried the Sephora products?

We do have MAC... Ulta stores sell it. and I am a Sephora junkie. I love that store and website I can spend hours there and on it. I love their Philosophy products and Bare Minerals. 

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We do have MAC... Ulta stores sell it. and I am a Sephora junkie. I love that store and website I can spend hours there and on it. I love their Philosophy products and Bare Minerals. 

I'll have to give it a try...have you ever worked with one of their consultants?  I need help!

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I'll have to give it a try...have you ever worked with one of their consultants?  I need help!

I haven't. Aside from wanting to be in the medical field I always wanted to do make up (for movies) so I am actually really good at it. :)

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I haven't. Aside from wanting to be in the medical field I always wanted to do make up (for movies) so I am actually really good at it. :)

Well then, you will just have to come to Knoxville and help me...so there!

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I haven't. Aside from wanting to be in the medical field I always wanted to do make up (for movies) so I am actually really good at it. :)

Wow.. Just wow that you said that Jenn!


Our Lucy is aiming to get in the medical field too but also is fabulous at make up, and dreams of doing the make up in movies. Are you an excellent artist too?


I haven't made a purchase yet, still thinking over what I want to spend my £30 on. I spent years handing over nearly £9 a day for cigs, without batting an eye. Now I actually have cash to spend I am far more mindful.. At last!

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Wow.. Just wow that you said that Jenn!


Our Lucy is aiming to get in the medical field too but also is fabulous at make up, and dreams of doing the make up in movies. Are you an excellent artist too?


I haven't made a purchase yet, still thinking over what I want to spend my £30 on. I spent years handing over nearly £9 a day for cigs, without batting an eye. Now I actually have cash to spend I am far more mindful.. At last!

While I was in Pharmacy school I decided that I wanted to start a family and pick school back up later. I am leaning towards nursing school when Mr. DD retires out of the army in a few years. I am also thinking of taking some classes in make up on the side. My husband is an amazing artist and I am good at make up and clothing. I love the idea of it but the reality of it being a hard field to be successful in makes me scared to fully pursue it.

I posted some of Mr. DD's artistic abilities here:


and here



Lil DD and the dress that I made her for Thanksgiving. 



I made her a Christmas one too. 

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Jen.. Wow!


It's he talented! Mind you as are you. Oh but your daughter, what a beautiful happy looking child...could cyber squeeze her gorgeous cheeks.


Then you must get to and follow your make up dream Jen. Get blogging, get YouTube tutorials out there. Do it, do it, do it...in my chanting singing voice ;)


I am always checking out beauty blogs and you tube, as are millions of other people. Who knows Jen it could get you some work and people might pay you to do make overs. You don't know if you don't try xx


I for one will follow you, and my daughter... Xx

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