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so so. ..


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"I must have enjoyed smoking....if I didnt, I would not have smoked for so long, would I?"


"I know it's bad for me, so I know that I shouldn't smoke, but I'll just have one for old times sake..."









Utter Bullshit.

You never enjoyed smoking. You convinced yourself that you did, to be all grown up and cool.

It tastes like crap.

It chokes you.

It stinks.


Rowly, Karen. Stop romancing false memories of smoking.


You have beaten the addiction. Don't fall for the false promises of the cigarette...they are exactly that. False.


Things get better the minute that you understand that cigarettes have nothing for you. UNDERSTAND! Now.

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Hi Rowley, 60 days can be a tough time, but I promise that it gets better, and soon! Whenever I was having a bad day I always told myself that 'tomorrow will be better', and I'm gonna tell you the same thing - tomorrow will be better! So hang in there!

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When things feel tough, remind yourself that you have 100% success rate of making it through alive!! Might not have been pretty, but it didn't kill you.


When romance comes, remember the reality is sharing a house with someone else's smelly socks...cigs don't smell any better. 


Smile at the crave, no I'm not nuts, scientifically it can change your mindset!! Smile that it can't have you, it's just a thought. Man, we all have LOADS of dumb thoughts, every day...it's just a thought...think of something else...quickly!


We are all non smokers now. So we can't smoke, cause non smokers don't do that. So now smoking is off the table for today...what else can we do...that's where you retrain your mind too...that's when it feels easier to move past a trigger.

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Rowly, listen to Colleen. She knows whereof she speaks! Even if you think most of us are not worth your time and attention, if you want to quit smoking, STAY CLOSE TO THE BOARD. The experience of many, many people has shown that those who participate here regularly are the most likely to stay quit forever. Colleen is reaching out to help you succeed; meet her half way, OK?

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Paying it forward was and still is a big part of staying smober for me.  When I was still new in my quit I lived, breathed, and slept everything about smoking, not smoking, the nicotine addiction...you name it.  I observed smokers constantly...in other cars, on the street, on TV.  They seemed to be everywhere.  For a bit I got tired of having the subject of smoking in my face 24/7.  The minute I tried to distance myself from the support and just push smoking right out of my mind....I started getting junkie thoughts....just like that, within days.  Creeps up on you I tell you. Just doesn't work...pushing it out of your mind doesn't work.  Reading, watching video's, helping others get thru it...that's what makes a sticky quit.  A happy Sticky quit, no less.  


and this is very important..............................


anyone reading this...whether you are 1 day smober or 1 month......if you still believe the cigarette does anything for you...then you need to be here often...reading, watching videos, and reading some more.  Cause that's it in a nut shell....you wouldn't want to put your mouth on the tailpipe of your car....of course not...there's no urge for that.  That's ridiculous and absurd if anyone would want to.  Well....that is the reality when it comes to smoking....no different....NO DIFFERENT.  Believing otherwise is an illusion.  A complete LIE.  

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We all have lives outside of the QT - I know sounds crazy because we are all always here - anyway Babs had some great insight and advice - I think it is amazing btw that she is almost 2 1/2 years quit and is paying it forward and part of this board as is MQ etc.. we are surrounded by inspiration - if I get caught up and miss one daily NOPE pledge it bothers me - not because I have any craves but because it is a lifelong commitment - Rowly you got this 2 months is not a fluke it is a reality - 

take it a day at a time as you have been and you will get through any "craves your mind is tricking you into thinking are real" dependency is long out of your body by now - it is no longer physical it is mental. Good Luck!  I am looking forward to seeing your ticker hit 3 months in no time at all.

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Rowly you've been here before. At 60 days this is junkie thinking and you really should stay near the board when you are having a rough time.

You said in a post in this thread that you are craving because the cost of car repair is messing with your holiday money. You thought that smoking was going to alleviate that stress. That is the epitome of junkie thinking and if you keep thinking that smoking offers you something this is never going to get easier. You need to get passed that, and being here when you are having a hard time is the way to do it.


You said it yourself in the sentence before that you said how smoking is bad for your health and also your wallet. You know that is the truth.

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It will still feel crap at times (life) with or without a cigarette Rowly. Think back to when you did smoke and times just felt...you know...crap. Even after a cig...still crap.


I would bet my last British £ that having a cig would take the crappy feeling to extremely whizzed off, in a second.


Head up, shoulders back and deep breath. In a few months or so at least when you do get a low feeling I guarantee what you will lift you is that although it all feels a bit pants at least you don't smoke anymore...it will lift your spirits no end.


Good on you for posting an SOS..respect.

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