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I'm posting here because it's getting more and more difficult and not easier. The first couple of days were a breeze. I'm almost 60 days smober and it's harder not easier than the first week. I really feel like smoking, but promised myself I will post an sos before I do and not after like previous attempts at quitting.


you don't really want to start smoking again right? thats why your here posting an sos... think how awful you'll feel if you have to start over...


I don't think chat works with a phone or does it? I can't really pin point why. Just feel like I'm missing it, even though it stinks, is very bad for my health, costs a shit load, and doesn't do much for my breathing. I've been pretty stressed the past week due to car repairs messing with my holiday money....


Can you tell us what is going on with you? You're 60 days away from the cigarettes, so it can't be actual nicotine addiction. You said you are stressed with car repairs. So is it the stress that is making you want to smoke? 


sooo shit's hiting the fan in your life is what your saying?.. and you're tired of it and you what it to stop.. I get that.. but smoking won't help.. AND it won't help fix your car when you don't have $ for parts because you smoked that money away ... right?


Hi Rowly,

I am just at 60 days as well and the past two days were absolute HELL. I am hanging on because Everyone has said it WILL get better at some point. And I remember a quote by someone about what if you quit right before it got easier? Just think if we gave up today and tomorrow was the day it was going to get easier???

Just try one day more, each day,


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You also mentioned stress about your holiday money.  The holidays can be emotionally difficult for all kinds of reasons. I can well understand that the combination of car repairs, tight money, and holiday stress could provoke frequent thoughts of smoking. Is that what is happening with you?


Nothing ever is solved or fixed or made better by smoking... you're just looking for a 'time out' right now.. and because smoking is what you USED to do it's where your brain is telling you to go now... but you need to not listen.. not this time..breath.. we'll  all talk thru this..


Hi, Karen-


Yes, many people seem to go through a really tough time around 8 weeks. Odd how that happens, but it does. But as you say, it is TEMPORARY. Things WILL get better, I promise! 

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I hope you're off doing something constructive and thats why you haven't posted again Rowlyd ...and it's not  that you've thrown away your wonderful quit... please check in and let us know how you're doing 

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R- This is a difficult time. I am just under 3 months and there are days that smoking seems like the best option but that is the junkie thoughts in your head. As El B told me don't worry about a lifetime of not smoking just get through today..Nope and promise each day...one day at a time and someday we will all hit that day were smoking seemed a lifetime ago.

Stay close to QT...

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Something that always helped me was reminding myself that smokers smoke not feel like a non smoker.

A cigarette would not make me feel any better unless I had a enough to become addicted again and cause physical craves.


(Putting on too tight shoes to take them off type of thing.)

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Nope I'm not off smoking somewhere. Just don't stay glued to my phone when there's so much else going on, wife and 2 year old etc... ok so it gets better right? Hopefully it's just the 8 week thing I read about. This too shall pass....

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Hey rowly buddy....glad you got through this....

Smoking won't give us more money ..when it tight....we will have less....

Smoking won't fix your car....the dam things don't fix anything....

You have a great quit going....you hang on to it.....

Upwards and onwards...


Good man, Rowly! I know that you feel as though you are hanging on by your fingernails right now. I felt that way too from time to time. But remind yourself why you chose to quit in the first place (I imagine that the 2-year-old is a major motivator) and trust us when we tell you that this rough stuff WILL PASS. Things WILL get better! I promise.


Glad to hear you're still a non smoker - good for you!!


And yes, as hard as it  might be to believe right now - I promise you it does get better.

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