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I'm going out of the house today for the first time since I quit. I feel strong as ever and no real desire to smoke...when I'm at home. I live rurally so even when I get a craving, it takes so long to get to a store that I can work through it before I'm ever in danger of actually buying a pack of smokes. But today I have to go out and run errands and I'm terrified! I'm a very impulsive person and I'm so afraid I'll be out and about and just say, totally out of the blue, "Oh forget it, I'm done with quitting." and stop at the next gas station for a pack. 


Any strength and willpower you could throw this way will be appreciated! 

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Be warned, you will probably have triggers, maybe quite a few. I find taking deep, deep breaths helps. Then try to shift your focus to your errands, the sunlight, the beautiful day that smells good. etc. And saying or even yelling nope ;)

I'll be thinking of you and wishing you the best,


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True - in the short term you probably will have triggers.  It may get uncomfortable at times, just remember when/if you do, that it's all temporary.

Not a one of us would stay quit if the discomfort didn't fade to the point that it's no longer an issue.


And if you don't get triggers, that's awesome.  Either way, you are right where you need to be, and you are doing brilliant.  I am so happy for you.  :)

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I feel awful. If it wasn't for the dr's appointment, I wouldn't even go. I guess I have to face the real world at some point I'm just not sure today is the day. Ugh, this sucks.

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Hi JC,


you said you feel pretty good at home, so how about  if you have a 'weak' moment and think about buying a pack, tell yourself to hurry with your errands and get back to the safety of home .. you have to hold out just till you get home. (and not buy any ciggs)


you can go this JC, I believe in you!!

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Remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think. ~ Winnie the Pooh


Just keep that in your mind and keep saying nope. You can do this JC you are a non smoker. You do not wsnt to start all over sweetie.

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You are absolutely strong enough to do this. You have faced moments before, and you didn't win all of them by being out of reach of a smoke - you made a choice, a really really good choice!! Do that again, and nope, and good luck at the doctors :)  I expect to hear a smoke free report :)



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Hey JC


A crave never killed anyone.


A trigger never killed anyone.


If one comes, recognise it for what is and resist it.


You can do this. We are right behind you.

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Jc, it is all part of the quitting, facing down any triggers and craves. Sometimes what you think will be an issue will not big a big deal. Now my motto was when in doubt eat, but beware of the pounds. Sometimes I just felt the crave, lived it, breathed deeply, and just go on with it. I know you are going to suceed. Check in

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  On 12/17/2014 at 7:47 PM, Marti said:

You have faced moments before, and you didn't win all of them by being out of reach of a smoke - you made a choice, a really really good choice!!


Well said and spot on.

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You can't give up, now....we already have the food and drink for your two week party!



Seriously, you can do this...you have gotten a lot of great advice....

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I'm home and was smoke free. It was hard though, I was obsessively thinking about cigarettes. Making a mental note of every gas station I passed, wondering how my friends at the smoke shop were doing (a lovely family runs the smoke shop and we've become quite friendly this past year), thinking about how much I want a cigarette but strangely, I didn't feel TOO tempted to stop. As soon as the thought would even begin to trickle into my head, I'd NOPE it away. But the desire was there. 


It turns out my appointment was double booked so there was no need for me to even go out today but I'm glad I did. It was my first time out since I quit and I made it! I DO feel stronger, though exhausted! 


Thanks so much for everyone's support! It helps knowing there are people pulling for me, even when I'm out and about. Many times today I thought of all you guys pulling for me and it helped a lot. 


Thanks again! 

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Late to the party but still wanted to say how proud I am of you!  As scary as it is, get out as often as you can.  Those triggers will get so much weaker as you do them without smoking.  Trust me when I tell you that there will come a time in the not too distant future when you will go by a gas station etc....and it won't bother you.  Just live your life and just like Bandit said, a crave won't kill you.  You got this!

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Late again JC - sounds like you did great though - and your quit is now so much stronger for facing down that challenge - proud of you :-)

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