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Christmas Party #1 of Season


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Really thought I had this...until I had a few drinks....why can't I be a social smoker like so many of them...damn it smells good for the first time since I quit...I am strong than this..I cannot throw 2 months away..

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I don't believe there is any such thing as a "social smoker". I think that people lie a lot about how much and how often they smoke or, at the very least, they lie to themselves about it. So whenever anyone tells you, "Oh, I only smoke when I'm out drinking." take that with a grain of salt. 


And whether or not there is such a think as a social smoker, that is irrelevant to you. Remember all the reasons why you want to quit. There are LOTS of them, aren't there? And remember that there is no such thing as "one perfect cigarette". If you go back to smoking, you will go ALL the way back to smoking. All the misery, smell, expense, health consequences, etc. of a full-blown smoker. The question is not, "Do I want one cigarette or not?" The question is really, "Do I want to go completely back to smoking like I did before?" because that's what will really happen. So ignore the so-called social smokers. You know who you are and what you want and stick to that. Let them deal with their own problems. 


Good for you for hanging in there! You were strong today! You should feel very good about that!

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Jess, have you read Allen Carr's book/listened to his audible?  I kept those nearby at all times when I first quit.

To me, I thought cigarettes symbolized better times when I was young and carefree, and I held them tight with a literal death grip.  Then I started  reading Allen Carr and I cannot even tell you how much it helped me.  Any time I thought I was "missing out," I'd turn on the audible in my iPod and it got me through many a tough situation.  (I could probably still recite most of the friggin thing from memory.)


For some, quitting is not an instant thing.  It takes some work - but that is ok!  There is nothing in life more important.  Honestly nothing is more important than saving your own life, then relationships with family and friends etc fall more into place. Once the scales fall from our eyes, we realize smokes=death & destruction of health and wealth.  That's all they are.  Anything else is just NOISE from that dying junkie.  Now that I am a bit farther away from the quitting process I am just simply amazed at the big con I believed in almost 100% for so long. 

That's alright though, we can't change the past, we can only change the present and the future.  You are gorgeous and you have a gorgeous life ahead of you.  Just stay the course and chalk them up as bumps in the road.


Well done Jess.

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Jess you no longer smoke - it gets easier and easier each time you are around it and have a few drinks - but you cannot under any circumstances throw away your wonderful quit - go straight to the board on your smart phone if need be someone will gladly hang out with you until your crave has past. So glad you stayed strong on this side of the non-smoking fence. 

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