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Something good and sumthin bad about today...the dog walk is probably different cuz the extra time you got now too. I found I had too much tiome on my hands when I quit..."What do I do now?" was always there...

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Thanks so much for checking in with me, I can't believe how supportive everyone has been from the moment I logged on! 


Let's start with the bad. When I quit, I quit with my mother (whom I live with) but I don't think she's quit entirely. She's finding reasons to run off to the store when usually she hates leaving the house. It frustrates me that I'm going through this and she isn't making the effort. She's getting older and the chances of her getting a smoking related disease increases with every smoke she smokes. (It's the same for younger smokers too but as she gets older, it seems more and more unlikely she'll escape a horrible diagnosis.) Even though it hurts it isn't changing my mind about my own quit. She's at the store again right now and I'm in a supportive environment so I think I'll be okay.


Something good. I showered and went for a walk. Doesn't sound like a big deal but I'm also dealing with depression and just getting out of bed is hard to do...especially without my morning cigarette! But today I made myself shower and afterwards, instead of putting on my slippers I put on my sneakers and just left the house without giving it too much thought. My dog is 16, blind, and deaf so she no longer goes with me but I did it anyway! 


I think between a shower, a walk, and staying smoke-free I've already had a good day but my days feel so long! I guess it's normal to feel like you're taking it hour by hour at this point but gosh, I should be more happy about my good day! 

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Great work, J !

Your quit must be it's own entity, separate from anything else...your Mom, your life, your day good or bad.

and you must protect it, guard it and REJOICE in it !

You are no longer a SLAVE.

You are FREE.


There will be ups and downs just like life but, know you are winning and reward yourself !

I and everybody here are cheering for YOU.



  • Like 4

Great advice from Sally....

We carnt be responsible for other folk....that's thier choice.......

Your quit is your baby.....you look after it ...like you would a baby.....

It has to come first always.....

Your mum just might see how brilliant you are doing....and follow.....

Your doing great....

Don't forget the little rewards...treat yourself.often...it doesn't matter what it is....a nice shower gel....bath salts....anything...

What you are doing is wonderful....and you should treat yourself....

Well done....

  • Like 4

Well done JC - great to hear from you. To start with the time can go slow - so plan distractions - read, play games, post here, exercise - anything to keep yourself busy. Keep cherishing your own quit and hopefully your mum will follow down the track and remember we are all here to provide whatever support you need ! a0d0423989cfe63dbac86525c36d6b54_zpsff34

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"I should be more happy about my good day! "


All in good time... embrace the suck.  Life will become better everyday.  Hold on.

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"...my days feel so long.." this is very normal... one thing we didn't seem to realize when we were smokers is just how much of our time smoking took up.. all that time just wasted.. literally went up in smoke..


we only have this one life, now that we're non smokers we have to find things we enjoy  with all this 'newfound' time..


what are you interested in?.. is there the preverbal  "thing" that you always wanted to learn?..wanted to try?  wished you could do, but never had time?


for me - I've discovered (accidentally while helping my dad) I have a bit of a knack for making things out of wood.. I've built a tv table/cabinet  for my tv and a nightstand for my bedroom.. this could become an  expensive hobby LOL.. so I'm going to look into getting some balsa wood and maybe build a dollhouse for my step granddaughter.. if it turns out ok she'll get it - if not at least I tried and I'll move on to something else..


my point is now that you're a non smoker it's the perfect time to spread your wings (so to speak).. you have the time and you have the money you used to spend on smoking...nows the time to grow-learn-do-experience...new things, you might be surprised to find you have a hidden talent.. I have a friend who (quit drinking)   discovered she had a knack for cake decorating - she's got her own business now...ya never know till you try  :D

  • Like 1

Hey JC


Nothing inspires a quit like a quit. But it is personal - you must focus on yours.


Fantastic to get out and walk - I found walking really help me shake craves.


Time - yep - remember that. I suddenly had anything from 3 and a half to 7 hours a day extra! Turn it into a positive as Lace suggests - it is a wonderful gift really.


You are doing great - keep marching - and as Saz says REJOICE! You are getting it done.

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