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Dear Jen


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Dear Jen,


Congratulations you have now been smoking more of your life than non smoking, yep that's right. However, tomorrow you are taking the control back in your life. You have done it before you can do it again. This time no romancing. Smoking enhances absolutely no aspect of your life. In fact it steals your beauty, your health, your money, and your time. Remember how you felt in the smoking section at Disney world? Yep like an outcast, you were stranded amongst other outcasts as nonsmokers accidentally walked through and glared holding their childrens hands and covering their mouths. Your children didn't have to breathe it in, instead they stood waiting with their father so you could get your nicotine fix. When you were quit remember all that self confidence you had? Remember not being a slave? Remember not having to tell the kids, I'll be there right after I smoke a cigarette. Remember how your 8 yr old was so proud that you had quit? Well get ready because you get all those rewards again! You are about to gain everything, and lose only a controlling friend. So tomorrow when the demon starts talking, remember that it is the demon. Do not rationalize, do not pick fights with your husband as an excuse to get cigarettes, do not say I should have waited until after the holiday. No excuses....NOPE.




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Dear Jen,

Tomorrow you will have your Freedom.

Tomorrow you will no longer be slave to your addiction.

You will begin a beautiful journey of self-discovery.

Welcome !

Post often and read all you can.

You will win...you know how ?  With N O P E.

With NOPE you cannot fail

and we will be cheering wildly with you.



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 Smoking and coffee as meal substitutions will keep ya thin


You do have to be realistic, Jen.  Smoking will keep ya DEAD.

Dead, that is,  if you are lucky.

More than likely,

smoking will keep you suffering for years gasping for breath, loosing your limbs and incapacitated for years.


You can loose the pounds.  You can't loose 'dead'.

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Jen, I am really pleased to see you back and look forward to you posting how proud your child is again! It makes a difference to us Mums (moms?) that we set a good example. 


Powerful post, I am excited for your freedom!! 


Smoking really does bring nothing of any benefit to our lives and pretty soon it becomes an occassional weird thought. All you have to do is NOPE and face those triggers down until they get so quiet it's odd to hear them. 



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How are you feeling, Jen, on your first beautiful day of Freedom ?


and holler in the shower.

Dance around like a madwoman

and Be Happy because you are doing the absolutely best thing for yourself and your family.

You are a Free Woman Now.  Reward yourself.

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Hi, Jen-


I'm so happy to see you back! Good for you. That takes guts! 


I love your "Dear Jen" letter-- it's beautifully written and very honest. I suggest that you use it as the basis for your own "Pre-Repsond to Your Own Quit" message. That is a thread pinned to the very top of the SOS forum. We each of us write what we would want to hear if we start to think we might relapse. It's very helpful for us to read our message to ourselves. It also helps others to help us when we're feeling shakey. It's also great for the rest of us to read some of the "pre-responses" from time to time because those messages really help to keep us all on track. 


Actually, not only Jen, but anyone who has not yet written your own pre-response should consider doing that now. You can find the Pre-Respond thread here http://www.quittrain.com/topic/259-pre-respond-to-your-own-sos/

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Welcome back Jen, stay focused my lovely, the only thing stopping you is YOU, you can do this, you can beat this, if you feel a wobble read your letter to yourself and remember how proud and empowered you felt writing that, hold onto that emotion, smoking will kill you, you owe yourself more, looking forward to sharing your journey xx

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Oh, I am so happy to see you !  Busy with kids....excellent smoke free environment !  Good you have been reading.

I found the more I learned about Nicotine addiction

and admitted my own addiction, there was only one choice and that was  to never ever smoke.

Is today your second day or your third ?


I am very excited for you, Jen.  You are going to LOVE the new you

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