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What the hell is wrong with me


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Feel a bit bad as not been here in a while but oh my days I'm craving a cigarette not sure weather it's because I'm going away in a couple of days. Excited, nervous I have no idea but I can't get it out of my head this has been going on a couple of days and I feel certain one minute that I'm just gonna buy some get over with. I know it's not a good move but it's making me so angry :-(

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Stay Angry at Nicotine, Laura



Remember H A L T


are you hungry, angry, lonesome, tired


or ?


all these things can make you feel like you are craving but, your body is asking you for something NOT nicotine.


Breathe through this.

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Travel anxiety is perfectly normal for many people - the feeling of being overwhelmed - worrying about what to pack, fearing that you may forget something etc..

But guess what - a Cancer Stick will not take any of it away nor will it help you remember to pack the extra item you fear you will miss. Yes, you have a little added stress right now but just think how much more enjoyable your trip will be smoke free - We will all be forever addicts whether we admit it or not but we have a choice to forever shut that door which leads to catering to the impulse we once coddled - just remember how much better it feels to get through a more difficult time without the crutch you once leaned on - in this case that crutch of course is a cigarette.  You are strong Laura no need to feel badly at all -that is why we are all here. 

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It's OK to get angry Laura, but you should direct your anger at cigarettes - get mad at them because it's them that's making you feel crap - you might think that it is the absence of smoking that is making you feel crap, but it isn't... If you smoked, you'd feel just as bad or, most likely, even worse... Just ask our poor Wendy, or even Jackie!


There is only one cure for what you've got and that is to carry on doing what you are doing, which is being an awesome non-smoker. Like our dear Doreen says, Rome wasn't built in a day!


I promise you from the bottom ofy heart that this will get better, soon. Until that time, just fake it til you make it :)

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Laura...what everyone else is saying is true..


This is a VERY powerful addiction and will use anything it can to convince you to light up.


direct your anger at the fact you are an addict, and the only way to be free from it is to simply not give in!


Remember...NOT smoking makes you feel better...even proud!....smoking makes you feel BAD..and ashamed!...ya have to "rewire" your emotions  ;)  for too long you lied to yourself how good smoking made you feel....now with your eyes wide open, I think you can see the truth through the "smoke'...


stay strong!..these feelings will pass...

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Aha my friend, the old "holiday trigger"!!  Combined with your anger stage of the quit (against yourself now). Let me explain. Early doors, you were angry at the companies (tobacco, nrt, makers of champix, whoever) and other people were getting on your nerves. All normal. Now you're mad that you haven't just "got over it already" because you have been so good and solid about this quit. All things pass sweetheart, good and bad, always!!


If it helps I did the holiday one myself, my mum bought cigs at the airport...apparently killing yourself physically and finacially is a sound holiday plan?!?!  That's the reality. It's a big trigger cause you haven't faced this one before. I want to be honest I was plodding around busch gardens in florida, amazing place, going "nope, nope, nope" over and over. I didn't know whether to hi five the smokers in the face as I passed them or just grab their cig and run lol.  It's ok, just know it for what it is. This is not a craving, this needs acknowledging that yes, you would have smoked here, but you don't smoke anymore, nope!  


Just keep doing it. It will stick if you go into repeat mode I promise!!!



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Hey Laura, sorry you're having a hard time after 66 days,.. but thats the thing with this addiction, it seems for "no reason" BAM! you're hit with cravings and it's almost like those first few days all over again.. but it will pass - just like the others have said, you just have to hang on,.. getting busy like you've said you'll start to exercise tomorrow,  is a great  thing for you to do.. change up your routine a bit.. what are your plans for today? 

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Oh, this is in SOS,I thought it was general.


Your quit is solid Laura, trust yourself and nope!  There isn't an easy way out and you're too strong to be bothered long term by this. Get busy! Now! What could you do, jump on the spot, bust some moves, scream like a crazy lady!!  


Smoking is a ridiculous option and you are worth so much more then that offers your life!!

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66 days. You window licker. You are well past cravings. Your in the stage called dumbassdontthinkaboutit Move along. Nothing to see here. You are past this and just need a kick to start moving. Your bored. At 66 days you need to go run a mile everytime you think stupid. Get lungs pumping and blood flowing. Then see if you still think that way. Bet you don't.

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Exercise will do you good and reinforce feeling of getting better. So will sexercise without the bad breath. Drink or two and relax. You brain needs a reboot.

Try a run, a drink then some sexercise. (Drink in middle makes everyone better looking and little wilder in the sack but feel free to make your own order)

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Hey guys and girls thanks for yr support I decided I needed to get out of work and do some serious retail therapy, which of course is always gonna work as its black friday lol anyway feeling better but not gonna lie do feel worried and a little thrown by this stupid demon nicotine but hey I got through the day so happy days :-)

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