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Haha wow this is sort of weird...uh my name is John. I've been smoking for about 5 years now. I took up the habit in law school to combat stress..and well things don't really get less stressful as a lawyer so my smoking habit has never gone away. I knew it was bad for me, but any attempts to quit eventually crash and burned after a week so I just gave up. 


Things have changed recently though...the girl I've been dating for a few weeks now has been pushing me to quit and well I like her a lot. I know I know it's sort of sad haha it's not the threat of lung cancer or anything like that which gave me the motivation..it was one girl with a pretty face (and an awesome personality). Sorry I know I rambled a bit.. but this is such a weird experience for me as I never post on forums. But this community seemed so welcoming that I couldn't help it. Anyway, I'm so happy I found this place and I'm sure it'll be a pleasure speaking with you all. 

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We all have our different motivations to quit, and once we do it, we realize all the benefits we didn't even think about at the time.

Do you have a date set?

We are here for you, anything you need at all.  This place is where you can go to for advice, laughs, vents, we will help you every step of the way.

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Welcome John! Do you have a date set yet? Here is the link to some great informational videos.  Also here is a great thread to read and post your own personal note to talk yourself off of a ledge if need be. 

Congratulations on this awesome decision! You can do it!!

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Welcome John!  Quite a few of us were new to forums once we quit.  There is this phenomenon that occurs when helping each other quit, we stick around to pay it forward and sometimes even have fun in the process.  Whatever your reason for quitting is, it's a good one.  Ultimately though, do it for you.  It's you that has to live in your body for the rest of your life.  How lucky you are that you have only smoked for 5 years.  Most likely, you could quit and have the health of a never-smoker.  I myself smoked for 25 years and didn't quit until after I was diagnosed with COPD at the ripe old age of 37.  The earlier you quit, the better.  Oh, and the stress?  Smoking actually causes stress.  There is a lot of information that can aid your quit right here on this forum.  I highly recommend watching this video:


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Welcome John.

Learn about your addiction.  Learn as much as you can.

Education is an essential component to a successful quit.

So,  read and watch the vids,

post often, ask questions, tell stories, play word and counting games for fun and distraction.

Tell your story for yourself and for those following you.


You will love the freedom and strength quitting will bring to you,





Here are some things that helped us during our first days nicotine free

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Welcome John- quitting smoking is the greatest this you can do for yourself - and if it helps you get the girl - then all the better ! a0d0423989cfe63dbac86525c36d6b54_zpsff34


Read up and stick close to the board - you will find great support here !

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Hi John and welcome :)


Read and post and we can support you


Good luck with new relationship, hopefully when you read more about nicotine addiction you want to quit for yourself as well


Looking forward to this journey with you :)

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Welcome, John and congratulations on the best decision to take your freedom back.  :) 


How To Quit Smoking

This video lays out simple tips for people wanting to quit smoking.



Related resources:
Quit smoking tip sheet


Why Do Smokers Smoke?

Video discusses how nicotine addiction causes cigarettes and nicotine products to incorporate into almost every aspect of a smoker's life.



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Hi and welcome John....

This is so doable.....you just have to believe I yourself....if you want it bad enough you will succeed....

I'm a life long smoker...and if I can ...you can....

Read all you can here....knowledge is the tool you need to win....

Stay close to the board....we will support you all the way....

Your girl friend is going to be so proud and delighted


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Hello John, nice to meet you!


Sorry I am late - I only just saw your introduction!


Doesn't matter why you quit, or how you quit, just that you go ahead and do it!  So, I couldn't tell from your post - are you quit already, are you just thinking about it, or have you planned it out already?  Preparation can be really helpful, and give you a great head start with your quit (this, coming from the person who had none, lol).


I've never done any kind of forum participation before I quit either, so this was all very new to me as well.  These guys are great, and will really help you grown a really strong quit!

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Welcome and congrats on an awesome decision.


So you started smoking to combat stress..... now that you are quitting what are you going to use to combat stress now?  Deep breathing...walking... make a plan and stick to it.


A girl is definitely not a bad reason to quit...actually it is a really good one.  I always dated smokers so I would not have the same issue... what a f ucking addict I was  :(


Anyhow... train your brain my friend... train it to deal with stress without smokes... and you will be fine.


Keep on keepin on.

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Hi John and welcome to QT. You made a great choice coming to this site. I have been a non smoker for a month and owe a lot of it to the wonderful people here who pay it forward daily. Stay close to this site watch the videos and read. If you ever need help post on SOS and you will have multiple responses to help you through the moment.

Do you have a date yet? You can do this John..your very close to freedom!

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Woow. Sorry guys! Work got busy so I wasn't able to swing by and see all these amazing responses. Many of you are asking about a date and to be honest, I guess I haven't planned it through as well as I thought. I basically just went "okay tomorrow is the day I quit!" and figure with my newfound motivation that would be enough. But nope, work got tough and I fell right back to my old habits.


As for my plan...I don't want to have to rely on nicotine alternatives or drugs (nothing wrong with those methods, just a personal thing) so I've looked into some nicotine free alternatives. My friend suggested something called the freedom quit smoking system so I may check that out (have any of you guys heard of it before?). As for the date, I want to get started as soon as possible. I know withdrawal can make a person...unpleasant to be around to say the least, so hopefully I can be in a somewhat okay state by thanksgiving (dinner with the inlaws../shudder) next week. Do you guys think this may be a bit unreasonable? I hear that things get a lot easier after 72 hours..do you guys know if that's true?


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It takes around 72 hours for nicotine to leave your body.  The rest is re-training your brain to your new Freedom.

You should start reading stuff here.  Education makes for a successful quit.

You don't have to be a misery to be around no matter what you are going through

The first weeks take Resolve.  You can do it.  Do it now.  Why not now ?

Commit to Not One Puff EVER and you are Free.

Easy Peasy as our friend, Sarge,  says.


Go over the beginning of this thread and watch the movies people put up for you and take everybody's advice.  

We are all successful quitters at various stages in our Freedom and can help you in many ways

but the first step is yours.


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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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