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  On 10/23/2014 at 12:11 PM, Mastergardener said:

Spacey, but hanging in. Don't want to say not too bad, because that would be sure to jinx me....

We are here for you - whatever you need, and whenever you need it :)

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This is GREAT news !


Here are some Buttercups, in case you need to 'suck it up'.  


Tracey and I found these most helpful.



  • Like 2

Heck yes Mastergardener... hour by hour, you've got this. You are more than 36 hours into this and you will never have to go through it again! You can do it!! 


Remember 2/3 done and dusted. 

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hang in there mg   before you know it  youll be at 1 year quit look back and say wow that went by so fast   you can do this one day at a time 


MG, you are doing great!  Keep it up!!  Be sure to have plenty of snacks or juice to keep your blood sugar level...it can go wacky when we quit!


Congrats on day 2... look.. you have 1 day done, behind you, you never have to do it again! Stay with this quit, you will never regret it... fight hard, knock down the craves and triggers, one minute at a time... so happy you made such a beautiful choice.... stay close, we will help you through.... High 5!!!


Mg fab news


you maybe out of sorts for a while, sleep pattern, moods etc but this is all normal and your body just trying to find the new normal


drink lots of fluids to flush out the toxins and grab sleep when you can, get out into the fresh air and walk or run or gardening this will all help


Post as much as you need to, vent and reach out


you will do great x


Ah fabulous my lovely gardening friend. Halfway through the agro bit. Don't forget sips of water are a godsend at thispoint in time, distractionworks well on cravings. Also be taking sips of fruit juice as your blood sugar levels will need to get back on track which takes a few days. Doing great!!!


great job MG!!


Remember..everything associated with quitting is temporary...but the freedom from the slavery is permanent...FREEDOM! It's worth it!


Yey well done you MG they are the hardest days and you've done 2 out of 3 lets get day 3 over with then you better go spoil yourself and treat yourself to whatever the hell you like, this is fantastic, you need to realise what you have achieved, you have got through the worst of them, soo many people are afraid to quit and would give their right arm to be were you are,

Very proud,

Lets kick the arse off day 3 xxx


I am so thrilled you quit smoking !


You are Free !


Today and for the rest of your life, FREE.


That is awesome,




Oh gosh,

You guys are great!

Today, this afternoon was BAD. I went to the commissary, which I only do about every two months, so all the triggers were there. And that was where I bough my cigs. Almost had a major meltdown, just kidding, felt like it though!

Hope today is the hump.

Feel like I did it backwards as I stopped smoking more than two months ago, but only quit the nicotine Tuesday.

Maybe I need two quit logs??

Again, you ALL are a huge help,

Bless you,


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