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**Game** Two Truths & A Lie Game


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I have forgotten which truths/lies I have told so, forgive me if I repeat and make it too easy for investigative persons (I know who you are, lol )


1.  I will attend religious holiday services when we are able after The Plague.


2.  My master/mistress bath is filled with so much religious ephemera it looks like a 'holy' shrine.


3.  I call things (treasures) I find on the street, 'gifts from the baby Jesus'

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I will say first, these are not ones you have used before....


But I think 1 is the lie.... I know you have a penchant for collecting religious ephemera and I like to think they 3 is true, there are many gifts to be found in random places...1, I just don't see you as the formalised structured religion gal...although it's certainly within your wheelhouse to go to all the religious services just because they all have their own beauty at times and watching others and how they worship is rewarding in itself in a way.

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  • 1 month later...

Or-right grooves n shakers.....I'm tossing up between band camp and injuries....hmmm....


1. I broke my nose and fractured my eye socket while batting (softball) when I hit it into my own face.

2. I broke my arm in a swimming race.

3. I broke my ankle in a judo tournament.

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I'll say 1 is the lie only because I don't see how you could hit your own nose and eye socket with a bat at the same time. But if anyone COULD it would be our crazy kangaroo lol

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2 minutes ago, jillar said:

I'll say 1 is the lie only because I don't see how you could hit your own nose and eye socket with a bat at the same time. But if anyone COULD it would be our crazy kangaroo lol


Ah frick, I reckon I've givin ya a bum stir there Jill...I hit it (it=the ball) inta me own face.

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On 7/6/2020 at 6:49 PM, reciprocity said:

Hey! Maybe @JohnQ? What about @Mona?

Come on Peeps! This is maybe the only place you can lie your As* off and be praised for it 👍


Ok, I'm game.


1.  I have been traveled to 14 countries

2.  I have 2 dogs

3.  I once fell into the pond while walking backwards away from the (golf) hole

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That was fast lol. No one else had a chance to guess 😂 

Ok then, let's see:

1. I was a cashier at a gas station and got fired for stealing money by the manager who was stealing the money

2. I got fired from Gemco, a job I loved, for no reason and shortly after Gemco went out of business

3. I was a telephone operator and got fired from GTE for taking company property home even though our supervisor told us to

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3 hours ago, notsmokinjo said:

Omg...they are all such crap options...um I'll just go for the truth sanga and say 2 is the lie.


Exactly what I was thinking reading those options lol

I say 3 is a lie

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You got it @JohnQ, 3 is the lie. I did work for GTE but was hired as a temporary so when the company moved all of us who were temporary lost our jobs.

1&2 are both true but karma got both of them. Gemco got bought out and closed a bunch of stores including the one I got fired from and the gas station manager got arrested for embezzlement. Karma is a bitch lol. You're up John 😊

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18 minutes ago, Mona said:

I'll guess that #3 is the lie


Sorry everybody, I messed up, all 3 were truths, #3 was supposed to be I have 3 sisters  


Here's 2 truths and a lie:

1)  I have black belt in Kung Fu

2)  I played 1 year of minor league baseball for the Hamilton Cardinals

3)  I have an incurable disease that may kill me any time



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