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Awesome news Wendy!  Yeah, it is common for it to take some time to adjust your sleeping patterns.  Mine changed forever.  I use to sleep a lot, now I don't.  I think we get more out of our sleep as no-smokers!

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haha, good for you Wendy!


I agree with Colleen, my sleep pattern has changed a lot since I quit.  I wake up earlier, and actually feel like I have energy in the morning, which I definitely did not have as a smoker!


Hope this is the first of many more to come!

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I guess I can say I do sleep better since I quit smoking.  I don't wake up coughing and hacking anymore. I still am not a morning person and hate getting up early, but I stumble around for about 10-15 minutes making coffee and feeding my dogs.  But then I begin to actually snap to attention.  But I am definitely not a "jump outta bed and get the day going" kinda girl at all.  I have to ease on into my mornings.  So the coffee making and dog feeding and such is automatic; not really too awake yet.  Once I get my one dog her shot of insulin and wash my hands and take my blood sugar, I'm becoming more alive and awake.  Then once the dogs have been let outside and it is time for me to go back upstairs to get washed up and teeth brushed and ready for work, I'm much more awake.   But it is definitely a process I go through.  I wish I could be one of those people who can jump out of bed and just get going.  Never have been, never will be.


I am looking forward to Saturday and Sunday morning when I do not have to wake with the alarm and can allow myself a bit more lounging in bed in the morning!


Sleep is always good for the body and soul!

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