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Hi All,

I have been lurking for a while now, but I guess it is time to come into the light. I smoked for 43 years, ye gods, that sounds terrible. I have tried to quit before, but never seriously. I mean, in the past, I felt I was giving up something I didn't want to give up.


This time is different, I want to be free of the addiction. I went on a trip this past summer with an old work colleague who doesn't smoke and it brought home to me how addicted I was. The plane trip was hell. Trying to find places to smoke was a pain. Not being able to smoke when I first got up or after dinner, etc., etc. Then we both caught bad colds and I was really sick for a month after we got back. When I started wheezing, I knew it was time, or rather past time. So, here I am.


I have two weeks of lozenge use left and then CT.


All encouragement welcomed very much!

  • Like 13

Hi Gardener and welcome to the QT. Two months is awesome, congratulations. It is so much better out of the shadows, isn't it? :)


ETA: I see a cat avi... you'll fit right in. 

  • Like 2

Hello OG!!


Lovely to cyber meet you!


Congratulations on your quit - it looks like a great one :d


So glad that you have found us - welcome to the family!


Love your avatar btw :wub:


Hello Gardener !


So happy you have joined us.


The toughest part is the 'thinking' about quitting


after that it is a grand adventure learning about yourself


and taking control !  


You  might find Allen Carr useful...he is all about changing attitudes and making quitting easier.


here is ALLEN CARR

  • Like 1

Welcome to the Train - thanks for joining us it's more fun to be part of the family instead of just observing.

Congrats on your quit!


Two pieces of advice for the board

1. Lose the old in your name. We don't care about age at all. Nobody here is gardener so that will be better


2. Lose poppy then change the avatar. Life Is better without smoking and pictures of cats. Best you lose him too and then everyone is happier

  • Like 1

Welcome glad you came into the light :) we have a gardening thread in the social section read and post this will help with your journey to understand the addiction and thus maintain your quit

  • Like 1

Hi And welcome on board the QT congratulations on being 2 months quit, its fantastic being free isn't it Oh and ignore Bakon he is a bit grumpy when he sees cats!  Stay close by always someone around should you need anything at all, looking forward to sharing your journey xx

  • Like 1

Hi Old Gardener!  Welcome to QT!


Thanks for introducing yourself.  Nice to meet you and congrats on your two months.  The train runs 24/7, 365 days per year and we're always here whenever you need anything.


PS, the coffee is free and don't let anybody (*cough-cough*) charge you for it.  :)

  On 10/15/2014 at 11:32 PM, MarylandQuitter said:

Hi Old Gardener!  Welcome to QT!


Thanks for introducing yourself.  Nice to meet you and congrats on your two months.  The train runs 24/7, 365 days per year and we're always here whenever you need anything.


PS, the coffee is free and don't let anybody (*cough-cough*) charge you for it.  :)

Welcome!  So good to have you join!

I have had to pay for the coffee ... I see how it is..


Hi . Don't listen to the pea brain. Cats rule! Welcome to you and Poppy. I Smoked for about 30 ish years and I was able to quit last year.

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Welcome OG - congrats on your quit to date. You will find great support here - so glad you have posted. Oh and love the avatar - I firmly believe a good cat avatar is a major factor in a successful quit !a0d0423989cfe63dbac86525c36d6b54_zpsff34

  • Like 1

hey OG!


Welcome aboard and congratulations on the best decision you have ever made.


You can absolutely quit - and you will get all the support we can muster!


Go for it!


Hiya G and welcome, congrats on quitting, soo glad you joined, isn't it great to free yourself from the chains of smoking, it gets better with each passing day, keep reading and post often,

Sue xxx

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