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Ok shift over on the deck, make way for our hugglemonster Action :)

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I am so happy for you!!! You have been one of the most supportive members. Always there for everyone and you have tons of fun!!! Wishing you the absolute best!!! Welcome to the lido deck!!!!! We all have a seat open for you, so you'll have to make your rounds! ;)

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Congrats on a huge Milestone -1 Year is just incredible. Well done Sir Well done. Go enjoy life on the other side- Very Happy For You.

Is the deck as much fun as it looks does it really look the pics I have seen- I sure hope so.



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Yaaaaay!!!! I´m super happy for you. 1 year is a huge accomplishment. You´re an awesome person and deserve to celebrate big time! You know how special you´re for me and it´s amazing what you do for all of us here. You´re a true inspiration. Time to enjoy that you reached this goal!!!






Big hug!



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Congratulations, Action! Thank you so much for being such a great role model about how to manage a successful quit. Thank you also for showing us how to embrace and encourage others to keep their quits. Your kindness and support have been invaluable to me. I hope you thoroughly enjoy the view from the lido deck!


And just to help you remember how far you have come in one year, here's one of your earliest posts:


"Posted 31 October 2013 - 07:24 PM

Went to cinema and when I got to the car park I remembered that I ALWAYS have a cigarette walking from car park to cinema. Freaked out and brain stopped working. Drove into concrete pillar and snapped off wing mirror. Had argument with wife about it.

Really angry at myself and my mind keeps telling me a smoke will make everything better. Couldn't concentrate on the film because of it. Can't sleep because of it. It's been hours since. Not at SOS yet, but getting pretty damn close. Not at confident as I thought I was.

Sigh... Bad night."


Between you qutting smoking, Tasha's weight loss, your new and improved home and your recent clean bill of health, you two have really have engineered a brand new day for yourselves! Congratulations, Ross! 

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 I am having Cognac


while I deal with my emotions


about the Lido Deck metaphor...


I feel like you have actually gone away somewhere...




but, that is silly !  Right ?


You are just going to play


with The Big Dogs, right ?


You won't be far.




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Our celebrity....is having a cool time....splashing in the pool with a glass of bubbly.....

Hell be back soon enough ....to take his place.....and all important speech....

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OMG Action! How does it feel being nicotine free for a year? I am so happy for you! I would give anything if we all could actually meet in person on that Lido deck some day. That would be so cool. Please save me a seat! If they are all gone, let me know so I can bring one! LOL! Congratulations to you Action! One year is here and it is REAL!  CELEBRATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :D

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WOW Ross so so happy for you, you make our little corner of the internet a warm and cozy place to come just by being you, you are supportive and positive and I can't wait to join you up there save me a place because this time I will make it xx

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No hugs from me but I will knit you a sweater made of kittens held together with hugs. While they are all pointed out, wearing it should be fine but don't get a huggy with people cause the nails are on the outside.

If you were from the big side I would think your light in the loafers with your comments. Definately not a USA dangler but you islanders and Europeans are more metro than us. The valore suit pressed, bet your pimping today. Rembrr to leave it on a little longer and those dr visits will be for her only.

Your a good influence on the board, your caring, have open feelings, say girlie things all the time and seems to be everything most men aren't. The pimp title fits well as most guys don have patience to go that route to get the pants off them. Good work on originality. Just remember which way to count in the sticks game and we will all support you no matter what sappy thing you say

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Ross you are the absolute bestest!  Always supporting, always kind.  We are blessed to have you here with us and I am blessed to call you friend.  I am still amazed that a year has gone by already!   I am so proud of you!!!


GANGNAM STYLE video for you!








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  On 10/12/2014 at 9:14 PM, Jenny said:

Ross you are the absolute bestest!  Always supporting, always kind.  We are blessed to have you here with us and I am blessed to call you friend.  I am still amazed that a year has gone by already!   I am so proud of you!!!


GANGNAM STYLE video for you!








Fabulous, Jenny!!!   So funny!!

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  On 10/12/2014 at 12:43 PM, Sazerac said:

Tell us how a YEAR feels, Mister A



I am going to write a little something tomorrow to tell you all how I feel (hint, pretty bloody good!) ;)

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Thank you everyone! I will respond to each and everyone of you tomorrow - your kind words have put everything into perspective showing how far we've all come together!


See you all tomorrow, my quit smoking family :)

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Nice job buddy! Congratulations!  Way to go! 1 year is awesome! Yahooooooooooooooooooooooo to you!

Your seat is front and center on the lido deck next to the bar!  B)

Next time i go to the UK, we will be having a beer or two or three or four or five or six, get the picture!  ;) 


 Thanks for all you do here, be proud of yourself buddy, truly a top notch guy. 

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Congratulations my wonderful Pommy mate on reaching this fantastic milestone....I wish nothing but the absolute best for you in EVERYTHING.....Love Ya Ross....Hope your not too hung over from your celebrations...




Love Your Aussie Mates

Dors & Ralph :heart: :give_heart:

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  On 10/12/2014 at 6:56 AM, SueBeDoo said:

Yeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy hugglemonster you did it, you made it up onto the lido deck,

Here's your glass of bubby, pop your shorts on and lie back relax and take in the view on board, well how do you like it up here, see all the nutters (bakon) splashing in the pool!!!

Thank you for being on this hard but worth it journey with us, it has been fantastic to share it with someone as special as you, it's not often if at all, I meet someone on line and quickly become great friends and would be lost without you, Ross you are a very special person and I think the world of you, I am beyond delighted to see you reach your year, you earned it and helped 100's of people along the way, my life feels all the better for having you in it, you had a bit of a wobble around Christmas but I knew you wouldn't have smoked cos you sooo didn't wanna get wacked with a wet soggy fish!!!!

Action Frampton happy 1st smoke free birthday pal, many congratulations to you, enjoy the celebrations because nobody deserves this more then you,

All I wish for now is for you and Tasha's baby dreams to come true cos you will make amazing parents,

Love the bones of ye buddy,

Well done,

Love ye lots like jelly tots x x x x x x x x x x x x

Thank you for the heartfelt message, Sue. I too feel like I would be lost without you, and the thought of that wet fish kept me from smoking on a few occasions ;) I always looked up to you, and thought that if you could do it, then I was bloody well going to do it too (didn't want to loose our wager, either lol!).


Thank you for being my friend and looking after me when I needed it most - I will never forget it ;) :wub:


It was so totally worth it :)

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  On 10/12/2014 at 6:58 AM, Colleen said:


Super huge congrats my friend.  Now you can count backwards in the numbers game :)

It is actually a lot harder than I thought it would be... I have to count differently in each game!


Thank you for all that you have done for me since we met - all that you have achieved has been very inspiring, and you are one very special lady (((Colleen)))

  On 10/12/2014 at 7:00 AM, Leanna said:

You are amazing Ross. Congrats! I am so proud of you. :) Thanks for all you do here -- you have always been a great support system. :D WTG!

Thanks Leanna, that's really kind. I think the fact that you are still here after 2 years quit us a credit to your character, and I strive to be like you in that regard. Thank you so much for your friendship :wub:

  On 10/12/2014 at 7:36 AM, Pippa said:

Yay Action - make sure you celebrate big time !!77f25aa2ccaaee8fe4164553b19d4afa_zps1763

Thanks Pip, I did have quite the celebration yesterday ;)


I will always remember you reaching out to me when I was feeling blue, so thank you for that - you are a great person (((Pip)))

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