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Natalie has her first month of freedom...!!!


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Oh Natalie... has it really been a month already?!


I remember when you first came here a month ago - you were only looking for some advice about your waking in the night to smoke... I'm not even sure if you came here looking to quit... and you were so nice, and so friendly, and all of a sudden, you decided that you were going to quit!  And you just were 'here', as if you've always been here.  Isn't it strange how much can change in a month?  I know that your sleeping is better already, and that you are seeing lots of other benefits, too ;)


I'm so super proud of you, for all that you have achieved, for your positive attitude, and your supportive and inspirational posts - and I'm glad that you found us, and that we became friends :wub:


I hope that you have a great day/weekend to celebrate, and that you treat yourself to something nice, because you totally deserve it.


Sorry I can't post a picture... but you know that I would, if I could.  I'm sure you will get pictures from lots of other people today :)


CONGRATULATIONS!!!  :yahoo: :party:



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Ok so proud doesn't even cut it. You've done everything right. You came here with a question and ended up with a quit. When you were in trouble you sent out an SOS. You've read and educated yourself on nicotine and addiction. Now you post celebrations, pay it forward and offer other new quitters support.

I need a word other than proud because I am so much more than proud.

Congratulations on your first month of freedom Natalie. I knew that you could do it!


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Congrats on 1 Month Natalie - that is incredible -you should be very proud I know we all are - what a Happy Friday!


BTW DD as soon as I read your post - Elated came to my mind insated of proud - it's a good word and fitting for Nat's journey I think.

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One month is AWESOME Nat.  Congrats on your awesomeness.


You are about to enter into a brand new life... and you took control... YOU... you should be very proud of yourself.


Keep moving forward... no looking back now.


Keep on keepin on.

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Goodness me, I'm doing that proud mum type cry, that I normally reserve for my children lol. Could not be happier for you or more proud. I know it probably doesn't feel all over awesome all the time but I promise it will and you will have so much more LIFE to your life!!  It's so brilliant to have you on the boards, I agree it feels like you've been here forever.


So massive congrats on your 1 month of freedom!! Hope you treat yourself to something utterly fabulous.


Off to find tissues... 



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Dear Natalie,

We are all stoked that you are working a successful quit.

You are great and powerful and strong


you are having a lot of fun with us too !

What could be better ? !


Thank you for quitting, Natalie.

and thank you for helping others quit too.

You are a shining example of possibilities and grace.

Congratulations on ONE month

and many many more months of Freedom ahead !




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Congratulations, Natalie, on a job well done! For me, one month was the biggest milestone. I figured that if I could not smoke for one month the rest would be downhill. (Turns out I was right.) 


It's a pleasure to have you to share my journey. Just keep doing what you're doing and get yourself something really nice with all the money you saved this month. 


Hooray for Natalie!


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I´m really happy to see all of your comments. It´s amazing how I landed here unexpectedly but it totally changed my life for good. Thank you, it´s all I can say... I don´t find the words to express how much you´ve helped me and how grateful I am. I feel like I´ve been here all my life and it´s where I belong. 

A big hug to each one of you,



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