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Hello All,

I quit smoking almost 3 months ago. I have gained between 20-25 pounds...No doubt from eating excessively...what diets and exercises are working for yall...any advice? I am hungry all the time



Most  of us put on some extra pounds 

your still early in your quit , and should focus on that , 

You will reach a stage in your journey when all of a sudden getting more healthy comes before smoking 

In the mean time try and snack on healthy things .. carrots , celery for instance 

Quitting is a journey and we are all different 

in how long that journey takes 

Take a seat , and join us , we will help you along 🐸



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Hi @FittobeTrish ! Welcome to quit train. Hope you spend some time to poke around and get some info. & tips that might help you along.

Congrats on your 3 month quit! That's a GREAT start to your life long quit!!


Most of us gained weight after quitting. I thonk in some cases it has to do with keeping your mouth busy perhaps and I'm convinced our metabolisim changes a little as well once we quit. As @Doreensfree mentioned, your primary focus right now is continuing to solidify your early quit. While you're doing that, try and incorporate exercise into your daily routine as well. Even going for a good long walk daily will help burn off some calories. In terms of snacking, look for something healthy to satify the munchies. Have a look around for sugar free mints or candies of some sort you can suck on to keep your mouth busy. Also be aware of mealtime portion sizes. Try to keep those as small as possible without starving yourself.

There's also lots of other posts in this section of the forum that may give you some ideas ... read away!!

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I find going for a daily walk helps, both to maintain a healthy weight and to exercise my lungs. I meant to start exercising in earnest, but lately I haven't found the time to lift the dumbbells I have. The good news is I'm staying plenty busy trying to clean and organize everything in my apartment for spring, so I am moving pretty well. As far as dieting goes, I have tried to make healthier decisions, for the most part, but I also haven't worried too much about the number on my scale.


It's probably best if you can talk to your doctor. I know I had started exercising about three months before my quit, and I ended up in the hospital with a collapsed lung. I think the smoking had more to do with that than the exercising, but in any case, your lungs are likely to be fragile, so you want to tread carefully. Your doctor can advise you on the right amount of exertion for you, and perhaps recommend a specific routine.

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