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Ever since I quit, I've had a handful of dreams in which I dreamed I broke my quit. I've woken up in a panic before, and one was so convincing I spent time going over my finances and looking around my apartment for evidence I'd bought cigarettes. My dreams are not usually that vivid, and it really irks me when I have those dreams. Does anyone else experience smoking nightmares that leave you in a funk? Let me know how you cope with them, please!

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Yep, this has happened to me. I understand that “using dreams” are fairly common among addicts of all kinds... opioid addicts, alcoholics, former smokers, etc. Knowing that it’s a common phenomenon is somewhat reassuring, but it’s still disturbing! I make sure to spend extra time on the Quit Train the morning after… to try and shake the dream remnants and reaffirm my smoke-free reality. 

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Yes, it happened to me twice since I quit.  The first one was the worst because it was so vivid.  When I woke up I wasn't totally sure that it was just a dream.  Finally when I realized that it was a dream I was very relieved!!  Hopefully you won't get them again.

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I had smoking dreams a lot during the first year or two of my quit,  I still occasionally wake up from a smoking dream years later.  I think it is common for dreams to bring things from your past back at you and as former smokers, smoking was a huge part of our lives.  These dreams are disturbing but don't let it bother you.  I think they are common.  

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