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Day 7. Yay but its hard!


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Hi ken....

Everyone's quit is different...some struggle more than others.....but it is doable......

I was a 52 year smoker....I think of the cigs just now and again....and it's only a quick thought ,then its gone just as quick....

It really does get better.....

Staying with the board.....joining in,making good friends....this is the way forward.....your days will pass much faster....

Please quit before all the nasty health stuff starts.....

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Are you still with us ?  How are you doing, now day 8 ?


That is an awesome accomplishment.


Quitting smoking does not have to be torturous.

Some folks have a harder time yet, still Succeed in quitting.

For others it is  kinda matter-of-fact and pfttttttt...all of a sudden you are FREE.

Just know that Nicotine is a hideous drug.  

Learning about the addiction helped me immeasurably in my quit.

We are ALL so happy to be rid of it.


Be extra kind to yourself and know that craves don't rule you

and they also don't last very long.

Please talk to us when you need/want.


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Hi. Yeah I an still here. Not doing too well though. My brother has had a stroke, only 43 and he's the healthy one in the family. So pretty hard right now. If I admit that I have smoked then it will be back to day 1. Annoys me but at least I know I can do it, got to Day 11. What are these Joel videos. Any helpful links for reading. Cheers Kendra. :-)

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Oh I am so glad you surfaced !  Congratulations on Day ELEVEN.  That is awe inspiring  especially with terrible family news.

Prayers for you and your whole family.

You were asking about Joel Videos and HERE they are.

He really helped me learn about my addiction

which, in turn gave me a lot of power to be nicotine free.

Stay strong, you are doing brilliantly !



and READ everything on this page  HERE

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Hi. Yeah I an still here. Not doing too well though. My brother has had a stroke, only 43 and he's the healthy one in the family. So pretty hard right now. If I admit that I have smoked then it will be back to day 1. Annoys me but at least I know I can do it, got to Day 11. What are these Joel videos. Any helpful links for reading. Cheers Kendra. :-)


Really sorry about your brother, I hope he gets better soon. He´s in my prayers.


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Sadly wasn't my two week party but I'm back now! My week away not what I thought it was going to be. Lets say there is a reason he's my ex fiancee! Lol. So just basically biding time until I fly home and yes smoking is part of it. Just want to go home so I can continue my quit! So a few questions if you please. Can I post on this topic still even if it's not true? Secondly have done readings and videos so thanks S. I'm on my phone and can't seem to get all the main stuff though. Like the calendar? Also can't seem to find how to make a profile with my pic and info on it? Also I see you can chat? How? And you can add friends? With Stoptober here we have a chance today only to buy an online audio hypnosis stop smoking thing. Only $9 so I think I'm going to try that. Normally $60 so it's got to help. So as for me I'm going to keep reading and watching and count down until I get to fly home on Sunday. Thanks for your love re my brother. His blood pressure through the roof so minor stroke. Nearly has feeling back in his side. He now has an aneurysm. My father died from an aneurysm so that's scary he has one. We were told not hereditary but can be glad I'm a girl as they say it's more common in men. Sorry for the novel! 4 sleeps to go. Xx

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Sadly wasn't my two week party but I'm back now! My week away not what I thought it was going to be. Lets say there is a reason he's my ex fiancee! Lol. So just basically biding time until I fly home and yes smoking is part of it. Just want to go home so I can continue my quit! So a few questions if you please. Can I post on this topic still even if it's not true? Secondly have done readings and videos so thanks S. I'm on my phone and can't seem to get all the main stuff though. Like the calendar? Also can't seem to find how to make a profile with my pic and info on it? Also I see you can chat? How? And you can add friends? With Stoptober here we have a chance today only to buy an online audio hypnosis stop smoking thing. Only $9 so I think I'm going to try that. Normally $60 so it's got to help. So as for me I'm going to keep reading and watching and count down until I get to fly home on Sunday. Thanks for your love re my brother. His blood pressure through the roof so minor stroke. Nearly has feeling back in his side. He now has an aneurysm. My father died from an aneurysm so that's scary he has one. We were told not hereditary but can be glad I'm a girl as they say it's more common in men. Sorry for the novel! 4 sleeps to go. Xx

Since there are so many questions in this post I am going to break it down and try to answer them each individually. 


Can I post on this topic still even if it's not true?

Sure, but you can also start other threads. You are allowed to do that. Also, since you are the creator of the thread you can also edit the original post and change the name of the thread. 


I'm on my phone and can't seem to get all the main stuff though. Like the calendar?

I don't know what kind of phone you are on. I am going to assume that it is a smart phone. When you use a browser to access the site if it opens in mobile mode, which is what I suspect is happening to you, if you scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and click "full site" then the web version of the site will open and you will have the same accesses that you would if you were on a computer. 


Also can't seem to find how to make a profile with my pic and info on it?

You can also access these features from the phone if you choose the "full site". I will warn that it is much easier to do this from a computer because you might need to edit the size of the photo for your avatar. 


Also I see you can chat? How?

Just click on the chat tab and it will open :) We are usually in there in force on the weekends having drinks together! 


And you can add friends? 

Yes  if you go to a person's profile, you can click, add me as a friend and viola! friends!! :D 


I am sorry to read about your dad and brother. Take the time you have to get  a quit toolbox together, and prepare yourself for your quit. I know that you can do this. :D

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Marti said it right further up the page: "our biggest enemy is our own thoughts" - so true.  You have to "think" differently and the advice you've got on here is really awesome.

For me (now 9 months free), I have an occasional thought that comes into my head, but it never reaches its end .... like "I would really like a.......nah, I actually wouldn't" - that's pretty much the sentence that will flit through my head once in a blue moon.


I believe the key for me was: -

I wanted to quit for me - I was just "over it".

Nothing to do with my health or any person or anything else - just was sick of being a smoker.


I'm thinking that by the time you read this you will have had your "holiday" with your mate.... How did it go?  Hopefully you managed to hang in there, if not, I hope you are not beating yourself up about it - just make sure you haven't brought them home with you.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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