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Men and women are different animals, forced by God to live together as a test. When you accept that fact it becomes easier to see through the others eyes. Took me three wives but I got the current mrs figured out and she got my number too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

#161 bakon



Posted 24 June 2013 - 12:02 AM

9 months- 270 days approximately. Doing fine, smell smoke a mile away. Avoid it as much as possible. Had a conversation with an older guy who never smoked last night. He felt smokers were selfish and knew the stink they made but didnt care they made it. I told him how the nose didnt work and they really didnt know how strong the smell was but he wasnt buying the explanation. Said "These smokers think its their right to stink it up." The guy next to us agrees. Never knew some of the true animosity felt. It was like two teams that were at odds.
So today we motorcycle ride to a nice scenic water fall in Ohiopyle Pa. Probably 1000 people in the area right above the falls, kids in the water, people laying out, and one lone smoke standing by the waters edge. Looked out of place and had an area of about 25 yards around him all stinking up. Like a 25 yard circle of stench. Nice beautiful scenery and probably enjoying himself, but ruining it for others near him or walking by. Never knew that cloud of stink when I was smoking. And my thought... glad thats not me because we did some walking around the area. Remembering not wanting to hike down to the far end because " I seen it before." That was the excuse so I didnt have to walk and get out of breath. But even if I did walk it I would have had two or three smokes while doing it. One near the falls, one when we finsihed walking, one waiting for the group. You know the standing around looking cool smoke before jumping back on the motorcycle. Plus had to load up the nicoteen for the ride. Well relieved I didnt want it, wasnt tempted, was repulsed by it, ect... NOPE from the start. Not one cigarette. Ever.
Now some advise to the newbies....In the beginning, the first week or two and even occasionally for the first couple of months, give yourself some small rewards. That 3 days and the nicoteen is gone is a great saying but I found the first week to be a butt kicker at times. Reward yourself for making each day. In the beginning it is important to give yourself some treat for the work and commitment this takes. A magazine, a milk shake, a book, a new pen, whatever small item helps you feel slightly better and you wouldnt normally buy. A treat because in reality you gave up something and it is hard.
You earned it.
Then put your head up and keep marching.


#162 JTPhilly


Great update Bakon - congrats on 9 months!


#163 babs609


Excellent bakon!! You are doing so great. smile.png


#164 dbw

bakon said

9 months- 270 days approximately.




#165 EmmaBunny


Very nice, very thought-provoking post. Thanks, Bakon. And congrats on your nine months.

 #166 kinkash


WTG Bakon. 1/4 way to Phartedom biggrin.png


#167 Glassgirlw

Congrats on 9 months!!!! I can't wait until that's me! Huge inspiration to those of us just starting the quit so thanks!! biggrin.png


#168 Lynn04


Congratulations on 9 months quit!! Keep up the great work. Sounds like your are doing great keeping active too. Look at all of the positive changes you have made in the past nine months. Proud of you! I hope I can follow your lead!


#169 Jude59


Congratulations on your 9 months. Well done.


#170 bakon


Posted 09 July 2013 - 09:04 AM

9.5 months- All good.  New site. Thought I would post an update, but nothing big to report, no problem, no desire to smoke, so I thought I would copy and paste a post I did today to a newbie who quit with her spouse. And this can be switched to a husband or wife. I think the quit is hard and to have a partner the group needs to pressure them to stay quit together. Sure their quits are independant, but two should be stronger than one and we should push staying quit together.So this one is her first day and he smoked again a half day into the quit. Group is encouraging her to stay quit (all good) but forgot about him already. She asks if the smell will bother her. I say he can come back and still can quit with her, just grab NOPE and move on.




Its your quit but nothing says you cant get on his ass about his quit.  You will not find his smell pleasant and want to hug or kiss. Soon your nose will start to work and cigarettes will smell like a pile of crap. You also need to distance yourself from the smell. This is to help you want to stay quit.


Show your husband this site,let him read this post, tell him I gave you the ok to be a bitch about it. Dont cave because he did. Quiting is hard. Tell him to grow a set and show he can do it to. Not ok anyomore  to have kids and smoke. This generation cant watch us and think "Dad's cool and he smokes." Time to be a man and a father and give the proper example. Wouldnt want one of thier teachers giving out smokes or saying its no big deal,so he shouldnt either. Never too late to be a role model.


Have him join and get counters to show what you earned. Also give small treats or rewards each day the first week as a payoff for quiting. A magazine, a ice cream, a new air freshener for car. Anything you normally skip or wouldnt buy. 


I am serious on how offensive the smell will be after a couple days and even brushing teeth wont remove the smell from his clothes or hair. Tell him less lovin and he might come back around. A quit buddy helps alot. This site does too. But sex is a true motivator on a primal level.


#171 ChristaC


I love these success stories! Thanks for posting it, bakon!


#172 bakon


Posted 23 July 2013 - 11:58 PM

10 months- Made it to mid summer and not one. NOPE. Hope my quit buddies are still marching. Havent heard from them or seen them here but life gets busy once you quit. Remember the boredom of first quiting...what am I going to do with myself after diner, while working... well dont know where I found the time to smoke.

Was in the store today, wife standing next to me in a dog treat aisle, smell of something really foul comes over the area.I say "Man it smells bad here, like crap of something" I am thinking some dog did his business near the area since dogs are allowed in the store. What I didnt realize was a woman walked up and was looking at the same stuff and smelled of the worst burnt cigarette ever.Like an outside ashtray or a half burnt, stubbed out smoke in a pocket. Once I figure out its a smelly woman I have to cover my tracks so I say to the wife "If these treats smell like this, the dogs are never going to eat them. Lets get out of here." Woman didnt catch the remark was made for her but I know my wife did by her tone the way out of the store. So she's pissed I embarrassed her. Oh well no blood , no foul.


#173 islandgirl


Congratulations Bacon on your successful quit. I love hearing about your journey, very inspiring.


Your right I do  deserve a treat...we all do!...I'm having fun thinking about what I can treat myself too tomorrow?


I really love to take a shower, get clean clothes and hug all my friends and family, all day long, every day. Talk about freedom to love!


Again thank you for stopping by, you put a big grin on my face, I thank you very much!


#174 guy alex


hey Bakon,

thank you for putting a smile on my face this morning,i really enjoyed your story about the smelly woman.

congratulations on the quit.

#175 JTPhilly


Congrats on 10 months Bakon! 


#176 SallytheOwl


Posted 24 July 2013 - 03:00 PM

Congratulations on 10 months Bakon! I'm only at 2 and it feels like forever. You know how time flies when you're having a good time and basically comes to a grinding halt when you're not. Looking forward to making it to where you are. Thanks for the inspiration!


#177 Gainesy71


Posted 24 July 2013 - 03:11 PM

Hi Bakon,good to know your doing fine.I like to check in and see how yourself and youngster are doing.Cant believe its only another 8 weeks to our 1 year anniversary,really proud of myself and very happy that your still about and flourishing.Take it easy my friend.Iain


 #178 Cristobal


Congratulations on 10 Months Bakon !!!


I am stil trying to catch you, few weeks behind you in time, I hope I never catch you !!!





Day 283

#179 bakon


Posted 26 August 2013 - 10:25 AM

11 months-  two week trip on motorcycle and loved not having to pack two cartons of smokes and leave clothes behind. Hope youngster is doing fine, Gainsey was here last month so he should be checking in. Crysobal ansd freliz are stiff hanging.Time is flying now.


See some struggling on older members, but I think its just thoughts. Nobody really wants a puff. NOPE is still my motto but was thinking of "stress is for sissies" Don't think it would work though, people are too sensitive and would get insulted. Well off to lunch or bicycle ride later. Would never want to ride one a year ago, would have put me out of breath. Cant remember last time I was out of breath since I put the lighter down and threw the smokes out the window.


Keep marching it gets easier.


#180 Gainesy71


Well done bakon.Pleased everything is going well.Take it easy my friend.


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#181 SallytheOwl


Thanks for the check-in bakon!  The next one will be your OP blowout party!



#182 Terri


Congratulations on 11 months Bakon, thats fantastic.

I can't wait to see myself where you are smile.png
#183 sintahbean


I really appreciate you sharing, its inspirational for me..



#184 bakon


I still remember those first days. This board was great when someone posted a supportive message. Out of the blue a stranger helps with just a kind word, or saying what you feel is normal. Just a little shove knowing you are in the right direction. Then Crisobal made a year pledge post. I decided to Stick around for a year, pay it forward, help someone else but also myself by reminding where I came from and stay on the right path. I watch that Chantax commericial and see the fine print where they report a high percent of success "with support group". Thats what this place is. I took one pill that first day. Was expired by a year but the replies from the group on the second day are what got me through. Nothing fun in quiting, it was work, still is. But not hard after the first steps, gets easier with each one. Sometimes I relate it to the forced marches in the Army, put my head down and keep stepping, moving forward until it gets easy. Soon enough the momentum carries me forward, then it becomes down hill. Keep marching.


#185 baffled


Hey bakon, thank you for posting this thread and keeping it going.  I have read it through once already and now I go back to your posts that match up with where I am currently and it is helpful.  I especially like to read all about your rides and the keys.    By the way, I have my head down and I am marching!



#186 bakon


Two weeks till the years mark. One amigo is missing for a few months but I think he will be back. Bunch of us will hit it within weeks of each other. Gainsey, Cristobal, Frezil, Mariem, Youngster, sure I'm missing a September/October quiter...Some already there who were new with me. Pretty exciting since I made the one year pledge to check in. Dont want to smoke and the smell keeps me away. Only think about it when I check in here or smell it in a distance. Up close it stinks. Again no desire and avoid it as much as possible. Got about 20 extra pounds in last year but didnt work very hard at keeping it off either. Summer is beer time and I enjoy summer. Fall got some good beer too so not worried about the extra me.

Last night did an organized Harley/concert ride. 200 bikes going to ZZ Top and Kid Rock which had police escort and had premium parking, pre-ride party and [beeeep] grass seats. Good time, nice ride, saw many friends who rode and some who didnt ride but walked over to see group pull in. We had some beers. Only one guy in our group smoked but inside the concert- every other person was smoking. Got the headache from it. Music was great and weather too, my only complaint- smoke. Cigarette and dope. Guess I need to stay out of the cheap seats and stay in the seated area or other venues which dont have smoking (inside concerts have no smoking).

Got to decide what my year treat will be...suggestions?



#187 SallytheOwl


You will have racked up over $2000 in savings.  Anything in that price range jump to mind?


#188 bakon


Spent some of that at the $1000 mark. But maybe I can use the other $1000 on something good at Christmas. Not now, probably dinner and a motorcycle part in the $100 range, since everything Harley cost $100. I tell the newbies to treat themselves to something small all the time. Magazine, dinner, anything they would normally skip but would make them feel good as a reward for quiting. I think the early days of a quit are work, that most people dont appreciate, so those treats can keep the first week tollerable to the quiter. I bought a subway sandwich after my first hour. Going to do it again for lunch the day I hit a year for sure. Whole foot long too!

You will have racked up over $2000 in savings.  Anything in that price range jump to mind?



#189 baffled


Hey bakon.  I wanted to bump your thread because I like tracking my quit timeline with what you were going through at that time.  Plus I enjoy your posts.   This thread has been so helpful to my quit.  Thank you!!!!


#190 Cristobal


bakon, on 08 Sept 2013 - 4:16 PM, said:snapback.png


Two weeks till the years mark. One amigo is missing for a few months but I think he will be back. Bunch of us will hit it within weeks of each other. Gainsey, Cristobal, Frezil, Mariem, Youngster, sure I'm missing a September/October quiter...


I know that Marcie, Frezlis, you, myself and my wife Miriam have kept our quits. I came to The Board at Day 36, but was watching in those early days the quits of other who had quit dates close to mine.


Dancer unfortunately relapsed, I was hoping very much to celebrate my first year anniversary together with her, her quit date was 15 October, one day after mine.


I have not seen Gainsey73 or Youngster for a long time...I really hope they come here and let us know they are OK. Both of them appeared to have strong, healthy quits the last time they posted comments.



Day 333

#191 bakon


Gainsey added me as a friend recently so I know he's looking. About a week left till our year. I still post because of your idea on the year pledge. I do rarely think about smoking except when I check in here. I don't want one after posting, but it reminds me where I came from. Seeing the beginners struggle a little, I know that feeling. But I really come to pay it forward. The help I got from Babs or Breath, M, Hockeymom,  or Pilgrim, Kinkash, Katiem, there was so many I cant remember them all. Then meeting some quit buddies, youngster, you, freliz, jt philly, maciem, all the people starting at same place with close to same experience.then seeing some people with similar stories, or from close by to me Monojo, all nice times and cant be repaid to them. I try to pay it to the newer people. But like any story, this one got to end soon. In a week the story will be a year old and time for change. I really appreciate anyone who helped, and the board is moving forward with new batches of people that really push it on. Cristobal, Jimmy, Jenny, list can go on. But I have seen most members fade once they hit a year, and soon it must be me. Just a new phase in the quit.


I know I missed a bunch of people here- but thanks to the whole group. I might have made it alone, but I know I did make it with your help.


#192 kinkash


Posted 13 September 2013 - 12:00 PM

bakon, on 13 Sept 2013 - 09:43 AM, said:snapback.png

Gainsey added me as a friend recently so I know he's looking. About a week left till our year. I still post because of your idea on the year pledge. I do rarely think about smoking except when I check in here. I don't want one after posting, but it reminds me where I came from. Seeing the beginners struggle a little, I know that feeling. But I really come to pay it forward. The help I got from Babs or Breath, M, Hockeymom,  or Pilgrim, Kinkash, Katiem, there was so many I cant remember them all. Then meeting some quit buddies, youngster, you, freliz, jt philly, maciem, all the people starting at same place with close to same experience.then seeing some people with similar stories, or from close by to me Monojo, all nice times and cant be repaid to them. I try to pay it to the newer people. But like any story, this one got to end soon. In a week the story will be a year old and time for change. I really appreciate anyone who helped, and the board is moving forward with new batches of people that really push it on. Cristobal, Jimmy, Jenny, list can go on. But I have seen most members fade once they hit a year, and soon it must be me. Just a new phase in the quit.
I know I missed a bunch of people here- but thanks to the whole group. I might have made it alone, but I know I did make it with your help.

Many leave, but posting and responding....paying forward helps me KTQ...but I too think some days it's time move on...and pop in every now and then.


#193 marciem


There was one more, a young man from New Zealand, EuaNZ, who quit around the same time as me, bakon, youngster and gainsey.  I haven't seen him around for a long time.  I just hope he kept the quit and found a great life down there smile.png 

#194 bakon


He posted on some of my early stuff too.


Feliz made the year, I got a week to go today. No advise to share that isnt out there being said by everyone else. Had a good weekend ride and overnighter with some Blue Knights. One smoker in group. She was embarrassed by it and walked away to keep the smell from us. We were even in a smoking bar at one time and she went outside to smoke. Partly so we didnt see I think. AND not cool to be a smoker anymore. Total 180 from when most of us started, so we would be cool. But noticed that ich on her. Every stop, first thing in morning outside, slave to the nicotine. Got to calm that urge. Smoking defiantely causes more stress than it removes. That calm is only temporary, once the level drops the stress starts going back up.


Guess I'll comment on stress. I work a very stressful job and think I have very little stress in my life. Seriously can have 30 things happening at once in three locations with danger in all of it, and I feel like its not a problem 99 percent of time. As long as people do what they are supposed to do, thing roll along fine. But people cant do that, and thats where I have to get involved. I hear "stress caused..." so much that stress has very little value to me. Probably why it does work as an excuse for bad behavoir to me. I remember back to the Army and there is no acceptable excuse for not listening or following directions. Try to give one and more likely to get more pushups or running or duty, whatever the Sgt felt like dealing out. Easier to take your lumps and say "No excuse drill sgt."

Smoking because of stress just sounds stupid. Smoking only builds it. I watch the ich on people now. On a call...someone will ask "Can I have a smoke and I will tell you what happened?" I make them wait a few more minutes, let that stress build more on them, more likely to tell the truth and get to the point when under pressure. Why let them fire up and relax? Let them formulate some reason or excuse or lie to get out of whatever stupid thing they did? Just another observation. Like a referee of life...I just call it like I see it.

Lets have a good week as the ride is coming to an end soon

#195 sintahbean


Here is to a good week Bakon, will miss the ride with you.

Do drop in every now and then.



#196 bakon


A new member, firefly, is a friend. Everyone jump in and give her a hand when she posts.


 #197 HonorAmongstThieves


Oh this is emotional, and I am not even involved. lol.


I cannot wait to be where you are now.

But I will trek on, one day at a time until I get there.


Thank you for this late night motivation.


#198 SickofCigs9813


Bakon, I am new, and you are marking your one year anniversary date. I have read every single one of your posts, from beginning to end, and now... your 1 yr date implies that you are leaving. I have gotten SO much out of your fascinating posts. Interesting to note, that where you live, that bars allow smoking in them STILL. It has been outlawed in Calif, for over 20 yrs. (or thereabouts) Also FYI, they outlawed smoking at public beaches here too. I guess they didn't want the sand to become 'one big ashtray..' lol bad joke. In bigger workplace bldgs and even some not so big, they have signs that say, no smoking within 20 ft, of bldg. As early on, as cali was for the crack down on cigs, I am surprised that it is allowed in other states to this day. I hope you don't 'move on' from this group and the one year mark and consider it done for you in here. Your journal is great, but perhaps u feel u have said all u need to say at this juncture. well, maybe not... addiction never leaves us, it is simply arrested. I ve lost count of the x's I've quit, over time, but feel I don't have another shot at recovering anymore, this is the last hurrah. I've managed to live this long, (in denial about it killing me), dispite the loss of an ex bf who died 5 yrs ago, this past sept 5th, and was too young. he smoked on his death bed, and never once tried to quit. Reading you, was worth staying up in the wee hrs for. I hope you do return to us again, soon. Thank you.


#199 bakon


Posted 22 September 2013 - 05:44 PM

Two more days by my count. But will wait to see what counter says tomorrow. Going for beers and Steeler game now.

#200 kinkash
I love this matchup
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#201 PeppermintFizz


So inspirational!!


#202 bakon

24 September 2013 - 09:11 AM

Counter said

"1 year 1 hour since last cigarette.

$2007.72 saved 7301 smokes avoided"


1 year done. 1 hour working on next one year.  Like an accomplishment and a continuation of the work involved. Going for a Subway sandwich in an hour. That's how the ride started. Been downhill for a while but even still the group pushed me there. Advise to anyone- stay close enough to board that someone in here remembers your name. Good feeling to post after a week or three and see a familiar face. Also NOPE. Cant say it enough. Recommend everyone repeat it whenever you THINK its ok to maybe touch something which gives a puff. Don't play with fire.


First weeks of crawling turn into a walk, then a march. Keep marching. Put your head down and plow forward at times, but soon it turns down hill and the ride gets to be easy. It was quick to become easy for me. Just a month or two and I think it was downhill. But I am on my guard too. I got lucky and it quickly was a foul smell to me. But also not completely done, some thought about smoking here or there, out of the blue, which isn't completely gone and still work to stay away from.


So fight on, your stronger with every crave conquered, the roller coaster is worth it. Thank you to all my friends here I made it.


Keep Marching


#203 Nancy.

We will keep marching!

#204 ChristaC


Thanks, Bakon! Loved to read the thread....inspiring me to keep on climbing, because I want to be where YOU are!




#205 Sgt.Sausage
  • photo-thumb-8689.jpg?_r=1395863277

bakon, on 24 Sept 2013 - 09:11 AM, said:snapback.png


Counter said

"1 year 1 hour since last cigarette.

$2007.72 saved 7301 smokes avoided"


1 year done.


Well done, Mr. Bakon.


The Sarge salutes you.


Well done.


Easy Peasy



#206 sparklingabyss


Congrats on a whole year!



#207 jimmy009

+1 ill keep marching

#208 bakon


Posted 07 October 2013 - 03:47 PM

1year 2 weeks or so. Sticking around a little to see the last Amigo hit his year. Plus like teasing Scott and Jimmy and some of the girls. Baffled posted about the habit and changing seasons, adjusting to not smoking even after awhile and having a trigger pop out of the blue. Not that I want to smoke but I looked at a half a smoke laying near a door the other day and thought "I used to put them out and sit them on a wall to light when I came back out."


Anyways- I walked out of work late the other night. Like 20 minutes late and in hurry to get home. Always had time for 1 smoke on ride home and usually not finsihed when I pulled in driveway. Let dogs out and finish last couple puffs. So I know I'm in hurry and instead of firing up in truck I guess my routine was to fire up on way to truck so I could ge the whole thing done.

So a year after quiting I am walking through the lot at work going toward truck, patting my pockets, looking for a lighter I no longer carry, to fire up a smoke I dont have, so I can finish it before I hit the house and go inside.Got to truck and I am patting again, double checking to find it. Need to find it before I unlock the door, need to get it lit before I get in truck and I am carrying other items. So I am switching them around in my hands and patting with the other hand, then realized I still havent found it and had to laugh. I didnt want a smoke, but that habit was still in my pea sized brain somewhere.


Also dreamed about running last night- needed to run because I got a physical training test coming up and I smoke, so got to practice running before test.....Been out of Army 25 years now. Dont know where that thought was hiding.


Changing title to pea brain. Had village idiot but that got used against me by an angry woman in here.

#209 kinkash


You rock Bakon! JT Philly posted something similar a few weeks back. It's all good!



#210 baffled


Needed to repost Bakon at his point in my quit.  His quit seems so similar to mine that I like to know what he was thinking and posting at the same stages.  Thought it might help others as well.  Thank you thank you Bakon.


#211 billquit


Bakon..you're a full fledged inspiration! I sure appreciate you and I'm real proud of you!


#212 kinkash


billquit, on 12 Oct 2013 - 09:21 AM, said:

Bakon..you're a full fledged inspiration! I sure appreciate you and I'm real proud of you!


 #213 bakon


13 months and quit is very enjoyable. As time goes by, the bad memories of old relationships fade and only the good remain. My quit is like that. I have to think of something to find the bad in the quit. Sure I had moments of crawling skin and flying off the handle. But the end results are so good, so worth it, and so far from the cage of just a year ago, I cant think that it was too hard. I hope everyone reaches this point.
Lot of posters recently saying it's getting easier. I tell them that's the downhill side of the march. I also think that as smokers, the first couple hurdles in quiting seem so steep that we postpone quiting. Then we start and they knock us down, hard. Moods, hunger, chemicals making us fart, break out and not sleep. We got to face the hardest part first, no easing in to it. So the failure rate in first week is highest, second week that goes down, continuing to ease with each day/week/month. But not a steady down, more a square function. , like gravity accelleration, 9.82 m/s2. Time is squared for how far it eases up.
Sometimes there's a post with someone still struggling a month in and not easing up, usually some NRT going on nobody knew was happening and the nicotine hasnt left the building yet. I dont care how long you havent puffed, its not going to ease up till you quit the nic.
Also love the saying a puff away from a pack a day- that and NOPE are my favorites.
As for me, most of my quit buddies are at the year now. I would recommend staying close that first year. Some recent people come back who would have months to a year now, only to start again. Group is good about that, but I feel like it was a waste to let it go. The best posts to me are when they come back and dont gloss over the relapse. They say how disappointing it was. How the smoke didnt help. Some sit here fantisizing for nothing. Relapsers are the proof. Just ask a smoker if he would trade places with you, you give them the hard work and your one week quit and they give you the pack...they will take it. They cant get over that first hurdle.  Someone started a Million Dollar to Smoke thread recently. I cant say I wouldnt for that, but I wouldnt for the sake of just "having one." Too big of a risk for no reward. The relapsers all say that first one was so disappointing. See someone come back, ask them to post their thoughts when they got that first one in. Failure and disappointment.
Someone had a line like "When we smoked we wished we were here. Now here we sometimes want to be there" Remember we dont want to smoke. That life is gone.
SO for me- Easy Cheesy.
Keep Marching



#214 bakon


 1y 1m 17 d-

Dont bump it up much because I dont have much to add. I dont struggle but an occasional thought does pop up. Not an urge, just a thought. Saw a lighter on the dash of a car the other day. Pushed it in to see if it worked. Came out glowing like new. Thought "This is a good one, heated up fast." Then put it back. Remember burning them out in my truck. Worn out from too much use.


Could smell smoke a mile away now. Still dont like it.


Gym is easy now than a year ago. So much more lung capacity. Walk twice as far, twice as fast, sweat but dont loose my breath.


Smell things I haven't since being a kid. Lemons, real ones, not cut but on display. Could never smell that as a smoker. Sure I could smell lemon cleaners, or a fresh cut one. But not one with the peel on sitting a distance away.


Teeth- whiter and no problems. Smile is improved. Skin too. I can see the gray in a smoker.


Still marching. Head up and moving forward.



#215 Cristobal


I am so happy that you are doing well.


I understand many things in your last 2 posts, because I am at the same time in my quit as you.


Where are Gainsey and Youngster ???


Are the 3 Musketeers only 1.5 now (You are 1, I am one half.).



#216 bakon


Youngster is missing but Gainesy checked in at a year and doing well. Three amigos is now you me and Gainesy. M and Freliz are right there with us too. Your way more than a half.

 #217 bakon


14 months- all is well.

 Cristobal's name is still hard to spell for me but is still here posting away too. I always start typing CHRist....then got to go look at it again. I think English is my second language on the keyboard.

 Saw BABS, Sgt, Kinkash, and a few others post in the last week from last fall. M and Breath, Greenlover, Mojo.

 Got some crazy new ones too- looks like board is moving on just with enough flavors of personality to keep interesting.

 The owl is 6 months in. NK, Christa, Bill, baffled Jimmy, Jenny all in the middle grounds, months around 6 but less than 12. Never much into the fart titles. I think of brand new, less than month, 2-4,5-8, those 9-12 are old timers, then the big year and more group. I get titles, just don't use them in my head.

 Some pretty faces on some too on the avatars!!

 Scott from PA hasn't been hassled in a while about his pic, so I'll throw him in with pretty people. If I missed your name it only because my pea brain cant hold that much.

(Saw the angry swimmer too, she cant see me though, only person I know blocked me. Funny is when she posts about NRT and her struggles at the beginning. Kind of verifies what I was trying to tell her on why her anger wasn't fading, just laugh to myself. It would be worth a warning point to say "I told you so" with my hand up showing her the international symbol for friendship. )


Notice I only wrote about the group. No smoking thoughts, only thoughts of some friends on the quit smoking group and check in to see how they are. Bike season is over, go around block now and then, but got smarter as I got older and don't go out much this time of year. Big plans next year already forming up. Going to hit the south. Big circle ,with PA and Ohio, about 15 states, including some places from the recent picture thread places. We are going to stop in Redstone Arsenal-Huntsville Alabama. Old Army post I was at for about 2 years. Hope to see some marching going on so I can get a photo. I could seach google for one I suppose.


I did hit the chat button twice in last month. Both times I didn't know what I was doing. But one time I was only one in room. When I looked back Soul was in there. She was the fouth person to ever post to my thread and one of the original people I remember. So I start to write that and she Kieser Sozied "Poof " Soul left the room." Couldn't tell her what help she was that first week. I didnt know I had to be fast. Sat there looking at the screen with all I typed and nobody to read it left. Just me in an empty room that doesn't really exist as a physical space. The other time someone yelled "BAKON" and they scared me out of the room. (Was at work really but those chat rooms are a little scary)


Otherwise just a lurker mostly.

Keep Marching.



#218 Guest_susana_*


I hope that is not a farewell post.... sad.png ...


You have been a great support to me on these last few months. During and after my relapse. I don´t want you to go without knowing how much I appreciate your input and your non-judgmental tone.


14 Months tomorrow.... SUPER-MEGA-GREAT!!! smile.png


#219 SallytheOwl


I never get tired of hearing how people have no more thoughts of smoking anymore. Keep those inspirations coming, Bakon. Congrats on your solid and comfy quit. Love it.


#220 Nancy.


Bakon, you are the best!

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I made blog- but think something wont be right...attached external link to blog or something like that...think it will disappear if they delete it over there, plus I believe it is linking me over to the other place, which is not what I want. Any comments go over there? definitely not what I want? HELP



ok think I exteral linked this thread now...but blog this don't work.   I am computer dangerous, not good, not bad, no facebook or Skype, just slow moving news groups and threads. so pictures sometimes even get me but lately got some photosomething account and posted through there.


anyways someone with the control buttons want to fix this mess, please remove my blog, don't know how it works and figure I did something wrong because when I hit blog this, it still says I don't have one, probably something to do with external link.

Then come delelte this plea. my finger hurtys and I cant type no more todasy.


I don't think you ever created a blog and instead just hit "blog this" because your blog is external only.  I'll delete the blog and you can create a new one and then blog each entry so it's all in your blog.  Once that's done, you can add all your new entries to your blog instead of this thread.  :)

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  • 4 weeks later...


Posted 10 December 2013 - 03:44 AM

1y2m17d. Cold out. Nothing to report. Sgt has disappeared. Cristobal has taken over the numbers game. Freliz been seen here and there. Lots of people have replaced the pharters. Don't like old pharters for a name but that's what we are called here. Told the thread we are the Pharos yesterday. Misspelled intentionally. We hit a year and we now rule.
No smoking thoughts. Was at a stinking smoking bar last week for way too many beers. Paid the price next day. I blame the smoking and stench one time years ago while stationed in West Germany I drank way too much rum. That captain has been beating me up for years. But back to the point. I had a hang over so bad it hurt to blink. I blamed cigarettes and quit for a year. Both cigarettes and rum. Then 13 years ago I was back on rum kick. Captain beat me up again so no more rum. Fun on the beer so I stick to that. Rum and I turn Indian with muscles. Vodka I can't see less than two of everyone. Whiskey and I can't hold it down. One shot and everything comes back up. Strictly a beer hound. Have tried just about everyone but only have a few a month. Usually all at same time but last week I had two months worth. So it wasn't beers fault. It was the smoke and stink. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Point of story. I have quit this long before. Don't like sticky quit but will say permanent one. No desires. Really dislike the smell. Can't see myself chained to that ball again. Especially in this cold , huddled around to get the fix to feel better. Such a bad habit. I like seeing the newbies at a day. Three days. A week. You can feel the excitement in some posts. Then read three months, relaxing some. Six. Well on way to permanent. Anything longer and they are Pharos to me. They rule the board
Keep marching. Lots of celebrations happening.


#222 JTPhilly  
Great post Bakon. Funny I used to live smoky bars thought the smoke assed to the atmosphere! I'm with you on the rum and vodka lol bit I like my whiskey.


#223 juanrmartino


Posted 10 December 2013 - 06:26 AM

Bakon your post is priceless! Now better than yesterday, and how you describe things full of energy and optimistic, you inspire... im happy for you!



#224 Nancy.


Posted 10 December 2013 - 09:26 AM






Just channeling the Sarge!  I love your posts, Bakon!


#225 Daisyjane2013


Posted 10 December 2013 - 11:59 AM

Bakon, I just read all the posts in this thread dating back to the beginning. It was really inspirational to read. Thanks for taking us along on your journey!


P.S. I can't do whiskey either, Makes me crazy. Every night that started with a shot of whiskey has ended badly or in a bizarre way. Rum is fun when you're in the Caribbean, otherwise, I have to stay away. Tequila brings back some embarrassing memories from Spring Break 2001. lol! Don't ask. Beer & wine only for me too smile.png


#226 bakon


"A man got to know his limitations"  Dirty Harry


#227 mattjones36

Posted 10 December 2013 - 03:58 PM

bakon, on 10 Dec 2013 - 03:44 AM, said:snapback.png

It's funny you say that. When I drank (past tense, very past tense) Crown Royal and Coke, I became the Mexican Monster. 

Rum and I turn Indian with muscles. 


#228 Petra

Agent 13


Great reading, Bakon!!!!  Thank you so much for being here!  smile.png


#229 bakon

I never turned more redneck from beer though. Maybe I cant get more redneck? (Not county redneck, not grown up redneck)

Thinking about "reading from beginning" like Daisy did. So I started and got too tired to finish. I can give one update...MY SON MOVED OUT. Its sooo nice. See him weekly but glad he grew wings.




#230 baffled

bakon, on 10 Dec 2013 - 1:12 PM, said:


"A man got to know his limitations"  Dirty Harry


With you on this one!  I don't drink very often, maybe 2 or 3 times a month when out with friends.  Husband doesn't touch the stuff.   Since I quit smoking though, I cannot drink as much and I get hang overs now.  I am blaming not smoking cigarettes.  Hopefully its not a function of age .... BUT I love rum.  Mmmmmm.



#231 bakon

Posted 12 December 2013 - 03:47 AM

I love rum too. Just that captain fights me every time and I lose every time. Beer never gets mad at me and makes everybody more interesting and better looking. Especially the non smokers. Smokers look funny to me when drinking. Got to light up more cuz the alcohol removes the nicotine from blood faster actually feel pity for them because they can't help themselves. At least hang overs now don't have that sore throat and yuk mouth from over smoking.


#232 baffled


Posted 13 December 2013 - 07:20 AM

I don't know what was worse before, the hangover or the sore throat and yuk mouth --- and sore chest from smoking so many extras while drinking.  Ughh.  Beer goggles, huh?  Too funny.  



#233 bakon


1y 3m 1d- Christmas.


Nice to not smoke on my second Christmas. Food taste better. No need to go outside in cold or sit in garage.


9150 plus smokes missed. That's a whole lot of bad breath missed, so definitely more smooching going on this Christmas. Placed a chair under mistletoe to eat cookies and kiss. Anyone want to stop by I am home.


$2500 saved. Not really. Been rewarding myself. Got a Harley automatic winding watch and a large toolbox/workbench for myself for being so good this year. Santa doesn't pay enough attention to really know how good,... so I treated myself. All quiters need to do that. Reward yourself.



Keep marching. (Drummer boy music on right now.)

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#234 Cristobal


Posted 25 December 2013 - 12:48 PM



I am glad you are doing so well, I am very sure that you will never smoke again.


Where are Youngster and Gainesy, still no news about your first quit buddies the original 3 amigos ???




#235 bakon


Nope, just me and you as Amigos.

Maybe I hit that 10  year mark and ride down your way.

Get me one of those hats like you and eat some authentic Mexican food.


#236 Nancy.


Good job, Bakon!  You have been so much help to me!  Love the drummer boy...



#237 Cristobal


I am very proud to be your replacement quit amigo, I always watched your posts because you were ahead of me only a few weeks.


You are very welcome to come and visit you do not need to wait for 10 year anniversary, any time of the year is fine, and winters are sunny, warm and dry !!!


(28C - 82F today).


The wine, tequila and food are always wonderful----and yes I can get you a hat like this......you will not want to go back home.


#238 bakon


That's why I want to wait 10 years. Got some things to finish first before I get to take naps after lunch.


#239 bakon


Posted 03 January 2014 - 09:40 AM



Bump cause I cant copy and paste it.


Rolling through New Years just fine. Smelled it yesterday. Actually tasted it as I walked into somebody's cloud. Glad I don't have that taste stuck to my tongue anymore. Coating my teeth with yellow. I watch people who say they cook, then see them outside smoking. I know they cant taste what I do. Remember the temperature being very important. If it wasn't hot then it didn't matter what the taste. Probably cause all the taste buds were coated with tar and crap.


New years Resolution- No biggie, just slow down and enjoy what I already got. Enjoy the small stuff I guess. And add new colors to my crayon box.

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  • Keep Marching.
#240 Gainesy71


Posted 05 January 2014 - 05:51 AM

Gainesy is still alive!!,still quit with no intensions of quitting the quit.Have been in and out of hospital for the last 4 months after an accident so have not really been lurking.Glad you are all doing well.


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  • 2 months later...

Julie and Bt in here (Wiley) when he was a fish, evolution I guess




Holy crapfish batman. We are back to three with Gainsey.


Tell us more about the accident. Glad your back for sure. Need three to be Amigos, (and we got a real Mexican too.)


#242 Gainesy71

Holy crapfish batman. We are back to three with Gainsey.
Tell us more about the accident. Glad your back for sure. Need three to be Amigos, (and we got a real Mexican too.)

Hi Bakon,glad your still around and prospering.I got knocked off my bicycle back in October and broke a leg,fractured pelvis,broken arm and a few other minor injuries.The chap who knocked me off was an old fella in his early nineties who panicked when he saw me and just couldn't control his car.Nice old boy who has my utmost admiration as he was a spitfire pilot during Battle of Britain so I hold no ill feeling towards him.....it was an accident after all.He has retired from driving!! And comes to see me regularly and I'm doing ok and should make a full recovery.Whatever happened to youngster....any ideas?.....although it's cool having an authentic amigo in the pack!!.

Posted 07 January 2014 - 11:32 AM

I am so happy to finally have news about you Gainsey !!!


I am sorry to see that you had the accident I hope you have complete recovery from this, let us know how you are doing and also big congratulations to ypu that you are now a Olde Pharte !!!


#244 Gainesy71

you cris,very kind.


#245 bakon


Glad your back too. My hope is youngster is just busy. Never heard otherwise so giving him the benefit here.


Far as accident, I knew you were not smoking. Saw you check in once, but anyways you got some story there. I wish I had an old vet to feed me a couple stories. Great attitude you kept. Hope your back on feet soon. And keep posting, not too many old timers (I dont use farts) helping out here. Got to pay it forward a little bit longer, then ride off to Mexico where its always sunshine and rainbow farts.


#246 bakon


Posted 24 January 2014 - 10:38 AM

1y4m1h  16 months

Liked when I logged on today and saw the extra 1 hour. Like my first post. Made it one hour and got a sandwich. Belly is not so big after this long. About 12 pounds more than start and I dont mind. Always say curves are good for the girls, why not the guys too?


What I will comment on is missing smoking. When I quit I knew what I was in for. I had done it before when younger. Thought that made me a good smoker because I had quit a few times for over a year. Why was that good? Because in the circle of smoke, I was tough enough to say I could do it, I just didnt want to. Liked it to much to quit but I could and I got my past quits to prove it.


So why didnt I quit? I thought I would miss it. How could sitting in the garage, putzing with my tools or motorcycle be any fun without lightin up and having a smoke hanging from my lip? I love smoking and putzing. Riding, drinking, chores anything with smoking. Where is fun if no smoke? I was one who could close one eye because the smoke was going in it, while leaned in, reaching around the back of an engine with both hands to tighten something. Still puffing, cause thats how you do it.


Well it takes some time to relearn everything without the smoke. I kept at the putzing and earned my degree as a Doctorate of Putzers. I wash and wax anything. Tighten any bolt and adjust thingerabobs in my sleep. I cut the grass, drive to work, drive at work, drive home from work, putz and drink beer all without thinking about smoking at all. Not missing it one bit. Not sure when I started to enjoy all this again without smoking. I know I enjoy not smoking and I enjoy putzing, just not sure when I started enjoying them together.

It happens though. You reach a point where its all back to normal, just no smoke.

(pictures removed)



#247 Soberjulie


Posted 24 January 2014 - 10:44 AM

I just read through all of this thread.

Amazing. Simply amazing smile.png

Bakon, thankyou for keeping a kind of QSMB journal. Watching the days click by for you is inspiring to read about smile.png


#248 ArmedNAruba


Posted 24 January 2014 - 11:23 AM

Killer accordion concert dude!!!



#249 bakon


Octoberfest at Penn Brewery in Northside. I did spend three years in Germany with the ARMY. Was even there when the wall came down.  Accordians-Cant say I love it, but it does make me smile after a few beers. Beer, love it all the time.


#250 ArmedNAruba 

Posted 24 January 2014 - 11:58 AM

Gotta love the country's traditions!!

#251 bakon


Posted 27 January 2014 - 09:18 AM

9800 missed...


 #252 Guest_WileyD_*


Thanks Bacon. I enjoyed that. Very helpful.


I was in Germany 85 to 89 in the Air Force near K-Town.


#253 bakon

Posted 27 January 2014 - 10:02 AM

I was on Bitburg airbase for meals and mail. Lived on housing for about a year too. Its a civilian air strip now. I googled it. Spangdollem was 1 air miles away and 10 km by road. We drove by occasionally on way to a sight. Was at K-town about every couple months to shop at bigger BX/PX or to go to our battalion hq for something. Had a Burger King and was a treat. Was there from 12/86 to 1/90.


 #254 Guest_WileyD_*


I was at Sembach AB.


I miss the Brew & the Food. I loved it there.


#255 bakon


Posted 27 January 2014 - 10:44 AM

Dont think I ever stepped on that one. What planes mostly? was that the A-10 base? There was one of those down there. Bitburg had F-15 and Spang had F-16 with F-4 (I think). I was in Missiles, defending the air bases hiding in woods. We were to shoot down enemy planes attacking the bases. I guess when the air force was sleeping, we had to watch over...just kidding.


But when we ran PT on base we couldnt sing cadence songs, we were waking up the air force to early. No kidding, the base commander said we wouldnt be allowed to PT in their gym first (cold and wet outside all year in germany) with push ups, sit ups and all the crazy army jump and whatevers. Then we would go run as group, but no singing until flight line because we woke the AF up. We loved that. Also had SGT Major who hated all those officers in blue that were pilots, so when we saluted we were to say "HAWK (our missile) If it flies, it dies" We didnt, cause most pilots couldnt give a s*** if we saluted or not. They were on a different level, like playboys of the military. Envied those guys.



#256 icon_share.png Soberjulie


Posted 27 January 2014 - 11:28 AM

Bakon, you were there when the wall came down? How cool.
I had a patient who was there when the wall went up! She was just a kid.
She was suffering from mild dementia when she was my patient and talked about the wall all the time.
One day I found some pictures and told her the wall wasn't there anymore.....they took it down.
She was so shocked. When she finally believed me she cried like a baby. She said "maybe now there can be real neighbor-li-ness"
#257 Kennedy


Yes this really does help!!! He gets it!!! Or he did... Thanks for sharing this


Posted 27 January 2014 - 02:16 PM

Kennedy, on 27 Jan 2014 - 2:13 PM, said:snapback.png

Yes this really does help!!! He gets it!!! Or he did... Thanks for sharing this


I used to go back to this thread at various times in the early stages of my quit because it was so helpful.  I wish there were more journals kept like this.  You may want to start one now.  That way, in a year when someone new comes along, they can look to your thread and say the same thing about you.  It really is weird though that you think all these people with time had an easy quit and that is the only reason they are fine today.  Not true.  We were all where you are now.  You will get to where we are before you know it.  One day at a time.  


#259 bakon


Posted 27 January 2014 - 02:34 PM

Only one guy really chanted easy peazy. A few seemed to get the right mind set early but most everyone goes through same thing. A couple people were big cheerleaders, posting for everyone and very helpful. I notice most of the old timers for me arent around. A few are still here, but most were less than a year ahead of me and moved on. Soon the newbies become the old timers. It really is quick. 


Start a journal is good idea. When this began, people posted "day 1 ... day 2... day 5 ... day whatever". If couldnt judge how it was going unless I had seeen and remembered what they said.


We are all here to learn, get support, or pay forward what we took from others. Along the way you meet some nice people. I got to pay it forward with this. One guy said he read this several times but only posted 1 time to this board, ever. Told me thanks. That was a great day. 


Started this for me, but glad I got to share it. 


#260 bakon


Posted 06 February 2014 - 04:20 PM

10,000 smokes missed. About 37 full days of smoking.  Don't miss it. I can smell the stale smoke on a smoker's clothes about 20 feet away without one burning. I can see the gray in their skin. Not much else to add.


Advise I would give today....- NOPE.  it works.

Note 3-11-15   2 years, 5 months, 2 weeks, 2 days, 11 hours, 34 minutes, 24 seconds. That translates into 17,969 cigarettes NOT smoked, for a savings of $5,390.89! At 5 minutes per cigarette I have increased my life expectancy by 2 months, 6 days, 9 hours, 28 minutes, 13 seconds.
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  • 2 months later...

Thanks....just some pushes and shoves from people here and NOPE....all it takes...not really, its a relearn of basic habits and ways but once each is done it gets easier. Each holiday or season, chore or hobby....don't know how I did have time for it.


Probably 20 lbs heavier, good 15 anyways, but its all good weight. Was too thin for height because I didn't eat good. Now I work out regular, watch what I eat and biggest health improvement is lungs, I can walk, run or climb stairs, ride bikes hike or whatever...activities I would pass on before because I would be short of breath before others, not weaker, just looked weaker when you cant breath after five times running up and down basketball court...So I still preach CURVES ARE GOOD.  Don't let weight gain bother you. As for gym, just go and move, don't matter what you do, just move.

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You are right Bakon. I would rather have the CURVES than the stink. I would rather be able to move & breathe. I would rather accomplish what you have. That will take time but I'm going to do it. I'm very stubborn. And I WILL move

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  • 3 months later...

Three more months. Pretty boring quit now. Hit three years soon and feel the fade. The train seems to have the elite quiters, most old timers that check in have gotten so busy with life. Time to roll. Like to see all the progress people made here. The group as a whole is pretty exceptional. People quit here and change their whole life. Kids, houses remodeled, jobs, bike riding, marathons, and the friends come and go. Met one in person and if I really wanted to, close enough to visit a couple others. Thing is, outside of here, we all have a bunch of stuff going on and don't know when we had time to smoke. And after discussing some of the characters in here and laughing we would move on and miss the person even more. So its good the summer picnic never happened. Good because we can all think of how great it will be when it does happen. SO smile and move on.


As for quiting advise. I post threads with hints and tricks, ideas and suggestions. But only one thing remains common to all quits....




and that's all I got to say about that.....Forest Gump and Bakon

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  • 2 weeks later...

this thread really clicked with my rollercoaster life. 

though i have never done drugs, which most associate with addiction...

smoking is exactly the same thing. if not worse.


strength is hard to find sometimes.

weakness is harder to admit.


the first step is making an honest change...with yourself.

i dont feel so weird about posting all my shit on here.


happy anniversary, bakon!

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