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poem written by 
The Seven Sorrows  

The first sorrow of autumn
Is the slow goodbye
Of the garden who stands so long in the evening-
A brown poppy head,
The stalk of a lily,
And still cannot go.

The second sorrow
Is the empty feet
Of a pheasant who hangs from a hook with his brothers.
The woodland of gold
Is folded in feathers
With its head in a bag.

And the third sorrow
Is the slow goodbye
Of the sun who has gathered the birds and who gathers
The minutes of evening,
The golden and holy
Ground of the picture.

The fourth sorrow
Is the pond gone black
Ruined and sunken the city of water-
The beetle’s palace,
The catacombs
Of the dragonfly.

And the fifth sorrow
Is the slow goodbye
Of the woodland that quietly breaks up its camp.
One day it’s gone.
It has only left litter-
Firewood, tentpoles.

And the sixth sorrow
Is the fox’s sorrow
The joy of the huntsman, the joy of the hounds,
The hooves that pound
Till earth closes her ear
To the fox’s prayer.

And the seventh sorrow
Is the slow goodbye
Of the face with its wrinkles that looks through the window
As the year packs up
Like a tatty fairground
That came for the children.

    Ted Hughes

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I don't like the impending cold and rain. But I do love the colours of autumn, leaf swooshing (with or without the kids)the cooler nights so you can snuggle ina  duvet and not be woken at the crack of dawn by the blinking singing birdies, so more sleep. Some of it's sad tho, I miss the warmth and sitting in the garden and planting. To offset I have Halloween of course and knowing that christmas is coming cheers me up. I love the magic of that with kids.

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i have such a history of seasonal affective disorder..really really bad.  I have to force myself outside in the winter, I could stay in my house all winter long if it were possible...actually I would sleep all winter and wake up in spring if I could.  Sorry....but it's true.  Autumn has always been for me a symbol of the isolation, cold, rainy, short days, layers of clothing, wiping the dogs paws, no pretty colors...yuk yuk yuk


That being said....for the past few years I have learned to try to focus on the positive in regards to autumn instead of complaining about it.  It has really helped me to embrace the fall and all it represents...so........


I do love wearing jeans and sweatshirt

I do love wearing boots

I do love seeing the cute trick or treaters..looking forward to halloween with my granddaughter

I do love thanksgiving....the food, the family...the day off of work

I do love COOKING...this is a big one...I really do love to cook and i look forward to firing up the oven and roasting

I do love having a big pot of soup on the stove

I do love having a little fire in the back yard...the smell of the burning wood...really love that

I do love riding my bike in the fall rather than summer...it's cooler

I do love going down to the shore after the season is officially over....so peaceful and the dogs love it too

I do love hiking in the fall too...colors of the foilage are beautiful...

I do love that there are hardly any bugs this time of year...no mosquitos!

I do love the fact that we don't need air conditioning OR heat right now...windows open--nice!  (a little chilly in the morning but doable)


wow.....after I made my own list...i realize i love a lot about the fall..more than i ever admitted.  :)


I also love December 21st --because it's the shortest day of the year and we add a minute of sunlight to every day after that....because Spring is truly my absolute favorite season...regardless of the things listed here.  :)

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In Miami in the winter the sky is light blue and clear and rises forever. The humidity drops and the temperature is always 70 degrees. The rain stops and the bugs die and the strange mold and weeds and plants retreat for awhile. People open their windows and the season begins with farmers markets, fairs, festivals, parties, boat shows, stone crabs, lobsters.

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I hate leaves. Just constant work picking them up. Neighbors just wait till it covers everyone else's yard and too wet to blow away before they pick any up. Thinkin of getting a blow torch this year. Burn the rake first so there is no turnin back.


But my favorite season is fall from a romance perspective. I go into rut. Something about girls in tight sweaters, those floppy neck ones, I love the curves

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I hate leaves. Just constant work picking them up. Neighbors just wait till it covers everyone else's yard and too wet to blow away before they pick any up. Thinkin of getting a blow torch this year. Burn the rake first so there is no turnin back.


But my favorite season is fall from a romance perspective. I go into rut. Something about girls in tight sweaters, those floppy neck ones, I love the curves

"Burn the rake first so there is no turnin back." LMAO!! Love it!


As for the girls, I bet my bottom dollar you fantasize about girls in pleated plaid skirts, heather sweater sets and penny loafers. If so, come to my house-- have I got a treat for you!  :D

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In Phoenix fall means it will start to drop down from 100+ degree temperatures.


Bring on the Fall we are too hot!

Yay 100+... Bring it on ! Freezing here - got down to zero once ! a0d0423989cfe63dbac86525c36d6b54_zpsff34 it is now so cold at 15 celcius .... Can't wait for warm weather ... But be ready I will complain when we get to our 45 celcius days a0d0423989cfe63dbac86525c36d6b54_zpsff34
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