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Queen Greenlover (Beth) Has A New Role...


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...and a huge undertaking.


I've asked Beth if she would be willing to help me out in an area that I quite frankly don't have the time required to keep up with on a routine basis.  Actually, not only am I unable to keep up with it, I've yet to start.  I was actually a little nervous to ask anybody to do this because it's such a very time consuming task that needs continually updated.


Since we've started this forum there have been a number of people who have joined who were ready to quit, made a commitment to quit, starting to become active on the forum and then simply stopped.  In our efforts to spread the word that anybody can quit smoking, expose the lies of smoking and offer support (to name just a few), reaching out to those who were very new into their quits and have disappeared, is one more area that we can use our collective resources to help.


Myself and others post threads asking the whereabouts of members that have disappeared which is great because we often times get responses from them and know they're okay but other times, no response at all.  This is where we can be doing more.


When members join (and at anytime after) they have the option to receive emails from Quit Train.  If they want to receive emails from us, we will send out a personal email to each one to check on them and see if there is anything we can to do help.  It will also offer some insight on areas that myself, the moderators and Beth can improve the forum.


We want everybody to know that once they join, they are never forgotten and we've not given up on them.  This is one way that can have a very positive impact as we help others quit this horrible addiction and let them know that we're still here, waiting for them to come back and get their health and freedom back.


Beth will have the laborious task of not only making a list of these members, but also doing a bit of research to see what issues (if any) each were having and when they stopped posting so I can add this information into a spreadsheet (yes, Ava, a spreadsheet, they're everywhere) to organize these members who have not been forgotten and any progress and feedback that we receive.  Once the initial list is made, I'll draft an email to each person to see how they are and that we're still here for them.


We respect members' privacy and will not contact those who wish to not be contacted but we will make every effort to look out for our own.  If sending an email is another way we can help, we're going to do it.  Without Beth doing all the research, there is no way I could possibly do this as there just isn't enough time.  I wish I had more time but am thankful that there are members like Beth who are good at this sort of thing, eager to help people and to be honest, I don't think "hard work" is even in her vocabulary.  She just has that kind of persistence and drive in her.


Overtime, with the use of the spreadsheet, we can easily see our success rate.  We're still small enough that we can start this and add new members as they join and keep an ongoing list for years.  We'll have years worth of data that will be instrumental in how we can continue to grow to meet the needs of the membership here.


So, A HUGE thank you to the only Queen on the Quit Train for her willingness to do this.  I'm going to pin this topic for a few as we feel it's a huge step in the right direction for Quit Train.  :)

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What a great idea and Queen Greenlover (Beth) will be perfect :)

Hi Beth, don't think I've "met" you before, did you just join, Or come from another site?

I'm Sue nice to meet you xxx

Ps you should introduce yourself so everyone can get to know you if they don't already x

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Wow! I can imagine how good I'd feel if I had quit smoking, gave up in despair, and then got an outreach email from Quit Train offering to help me get back on track. How cool would that be!!


Great idea, MQ, and so kind of Beth to undertake this task. 

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It's a forum to control an addiction, I assume the reason why some people don't come back are pretty self-explaining. 


I am no sure, but I assume relapsing must give you a feeling of not being strong enough to go through with something (really just an assumption). I would feel very annoyed if somebody would ask me for "reasons" and would feel pestered. After all it's online and some people (still) like their privacy.


I do know for a fact that some of my blog readers have signed on here but are not sure if they want to participate -yet. I know the reasons and fully understand, they will come forward (or not) if they decide to do so.

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It's a forum to control an addiction, I assume the reason why some people don't come back are pretty self-explaining. 

Quit Train is a support forum.  We don't claim to or attempt to control nicotine addiction, just offer support and a distraction to help others quit and keep their quits.  


I am no sure, but I assume relapsing must give you a feeling of not being strong enough to go through with something (really just an assumption).

When I relapsed, I did not have a feeling of not being strong enough to follow through with anything and anybody who has relapsed and is reading this, don't feel that you're not strong enough to follow through with anything; whether it be quitting smoking or passing a class, your inner strength remains.  A relapse can quickly be righted by quitting again.  :)


I would feel very annoyed if somebody would ask me for "reasons" and would feel pestered. After all it's online and some people (still) like their privacy.

Nobody is asking anybody for any reasons about anything.  Most if not all message boards send out birthday emails, anniversary emails, new products etc., so if we send a "You've Been Missed" email, I hardly doubt that is an invasion of privacy, especially since only those who have the box checked to receive emails from us will get one.  Please re-read my post to better understand what we're trying to do.  I can assure you that all of our efforts are channeled to reach out and help others.  We make no money from this forum and don't ask anyone for anything except to give quitting smoking a chance.


I do know for a fact that some of my blog readers have signed on here but are not sure if they want to participate -yet. I know the reasons and fully understand, they will come forward (or not) if they decide to do so.

We welcome everybody, as you already know.  :)

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It's a forum to control an addiction, I assume the reason why some people don't come back are pretty self-explaining. 

Quit Train is a support forum.  We don't claim to or attempt to control nicotine addiction, just offer support and a distraction to help others quit and keep their quits.  


I am no sure, but I assume relapsing must give you a feeling of not being strong enough to go through with something (really just an assumption).

When I relapsed, I did not have a feeling of not being strong enough to follow through with anything and anybody who has relapsed and is reading this, don't feel that you're not strong enough to follow through with anything; whether it be quitting smoking or passing a class, your inner strength remains.  A relapse can quickly be righted by quitting again.  :)


I would feel very annoyed if somebody would ask me for "reasons" and would feel pestered. After all it's online and some people (still) like their privacy.

Nobody is asking anybody for any reasons about anything.  Most if not all message boards send out birthday emails, anniversary emails, new products etc., so if we send a "You've Been Missed" email, I hardly doubt that is an invasion of privacy, especially since only those who have the box checked to receive emails from us will get one.  Please re-read my post to better understand what we're trying to do.  I can assure you that all of our efforts are channeled to reach out and help others.  We make no money from this forum and don't ask anyone for anything except to give quitting smoking a chance.


I do know for a fact that some of my blog readers have signed on here but are not sure if they want to participate -yet. I know the reasons and fully understand, they will come forward (or not) if they decide to do so.

We welcome everybody, as you already know.  :)


Sharing an email address with a 3rd party, even though it is a member of the board, is an invasion of privacy. I don't remember the sign-up process, but I don't think there was a button where I could allow or deny my private information to be shared with other members of the board. Maybe I misunderstood and you meant she will contact members via PM and not email, or maybe she is a administrator and I didn't see this either...my bad then!


The people coming from my blog will be posting when they are ready. The have different reasons for not posting, very interesting reasons by the way!


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It's a forum to control an addiction, I assume the reason why some people don't come back are pretty self-explaining. 

Quit Train is a support forum.  We don't claim to or attempt to control nicotine addiction, just offer support and a distraction to help others quit and keep their quits.  


I am no sure, but I assume relapsing must give you a feeling of not being strong enough to go through with something (really just an assumption).

When I relapsed, I did not have a feeling of not being strong enough to follow through with anything and anybody who has relapsed and is reading this, don't feel that you're not strong enough to follow through with anything; whether it be quitting smoking or passing a class, your inner strength remains.  A relapse can quickly be righted by quitting again.  :)


I would feel very annoyed if somebody would ask me for "reasons" and would feel pestered. After all it's online and some people (still) like their privacy.

Nobody is asking anybody for any reasons about anything.  Most if not all message boards send out birthday emails, anniversary emails, new products etc., so if we send a "You've Been Missed" email, I hardly doubt that is an invasion of privacy, especially since only those who have the box checked to receive emails from us will get one.  Please re-read my post to better understand what we're trying to do.  I can assure you that all of our efforts are channeled to reach out and help others.  We make no money from this forum and don't ask anyone for anything except to give quitting smoking a chance.


I do know for a fact that some of my blog readers have signed on here but are not sure if they want to participate -yet. I know the reasons and fully understand, they will come forward (or not) if they decide to do so.

We welcome everybody, as you already know.  :)


Sharing an email address with a 3rd party, even though it is a member of the board, is an invasion of privacy. I don't remember the sign-up process, but I don't think there was a button where I could allow or deny my private information to be shared with other members of the board. Maybe I misunderstood and you meant she will contact members via PM and not email, or maybe she is a administrator and I didn't see this either...my bad then!


The people coming from my blog will be posting when they are ready. The have different reasons for not posting, very interesting reasons by the way!




What am I missing?  There is no private information asked when you join.  The requirement is a valid email address to protect the integrity of this forum.  Furthermore,  I am not a third party, I'm the owner of this forum.  The only person who sees email addresses is me, not the moderators, not Beth.  The only person who will be sending any emails is me.  So please tell me how I am sharing any emails with a third party.


Again, LB, please re-read my original post because a lot of it went right by ya.  I think it's pretty clear.  Your responses baffle me at times.

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What am I missing?  There is no private information asked when you join.  The requirement is a valid email address to protect the integrity of this forum.  Furthermore,  I am not a third party, I'm the owner of this forum.  The only person who sees email addresses is me, not the moderators, not Beth.  The only person who will be sending any emails is me.  So please tell me how I am sharing any emails with a third party.


Again, LB, please re-read my original post because a lot of it went right by ya.  I think it's pretty clear.  Your responses baffle me at times.


LOL MQ you baffled me as well, since you said : When members join (and at anytime after) they have the option to receive emails from Quit Train.  If they want to receive emails from us, we will send out a personal email to each one to check on them and see if there is anything we can to do help.  It will also offer some insight on areas that myself, the moderators and Beth can improve the forum. Either you "the owner" write the emails or Beth gets the email address and contact the members, in this case you would share an email address. 


But, no worries, all good...you guys are doing a great job and will eventually help some people to stay quit.

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LOL MQ you baffled me as well, since you said : When members join (and at anytime after) they have the option to receive emails from Quit Train.  If they want to receive emails from us, we will send out a personal email to each one to check on them and see if there is anything we can to do help.  It will also offer some insight on areas that myself, the moderators and Beth can improve the forum. Either you "the owner" write the emails or Beth gets the email address and contact the members, in this case you would share an email address. 


But, no worries, all good...you guys are doing a great job and will eventually help some people to stay quit.

Hey bug, you know I love you but... You know that we have already helped people to stay quit already?!

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I use "us" when talking about Quit Train because without "us", there is no forum.  Member information is not shared, what little we ask for. :)  Besides, this is no concern of yours.



But, no worries, all good...you guys are doing a great job and will eventually help some people to stay quit.


Nothing like a good old fashioned back-handed compliment (insult).

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Oh, oh! I'm getting a PTSD flashback here!  :( MQ wants to reach out and encourage inactive members to renew their quit. LB wants to make sure that people's privacy is protected from spam. Both of you made your points quite eloquently. I'm sure that you will both take the other's point of view under advisement. Can we put this issue to rest now?

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I'm going inbetween here.


I never saw a way to not get email either, that said, for me! No problem, I like the reach out it gives me. All good. Privacy must be respected though. Total agreement


Flip it:


I literally posted to Susana yesterday, to reach out and help and support. I said I wish someone had of cared enough about me when I relapsed to reach out rather then going ah, smoking, ok. I needed a brass band and a bit of dragging :)


Now, can we all take our bat and ball home if the other kids aren't playing nicely??


Loves to all. xx

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We have never breached privacy and never will.  We will never ask for money, contacts or anything else. 


What a valuable tool this can be to reach out to those who reached out to us.


If you go to edit your profile, you see a box asking if you'd like to receive emails from the administrator(s).  I've never sent an email from Quit Train and have only responded to those who have emailed me.


As I've stated many times, I care about each and every one of you, and I don't need to know you to say that.  Anything that we can do as a group to help people we already do and if there is something more that I can do as the administrator to help, I will. 


We found a way and I fully intend to reach out to those who were here and left.  There is no breach of privacy for Beth to give me information that every single member here can see.  She's just willing to compile it all for me so I have accurate data.


I belong to a couple of automobile forums and when I don't post for awhile, I get an auto-generated email stating that I've been missed.  I don't want to send an auto-generated email and would rather make each one more personalized because I do care.  The moderators care.  Beth cares and I know all of you do as well.


This is in no way a breech of privacy and would ask anybody to think twice before tossing out those accusations because we've gone to great lengths (not to mention money) to ensure privacy is protected as much as possible.


So an owner of a quit site sends an email to a member who has not posted in a long time to see how they are doing is spam?  lol I don't think so.  Sounds more like somebody who cares.  Sounds like somebody who pays attention to members.  Doesn't sound like spam.  Spam is sending emails to sell crap.  What am I selling?  I only spend money on this forum.  I don't and refused to take donations (many have offered) from anybody.


Some of the stuff that I've read in this thread was written to plant negative seeds and I don't much appreciate it.  Typically I won't even respond to such things but when the integrity of this forum is erroneously called into question, I will not be silent and do whatever it takes to stop such accusations.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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