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It seems I have tried so many times to quit, that I am at a loss and a bit discouraged.  Today, I will give quitting another shot.  I've tried the patch, champix and made it a best total of 4 months.  I don't know if this is a 'will' issue or just that I don't have the courage, but I know I don't want to be a smoker anymore.  I hope I can quit so that I have more energy, $$$ and health.  I don't even really know anymore why I smoke.  I guess these are some questions I will have to address.
Have a great day! 

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Hello @Deggit. Welcome to the Quittrain. I know how you feel because I have been there many times and good for you for giving this new quit another shot. Maybe this will be your BEST shot. It is never about having courage or lacking the "will" to quit. Smoking is an addiction. And yes, you probably had your reasons for starting many years ago. But  you likely got to the point that you found all kinds of reasons in life to smoke... like it was an exclamation point for everything. You will find lots of support here from people who will offer you support. We have all been where you are now. 


The best place to begin is to not focus on quitting forever. Just one minute, one hour, one day at a time.


Please come here often, read posts, get to know others here and come here for support when you are struggling.


Join our Daily Not One Puff Ever pledge


You've got this @Deggit... and we have your back.











Edited by Genecanuck
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HI @Deggit  Welcome aboard the Train!!  Gene gave you great advice but you really do need to come on this site as often as possible so we all can support you in your quit journey!  Many of us on here have been quit for over a decade and then there are newbies like you and everyone in between, but we all have one thing in common, we all had that very "first day" of quitting!  We all went through the withdrawal symptoms, so everything you are experiencing, we also went through and we can definitely help you succeed.  This is the 2nd time and last time I am going to quit (who wants to go through another round of withdrawal symptoms, if I don't have to!) Definitely not me!!  The first time I quit I used Chantix and while I found it to be a wonder drug where I didn't get very many withdrawal symptoms, I did go back after 6 years.  Unfortunately I didn't know about this site back then. If I did, I probably wouldn't have gone back to smoking.   This time I quit cold turkey and the withdrawal symptoms were very bad in the beginning, but I came on here a lot and everyone helped me get through them.  It wasn't easy, but I did it and you will do it too!  I hope to see you on here again soon!  Good luck to you! 🙂

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Hello and welcome . 
We have great advice on our Main Discussion Board to get you started , they are pinned with green . 
You fight this addiction with tools and knowledge .

Understand this addiction and why you stay hooked .

Looking forward to getting to know you better . 🐸

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Welcome to the site, @Deggit and you are making a great decision in quitting smoking.  There is a lot of support and knowledge you can gain here in your quitting journey.  Stick around, you can do this.

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Howdy, @Deggit. Welcome to the Quit Train! We’re glad you’re here and we are ready to help.


Why you still smoke is actually not a mystery… you are not weak, your brain is chemically addicted.  For that reason, withdrawal sucks at first and it’s hard to think clearly about quitting. But that’s temporary. Such good things lie ahead!


What’s your plan?



Edited by DenaliBlues
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We're so happy you're here, Deggit!  For many of us, it took multiple attempts before finding and executing our forever quit, so you're not alone.  My suggestion is to try something different--that is, try adding a new dimension to this (forever!) quit.  For me, that new dimension was exercise and a new approach to food and nutrition.  Making some important changes in these areas gave me something positive and proactive to focus on, instead of just the thing that I was avoiding.  But whatever approach you use, know that it CAN be done, and it will absolutely transform your life. 



22+ Years Quit  

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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